Chapter 2

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Hello, my name is Barry Allen, or also known to many people as The Flash. My parents are called Henry and Nora Allen and I work as a forensic scientist at the CCPD (Central City Police Department).

After the explosion of the particle accelerator, my life gave a 360º turn and gave me powers, being some of them: Superhuman speed, Accelerated healing factor, Bosily Vibration, Seismokinesis, Electrokinesis, Superhuman Strength, superhuman mental process and superhuman perceptions.

Since my mother died and my father was unjustly imprisoned for the murder of his wife, I have lived with the West, namely Joe, Iris and Wally. Iris and I have been friends since childhood and we have a special relationship, and I started to gain more romantic feelings for her a few years ago, but she doesn't know.

Two other people who have become very special in my life are Cisco Ramone and Caitlin Snow. They have been with me for nine months while I was in a coma and to this day have helped me in the arduous task of saving the city from meta-humans.

Every morning I wake up, have breakfast at Jitters, which is my favorite coffee and go to work for CCPD. At the end of the afternoon I go to the STAR Labs where, together with Cisco, Caitlin and Wells, I study my new abilities and where we see hours and hours of surveillance cameras looking for a new goal to learn.

At night I go back to Joe's house, where we often have dinner with the four of us as a family and then I go to my room, fall asleep and start the routine again the next day. For many, my daily routine could be very stressful but I did not exchange it for anything in this world.

Don't get me wrong, my main objective is still to find evidence to prove my father's innocence and get him out of prison, but it is good to have a hobbie that is to save the people of Central City.

Although my professional life goes well for me, the sentimental one does not. I've been in love for years with someone who doesn't care about me, who doesn't like me except as his best friend. I had my girlfriends but the relationships never lasted long, because although I liked them a lot, none was Iris.

The first meta-human I faced after discovering my powers was Clyde Martin and that's what I said to Joe, but he didn't believe me. It was on the same day that I discovered that Iris was dating a CCPD colleague of mine, Eddie. That left me heartbroken, but life has to continue...

After Joe didn't believe me when I told him who the assailant was, I went to the STAR Labs team for my first training. It was strange, first of all the fact that Cisco gave me was very tight and when Caitlin came to adjust the device that was around my waist, I noticed that in the time I know her, which I admit is not long ago, I never saw her smile.

- What's up? Why are you looking at me that way?

- Nothing, nothing. I was just noticing that you don't smile much.

- My promising career in being a bioengeenier is over, my boss is in a wheelchair for the rest of his life and the explosion that put you in a coma also killed my fiance. That's why I don't feel like smiling at the world.

I really realized that Caitlin had her life ruined and I realized why she is always on the defensive and doesn't let anyone new into her life. I don't know what I would do if I were in her shoes and I realized that she just needed time to adjust to the idea of ​​having me as a company.

The day Joe discovered my true identity, it was the same day I was fighting a tornado, it was obvious that it was the work of a goal and I had to defeat him even if it meant that Joe discovered my big secret, and it was that's what happened.

Joe was at the spot where I was fighting the finish line and he recognized me right away, after removing the part under my mask to be able to talk on the intercom with Caitlin.

With some effort, but I managed to defeat the tornado, running in the opposite direction to the current. When the human version of the meta finally appeared, Joe put a bullet in his chest and that's how we managed to defeat him.

Once again, Central City was safe and it was time to drop the mask and talk to Joe about what had just happened. After talking to him and telling him everything that had happened to me during the coma and how I woke up with powers, he understood but asked me never to tell Iris my secret, which I agreed to.

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