Chapter 12

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I spent a little more talking with my father, but I had to go to the CCPD for my shift before the captain found out that I was not there. I was so happy to have him again in my life and now he and I could start a new chapter without regret or guilt in our lives.

I know that Dr. Wells has caused me a lot of pain since I was a little boy, but I was glad that he redeemed himself in the end and confessed to my mother's murder. I lost my mother and that's done, I can't back out but I still have my father and I will do everything to make him have the life he deserves.

My work at CCPD ended today, so I could go to STAR Labs to visit Eddie. When I got there, Cisco was keeping an eye on the city cameras while Caitlin was next to Eddie in case he needed anything.

"So, how are you, partner?" I asked, pulling a chair to the edge of the bed.

- Better, but still in a lot of pain. Caitlin said I could go home tomorrow, but I still can't go back to the chase for at least two or three weeks.

- You'll have to settle for the secretary job. People are always asking me for you! You miss it inside!

- I miss you too, but I admit that you are treating me very well here. Thanks again for everything Caitlin, I don't know what would become of me without you.

- Again you don't need to thank me, it was the least I could say.

"I arrived with dinner!" Said Iris with three bags full of food.

She had called me to ask if we wanted to have dinner there with her and Eddie and the staff lined up quickly. I still invited my dad but he said he was going to be with Joe and they were going to have dinner together in a bar where they used to go, so he was fine.

We haven't been like this for a long time, a group of friends having dinner and talking about random things. Iris was delighted when she learned that tomorrow Eddie could finally go home and I don't blame her, it is always good to have the person we love by our side, in our home.

Seeing them this way, still made me jealous, but now I could control my feelings in a better way. I don't know if it was because I was finally overcoming my passion for Iris or if I'm just used to their relationship. In any case, I'm glad you're both happy!

I confess that having my recent two best friends here is excellent. Each of them brings something to our relationship. Cisco is the prankster and the person who can animate a room just by entering it. When Cisco is in a place, no one is indifferent to his presence.

Cailin is, on the one hand, different from Cisco. She is more closed but once you get to know her better and if she trusts you, she has a lot of similarities with Cisco and her moods are very coincident, which is even scary. The biggest thing that attracted me to Caitlin is her way of giving us advice, even though we don't know we need it.

I think one of the reasons the three of us get along so well is because we all know what it's like to lose someone important in our lives. I lost my mother, Cisco lost her older brother and Caitlin lost her father and more recently, her husband. But we all lost Dr. Wells, who we thought was our friend and who has always helped us, from our first day here in the laboratory, in everything we needed.

Dinner was great, so was the company, but it was getting late and I had to go to the CCPD early tomorrow, so it was time to go home. It was clear that as Eddie was still here tonight, Iris stayed with him but me, Cisco and Caitlin went to our house to rest. When I got to Joe's house, my dad was sleeping on the couch so I went in and went up the stairs to my room very slowly so as not to wake him up.

I went to the bathroom to do my hygiene and then I went to the bedroom to change clothes, put on my pajamas and lie down on my bed, which I was already calling for. In the morning I woke up to the horrible sound of my alarm clock, it really should be a crime to have to get up so early to go to work, I love my job, but it's too early! I got up from the bed, went to do my morning hygiene in the bathroom and went back to my room to change clothes.

When I came down I felt a familiar smell. I went downstairs and found my dad in the kitchen making breakfast.

- What a smell, you already missed your paquecas with chocolate and whipped cream.

- Then sit down that they are almost ready. You know, son, I was talking to Joe yesterday and I think I'm going to take a few weeks off to visit my sister. I told him what happened and how I was released after they managed to prove my innocence and the truth is that I miss my family.

- I realize, as much as I want you by my side, I know that the rest of our family needs you too. When are you going?

- Tomorrow morning. Joe is going to help me buy the plane ticket and I already called my sister to tell her I was going to spend a few weeks there. She said she would be very happy to have me there and even provided a room in her house for me to stay as long as I was there.

- I'm happy for you dad. But I want to take you to the airport, without but or but. Tomorrow I'm off at CCPD and if I get to the lab a little later, they don't care.

- It's agreed son!

I felt sad that he wanted to leave, even if it was only for a few weeks or even a few months, but I understand that the rest of the family wants him on his side. They haven't seen each other for a long time and these weeks will do them good, for him and the rest of the family.

- What a smell ...- said Joe walking down the stairs towards the kitchen.

- Sit down because in a little while we have to be at the CCPD and I take advantage and flew with you.

We just ate the delicious pancakes that my father made and it is extraordinary how they taste just like when he made it for me and my mother. We left the house and went towards the CCPD, where I went to my office and had another column of paperwork to sign.

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