Chapter 29

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Both Cisco and I looked everywhere for her or signs of Jay but nothing was going well. It was the same thing again, hopefully this time things will go better.

I let Joe and Eddie know if they have any clue as to Jay's whereabouts, but so far there's still no news. I was despairing more and more, the fact that she was with him was bad but what most gnawed at me inside is that I promised to protect her and she ended up falling into his clutches again. Suddenly Harry came with his tablet and showed us a video.

- Allen, if you want to see your precious beloved again, you have to come to Brooklyn Tower tonight. If you don't, she dies! Ah, one more thing, come alone, if I know that you have any of your little friends, whether police or STAR Labs, she dies anyway. I wait for you tonight!

- Well at least this time he asked for a kind of regrowth. It's more than we had last time.

- Yes, that's true but we have to be careful.

- I don't care, I have to go to him.

- But you are not going alone, warn Joe or Eddie but you have to take backup, remember the last time you faced him? You ran out of your powers! "Exclaimed Cisco.

- No, I'm going alone ... If I don't, he kills her and I won't let that happen.

The deadline was coming and I was nervous because it was going to be the first fight with my powers back and we all know what happened the last time I fought him. But right now, whether or not losing my powers isn't the most important thing, saving Cailtin is.

Cisco suggested that I go home to bathe and eat something but I didn't feel like it, so I waited in the lab for time to meet Jay. It was five minutes to the agreed time, but I went to the bridge anyway and Jay showed up with Caitlin shortly thereafter.

- I'm already here, now let her go.

- I don't think so, I think she'll still do me a lot, besides I want her to see her hero dying.

The fight started and we were on an equal footing, neither of us had an advantage over the other in terms of powers. I punched a lot but I also took a lot. There was a time when I landed right at the edge of Cailtin and that's when she told me what could be my victory card.

- He's sick, Barry! He needs to inject himself with the V9 regularly.

"That's why he wants to destroy you so quickly, he needs your powers to recover from the disease," said Harry in my ear.

- But he took them off once, didn't he?

- I don't know how his health was before he started taking V9, but it may not have been enough. Barry, your best weapon against him, is making him get tired. Then you will have a much easier time defeating him.

I did as I was told, and almost half an hour later, I noticed that Jay was tired. It was my opportunity to attack and finally manage to defeat him once and for all, but as soon as I advanced to the final punch, I don't know yet how it happened, he gained a kind of brute force and managed to defeat me.

- Did you really think I was coming for a fight not prepared? I'm not a Flash donkey, I know where I'm coming from!

- Why are you doing this, Jay?

- They already told you, I'm sick and I need a cure. V9 helps, but does not cure. Kidnapping your maid Cailtin Snow was just for pleasure ... She's a very special girl. Did you know that? And very loyal to you and the rest of your team ... what a pity you have to die tonight.- replied Jay smiling and looked at Caitlin.

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