Chapter 26

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"I'm sorry Barry!" Exclaimed Harry after I woke up.

Of course, I felt sad and disappointed but I knew that it was not their fault, as they were only trying to help me. It had been an exhausting experience, so Caitlin and I went home early to rest.

- Before you go, take these weapons. It's just for prevention, in case Jay shows up there.

We went home, but I couldn't rest because I was always afraid that Jay would decide to show up and take her again. Although she told me to go to rest, I knew I wasn't going to make it so I lay on the couch watching TV. I didn't notice that I fell asleep but when I opened my eyes it was already daylight and Cailtin was making breakfast.

- Good morning sleeper. I made scrambled eggs with bacon and there is pineapple and orange juice in the fridge. There is also fresh coffee in the machine!

We finished eating and I went to change my clothes because I had fallen asleep with the clothes from the previous day and Caitlin left me at the CCPD before going to the laboratory. When I got there, Joe hadn't arrived yet, but Eddie was already there with the biggest smile this establishment has ever seen.

- Look who he is! You have been missing Allen.- Eddie said noticing that I had arrived.

- I just left one day ... What's going on? Did you miss me?

- Some, I admit.

- I see you're ready to get back on the ground, I'm happy for you Eddie.

- Yes, the truth is that I already missed being able to run after the bandits and do the job at the crime scene. Being here is good, but I already felt bored with secretary work.

- Yes, I know how you feel, and that is why I should go to my office unless the captain sees me in the good life, he still sends me to the eye of the street.

The truth is that since I woke up this morning I had a slightly strange feeling, but it must have been just because of Jay's sight yesterday. Everything was going great, when suddenly I received a warning from Cisco to come to STAR Labs as soon as possible.

I told my captain that I had a family emergency and he dismissed me for the rest of the afternoon. I went to the laboratory as soon as possible. When I got there, Cisco, Caitlin and Harry were leaning against the corner of the operating room and Jay was sitting in one of the chairs.

- Look, who decided to show up? Good eyes see you Allen!

- What do you want this time, Jay?

"You have something that belongs to me, I came to get it!" Replied Jay, pointing at Caitlin.

- She's not going anywhere with you, Jay! And if I remember correctly, you let her come here after kidnapping her. If you really wanted her, you wouldn't let it go.

- Truth! But I know that harassing you with my possible return makes you suffer a lot Allen. She is your weak point! I know that and you know it too! Now I'm out of the way!

- Don't even think about it, she's not going anywhere ... Before you take her, you have to pass me!

- Passing you? - Jay asked laughing. - That will be very easy!

The fight between us started and let me say that I was running badly to my side. I had no advantage over him! I had already been to the ground many times, but the desire to protect her made me get up every time I fell. I was tired! I don't know how much longer I could take and then a horrible thing happened.

- Jay let me go! You're hurting me! "Shouted Cailtin.

He was close to her and grabbed her, pulling her to him. Anger came over me and when I found myself I was on top of him, punching his whole body at super speed.


After using the particle accelerator prototype to return Barry's powers, we learn that it didn't work, that is, we went back to square one. He was exhausted after what happened so I decided it was best to take him home so he could rest. At first, he didn't want to sleep but as soon as he lay down on the couch, he went out quickly and I went to bed taking with me one of the weapons that Cisco gave us.

Was I scared by the news that Jay was back and just asked me what he wanted this time? Did he come to pick me up? It was two-thirty in the morning when I finally managed to fall asleep and woke up with the alarm clock. I changed my clothes and went to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast.

Barry woke up just when he had finished frying the bacon and after we ate, he went to change clothes and then I went to take him to the CCPD. I arrived at STAR Labs and Cisco and Harry were already back from the prototype that had failed. Harry was sure this was going to work but something had gone wrong as Barry showed no signs of having dark matter in his systems and without it there were no powers.

I was watching the surveillance cameras as usual and Cisco and Harry were trying to figure out what had gone wrong when we heard a crash in the hall.

- Hello friends, I miss you, - said a voice behind me and I knew right away who this voice belonged to.

"What do you want?" Asked Cisco, coming over to my side.

- Calm down the horses, Ramone ... Before I tell you anything, you're going to call your friend Flash.

"Did you miss me?" Jay asked, approaching me, but Cisco stood in front of me in an attempt to protect me from him.

- Calm down Cisco, I'm not going to do anything to her ... This is until our little friend gets here.

Minutes later Barry arrived and was surprised to see Jay sitting in Cisco's chair, but what scared me the most was the smile that appeared on Jay's lips as soon as he saw Barry.

"What do you want this time, Jay?" Asked Barry.

"You have something that belongs to me, I came to get it!" Replied Jay, pointing at me.

I can't believe this was happening again, he had come to pick me up and there was nothing my friends could do to stop him.

- She's your weak point! I know that and you know it too! Now I'm out of the way!

What did Jay mean by which I'm Barry's weak point? I had immense doubts in my head, one of them being why the hell did he release me if he wanted me by his side? But despite all the doubts, fear reigned in my mind and that left me paralyzed. In fact, if it weren't for Cisco who hugged me, I don't know if I wouldn't have fallen in the middle of the floor.

The fight between the two of them had started but Barry was clearly at a disadvantage but he always got up the more times he went to the ground. It was noticed that after a few minutes, he was very tired, but before he could do anything, Jay was beside me and pulled me towards him.

I was shouting at him to let me go because the truth was that he was hurting my arm a lot but he didn't seem very affected by my screams until I saw Barry's eyes.

There were yellow and red rays in them and when we noticed her, Barry was beside Jay, punching him all over his body. Minutes later, Jay managed to escape and Barry was standing next to us with some blood on his face and bruises on his arms.

Despite being extremely happy with what had just happened, I was terrified. When I realized, I was shedding tears and as soon as Barry realized it, he came to hug me.

- Hey, hey, it's okay ... He's already gone! You're safe, Caitlin.

- Thank you for protecting me. I don't know what I would do without you!

"Good job Allen ... How are you feeling?" Asked Harry.

- Amazing! My powers have returned ... How is it possible? - asked Barry smiling.

- Maybe there was black matter in your system after the energy explosion yesterday, but it needed time to manifest. I think the fear of losing Snow again made you activate your powers.

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