Chapter 7

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After the particle accelerator exploded, Cisco installed a 3D scanner, where all areas of this laboratory could be seen. When I arrived with Caitlin, Cisco was looking at the photos of the plant and we found out that a room that was not supposed to be built there, so we went to see what it was and found out that the signal came from behind a wall.

I was inspecting the wall, when it suddenly opened and showed a room with the Reverse Flash suit and a board with the newspaper news that said I was going to disappear after a fight with the Reverse Flash.

Cisco was more concerned with the color of my suit but what Caitlin noticed was the name of the person who wrote the article, Iris West-Allen. Did that mean I was going to marry my best friend? Suddenly someone spoke and I was extremely confused, because I saw no one else but the three of us.

"Who are you?" Asked Cisco.

- I'm Gideon.

- Do you know Dr. Wells? Do you know who he really is?

- I don't understand the question.

- What is he doing here? Why did you come here?

"To kill you!" Replied Gideon.

- Dr. Wells is here. We have to get out of here. If you want to ask more questions, do it in an instant!

- Why did he kill Nora Allen?

- He was angry.

"Why?" I asked, even more confused.

- Because you escaped.

- What does he want from me?

- He wants you to be the Flash!

- Maybe that's why he let the particle accelerator explode, so that you could become Flash.

As he was reaching our shore, I used my super speed to get the three out of there before he caught us. I didn't even want to believe what we had discovered. Did he kill my mom because he was upset with me?

I decided to end the day for today, it had been a complicated afternoon. I arrived home and saw Iris in the living room preparing dinner and I suddenly realized that I had already lost a lot in my life, but it was time to tell the truth to my best friend.

I was nervous, but it was now or never, I had to tell you. I could no longer live by pretending that nothing was wrong with me, that I was not jealous of her and Eddie.

- Iris can we talk?

- Sure Barry what's going on? It's all right? You look kind of dejected.

- I had a hard day at STAR Labs, but that's not what I want to talk about. I love you.

- I love you too Barry. Now help me finish dinner! "Exclaimed Iris, returning to the stove.

- When we were little I loved you and didn't even know what the word love meant. And my mother died and I had to come and live with the girl with whom I had a crush. There were so many days when I wanted to tell you the truth but I never did. When I lost my mom and dad, I was so afraid of losing you too, but if I didn't tell you, I ended up losing you anyway. I know I could tell you at any time and that you're with Eddie now but I couldn't hide what I felt anymore.

- Barry, I was going to tell you that Eddie invited me to live with him and that I accepted. But...

- Oh! And when do you move?

- In two days, tomorrow I will start packing things.

- Good for you. I'm going upstairs, I'm going to take a shower and then rest.

I went upstairs and went to my room. Today was certainly not the best day. First I discover that my friend is my mother's killer and I get home, I declare myself to the woman I love and I find out that she is going to live with her boyfriend.

Two days later....

Two days have passed since Iris dropped the bomb that was going to live with Eddie and since then things between us have been strange. At STAR Labs, things are still not much better, now that we know the truth, we don't want to chase away my mother's killer because he is the only person who can prove my father's innocence, but it is difficult to work alongside him.

Today would be the day when Iris left the house and didn't want to be there when that happened, but it was impossible because Joe sent me a message saying that Iris wouldn't leave without speaking to me so I left STAR Labs and went home.

- My girl will be leaving my nest soon ... I don't know if I'm prepared for that!

- Dad, you are! I love Eddie and he loves me with all his heart. He will never hurt me!

- I know that things have been a little weird between us lately, but I'm glad you're happy. I just want you to be happy and if you are with him, then you have all my support.- he said to Iris when he approached me.

- Thank you Barry, I didn't want to leave the house without making peace with you. We were always best friends and I didn't want to lose your friendship.

"You won't lose it," he said and she left the house with Eddie.

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