Chapter 10

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The rest of my afternoon went to see pictures of the two of us and the tears falling down, wetting my shirt, all over my shoulders. I couldn't contain it, I had lost it again. Night came and since I didn't feel like eating anything, I went to bed because I needed to rest, but when I was just getting into my bed, the doorbell rang. I put on the slippers and went to open the door.

- What are you doing here?

- I had to come and see how you were doing, Caitlin! I can enter?

- Of course come in!


After Caitlin left STAR Labs, I still stayed with Iris and Eddie for a while. I insisted that she go home that I was with him but she wanted to be with the man she loved and I realized. I was packing my stuff and I could only think about Caitlin and how she must be feeling. Not only did she lose the man of her life, but she lost him twice and on one occasion, they had just married.

I know what it's like to lose the most important person in your life and that ends us. When I realized I was at her apartment door and I rang the doorbell. When she came to open me, I didn't want to believe the state she was in.

The eyes had those dark circles from when a person cries and cries and cries and didn't seem to have eaten much at dinner. On the table by the sofa, there were pictures of them spread out on the table and an empty box of tissues in the corner.

- I was worried about you, that's why I came.

- I appreciate the concern, but you didn't need to come Barry, I know you have your stuff and you just saw your mother's murder again.

- But what matters now is you! How are you?

- Sincerely? It is as if a part of my heart has been ripped out. You know it's like when you have a wound that after healing, you make another one in the same place and always on and on. It hurts so much Barry, so much! When he "died" in the explosion, I felt like my life no longer made sense, when I was at home I looked at the front door waiting for him to appear one day and that it was all just a nightmare. When I discovered that he was alive, it was as if the universe had given our love a second chance and all the moments we spent together were magnificent because we knew that one day, something bad could happen. And then we got married ... I dreamed of that day when I married Ronnie for years and when we finally did, he had to sacrifice himself.

- For me ... He died because of me ... He died saving me.

- You can't blame yourself Barry. He knew the risks he was taking when his body emerged with Professor Stine and when he fought on your side for the black hole to close. Do you know that he asked me to leave Central City to live a normal life? But I told you no! I was unable to abandon STAR Labs, Dr. Wells, Cisco ... you. Perhaps if I had accepted his proposal and gone with him, he would still be alive.

- You can't blame yourself. Caitlin, it wasn't your fault. He loved you with all the strength of his being and when he saved me he told me to tell you that he loved you and would always love you, no matter where he was ... he would always love you.

It broke my heart to see you like that. I always saw Caitlin as a strong, determined woman, but now I was seeing the same woman but with a vulnerable side and that still made me like her more. I didn't even notice the time, I just know that when I looked at the clock it was already eleven-quarters.

- Well, it's late. You better go to sleep.

- Can you stay with me? At least until I fall asleep?

I didn't even have to think about the answer, because I knew that I too would not be rested to leave her alone after the day she had. I accompanied her to her room and lay down on top of the blankets beside her. I didn't fall asleep, but I know I woke up at seven thirty in the morning, with three missed calls from Cisco and two messages saying I had to go to STAR Labs urgently because he had found something very important.

I didn't want to wake Caitlin, but it seems that I moved too much and she ended up opening her eyes. God, she looks like an angel, sleeping and awake!

- Good morning Barry.

- Good morning, I'm sorry I woke you up but I have to go to STAR Labs to see Cisco.

- Why? What's going on? "She asked worriedly, getting up a little on the bed, sitting down.

- I don't know, he just said it was urgent. I'll see what's going on and then I'll bring you breakfast.

- Wait, I'll go with you. So I see how Eddi is doing too.

I went to the living room while waiting for Caitlin to change clothes and then I picked her up and in a matter of seconds we were at the entrance to the laboratory. She tried not to notice, but I know that the memories of the previous day that this place brought were still painful.

- Cisco what's so urgent?

- I was going through Dr. Wells' things when I noticed an envelope and when I opened it I had a note and a pen. Apparently Wells had written some kind of will and had your name on the envelope.

I put the pen on Cisco's computer and opened the file, which was a video of himself.

- Hello Barry! Well, if you see this, it means something went terribly wrong. I am dead and the last 15 years have been for nothing. I'm going to give you what you want most, so deliver the following message to the police: My name is Harrison Wells and I'm recording this to confess to the murder of Nora Allen on the night of March 18, 2000 ...

"Oh my god, he confessed!" Caitlin said smiling.

- This is what I need to get my father out of prison.- I said looking at her and then at Cisco who was as confused and fascinated as I was. I took out my cell phone and called Joe.- Joe, I need you to come to STAR Labs quickly.

Minutes later he appeared and I showed him the pen with the video with Dr. Wells' confession. Finally I had the proof I needed to save my father and after he saw it, he said he was going to hand it over to his captain and they were going to withdraw my father's sentence.

Joe later called me to say that my dad was going to be released tomorrow morning, because there was still some paperwork to do. I was so happy to finally have what I always fought for.

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