Chapter 28

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After we clarified things, I hugged her but when we walked away I couldn't resist and I had to kiss her. It was an impulse but damn, it feels so good to have her lips synchronized with mine. I didn't want to end the kiss at all, but the shortness of breath was stronger and we had to separate.

We both stood looking at each other without really knowing what to say or do next. We decided that the best thing would be to go to our room, because we needed to think about what just happened.

I sat on my bed and couldn't stop thinking about the kiss! Wow, what did Caitlin do to me? I never felt like that, not even with Iris. I spent an hour and a half in my room looking at the ceiling and I couldn't forget the kiss this afternoon, but I had to start making dinner.

- Can we talk?

- Yes, I think we have to talk about it, don't we ?!

- The kiss was great, but it was in the heat of the moment, it meant nothing ... I mean, a kiss always means something, but ... you understood what I meant.

- I was going to say the same! Good thing we agree! We can continue to be friends and do as if it hadn't happened.

I was disappointed, saddened by what she said, but in reality the timing was not right either. I hope it is not strange to be friends after what happened, but I am willing to try.

We started making dinner and tried our best, I speak for myself, to forget what happened, although it was not being easy. In spite of everything, it was good to resume our routine, that is, before I decided to leave it.

With dinner ready, we sat at the table and talked while we ate. Being with her like that was nice, even if it was just like friends. We just finished dinner and went to bed because tomorrow I had to go to the CCPD all day and she had a job at STAR Labs.

Two weeks later...

Two weeks have passed since the day we kissed and things have returned to normal between us. At first it was a little strange but it returned to normal. Today I woke up with a feeling that something huge was going to happen in my day and I hope this thing is positive.

Since that day, we haven't heard anything from Jay, he hasn't shown any signs of life, which doesn't make me feel comfortable. I don't believe he gave up, he must be planning something big.

"Is everything okay, Allen?" Asked Harry.

- I don't know yet, I have a feeling that something will happen ... I don't know what, or when, but something will. But well, I have to go to the CCPD, but if something happens, call me as soon as I run. Can Cisco come with me to the hall?

- What do you need friend?

- I know I've said it many times, but don't leave her alone. I find it very strange that Jay still hasn't done or said anything, this "peace" will not last forever.

- Do not worry, I will always be with her and if something happens, you will be the first to know. Now go to work before they fire you.

I don't know why but I couldn't get this feeling out of my head, that something bad was going to happen and I knew it had to do with Jay. When I arrived at the CCPD, I went quickly to my office, as I had no desire to see or talk to anyone. Lately the days here at the CCPD have been incredibly boring, the cases we had were not very demanding.

- I'm glad you arrived, I needed to talk to you. - Joe said, sitting down in the chair. - But before that, what has happened to you lately? You have been very strange, more than usual.

I knew I couldn't fool Joe and tell him that nothing was going on so I told him everything. Jay's return, the kiss with Caitlin and the feeling I had today.

- As for the sensation, I can't help you, I can only tell you to trust your sixth sense. As for the kiss with Caitlin, sooner or later it was going to happen. You like her and I know she feels the same way. You have to talk to her again and tell her everything!

Maybe Joe was right, but I can't tell her, at least for now. This situation with Jay has to end first and only then do I consider telling her the truth.

I was dealing with paperwork, when I get an SMS from Cisco saying to go quickly to STAR Labs. I no longer wanted to know about the paperwork or my captain, I took my coat and ran to the lab.

"He took Caitlin," said Cisco, gun in hand.

- But how? When?

- Now, as soon as it happened, I sent you the message. She went to the bathroom and didn't come back for a few minutes. It was taking so long, so I went to the door and asked if everything was okay but she didn't answer me, that's when I opened the door and I didn't see her anywhere. The window was open.

- We have to find her and quickly, who knows what he will want with her.

- Barry, I'm sorry, I should have protected her better.

- Cisco, it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have guessed! Now what we have to do is find her and bring her home safe and sound.

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