Chapter 36

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One month! A month has passed since I said to Barry that we were going to be parents. Due to this unexpected situation, we even had to advance the wedding. Well, today is that day! The special day where two people who love each other are forever united in body and soul.

The ceremony was going to be a very simple thing, just with the people closest to us, like Barry's father, West's, our friends from STAR Labs and Oliver and Felicity. I would even invite my mother, but everyone knows that we don't get along very well and I prefer that she is not there, in fact I haven't even spoken to her for so long that I don't even know where she is.

Both the ceremony and the wedding reception were to be held in the laboratory. Of course, we still haven't told anyone the real reason for getting married so early, but today everyone would know. As expected, Iris would be my maid of honor and Cisco would be Barry's best man. Iris was a precious help in choosing my wedding dress and for that I am very grateful.

- The priest has arrived, Caitlin.- said Iris entering the room where I was just getting ready. - Wow, you look so beautiful!

- Thank you Iris, for the compliment and help with the dress.

- You don't need to thank, after all, what are friends for?

- Do you think you can do me a little favor? Can you go get Harry? I needed to talk to him.- I asked and minutes later the two appeared in the room where I was.

"Does the bride need to talk to me?" Asked Harry, sitting down in a chair.

- I wanted to make a request. I wanted to know if you would accompany me to the altar.

- Of course, Snow! It would be an honor!

- Sorry to bother you, but I just came to tell you it's time, - said Felicity entering the room and then left, to join our friends.

The way to the "altar" was short, it was also in the next room .... On the way I just thought about the fear that this marriage would end like the previous one. I know it's a strange fear, but you never know what might happen in the next minute. Although seeing Barry's happy face, my fears disappeared.

- Dear friends, we are here to celebrate the union of Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow. May this marriage fill you with love and joy for the rest of your lives. Alliances please.- said the priest and Cisco stepped forward.

- Catlin Snow accepts Barry Allen for his rightful husband ... To love and respect until the end of your lives?

"I accept!" I replied and Barry put my wedding ring on my finger.

- Barry Allen accepts Caitlin Snow for his legitimate wife ... To love and respect until the end of your lives?

"I accept!" Replied Barry and I put his wedding ring on his finger.

- By the power invested in me, husband and wife declare to you. You can kiss the bride.

After the ceremony, we went to the control room, which was the most spacious in the laboratory and was where the tables and chairs were set up. I was so happy, I was finally married to the man I loved and I was waiting for our first children.

The wedding reception was nothing exceptional, we had ordered all the food from Jitters, as well as the desserts. After lunch and after the speeches of the groomsmen and his father, it was our turn to announce the great news of the century.

- Well I know that many of you find it strange that we had the wedding so early, since it is an event that requires a lot of planning, believe me I know that, but there is a reason why we didn't want to wait too long. You know, the truth is, Barry and I will be parents in a few months.

- Oh my God! Are you pregnant? This is fantastic Caitlin.- said Iris almost screaming. After Iris' outbreak of happiness, everyone came to congratulate us and a hug.

The rest of our "wedding reception" went smoothly, but it ended early because tomorrow was another day at work and as I was pregnant, Barry thought it best for me to go home and rest. As soon as we got home, I took off my wedding dress, put on my pajamas and got in bed.

- So how are you?

- A little tired but very happy.- I said returning the kiss.

- It is normal to be tired, now you are expending energy for three people. You have to slow down in your tasks, I don't want you to make unnecessary efforts.

- Okay dad! I will try to be more careful.

I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep quickly. In the morning I woke up with a noise in the kitchen. I looked at my watch and saw that it was only five minutes before I usually wake up, so I changed clothes and went to the kitchen.

- Good morning my beautiful woman.- Barry said giving me a kiss on the lips when he saw that I was in the kitchen.

- Good morning, I don't know what you are preparing but it smells good, man!

The promised would be fulfilled. Starting today, I would be more careful in my day-to-day, because now I did not only have to take care of my health, but also the health of my two children.

In the lab, I couldn't do anything that required too much effort, so I ended up spending most of the day in front of the computer, sitting in the chair.


Yesterday had been incredible. I couldn't be happier, I finally had the woman of my life by my side and soon I would have two children hanging around our house. In fact it reminds me, that we have to think about getting a new house, because Caitlin's house is great, but it only has two rooms.

I mean, while our children were babies, the space works, but once they start growing, they will need at least one room for each one.

I accompanied Caitlin to the laboratory, as I do every day, and then I went to the CCPD, because today I would be there all day. I told Cisco that if something serious happened to Cailtin, to let me know as soon as I would leave the job and help her with whatever was necessary.

- Good morning Lover Boy, so how's your dear wife doing? - Eddie asked, seeing that I had come to work today.- I thought that you guys, were on a honeymoon.

- I would love to but you know that unfortunately I don't have the luxury of being able to get out of the city.

- Yeah, the life of a super hero is complicated.

- Allen, Eddie, you have a new case in downtown Central City, - said our captain.

We went to the robbery site and after collecting some evidence that the assailants left at the crime scene, we went back to the CCPD, so I could start doing some analysis. So, at first glance, there was no indication that this theft was using meta-humans, so there was no need to call STAR Labs personnel to help me with this case.

We ended up affixing the robber's name due to a fingerprint he had left on one of the jewels that had been left behind and it was very easy to identify him because his registration was already in the system. After another day of work, I returned home to my wife's company.

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