Chapter 24

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The end of our shift came quickly and after we had packed things up, we headed towards the lab where Caitlin was just standing with a box.

- Good afternoon, Cait.- Isaid giving her a kiss on the cheek and Eddie sat in Cisco's chair.

- I'm glad you arrived. Well, I brought this from the storage room, there are decorations that we had in addition to the parties we throw here, it may be that something will serve to decorate this place a little.

- Thank you Caitlin, I don't even know how to thank you for what you're doing for me.

"Don't worry, just invite me to the wedding," Caitlin said, smiling.

- You don't have to worry about that, you would end up going anyway ...- Eddie said looking at me with a frightening smile.

- I don't know what you mean by that and I don't even know if it's safe for me to know, well I'll talk to Earl, our security guard and ask him to come over a little later. You can start to see if you want to use some of the things that are inside that box, "said Caitlin, leaving me alone with Eddie.

- Hey, you can stop!

- What did I do this time?

- Stop saying those things in front of her.

- Oh my dear friend Barry Allen, when will you have the courage to admit, once and for all, what we all know? That you are madly in love with her?

- What? Who told you that? No, I'm not ... madly ...

- You didn't deny it! Barry, you know you can tell me, I'm your friend.

- Okay, well, maybe I feel something for her ... But we are fine as we are and besides, imagine that I tell her and she stops talking to me? No, no, I'm not taking any chances!

- You're really blind ... Don't you see that the girl likes you? Seriously? Where do you keep your eyes? Everyone already knows what you feel, why not make it official?

"What were you talking about?" Asked Caitlin, coming to our edge.

- Nothing important ... Men's stuff!

- Oh sure and did any of the men remember to tell Iris to stop by? It is that without her here, there is no marriage proposal.

- Yeah, ah ...- we said at the same time and Caitlin just laughed at our expressions. I sent a message to Iris to tell her that when she left the newspaper she would come to the laboratory, because I needed a ride. - Well, we have until seven to decorate this room.

- I don't think there is much to decorate, but I have a brilliant idea for this space to be wonderful. - Caitlin said pulling my hand so I could follow.

We went to the storage room to get yellow lights to put on the floor to create a kind of romantic atmosphere and with some tapes that were in the box, we put them on both Caitlin's and Cisco's desks to give them a more festive look.

We just decorated the room, it was six-fifty, so another ten minutes and Iris was here. While Eddie was in the control room, Caitlin and I went to the training room, because we didn't want to disturb and from there we could also see, due to the surveillance camera how the order was going.


Everything was going as planned, Iris would come here in ten minutes and I was rehearsing my speech. I must say that I was very nervous but knowing that both Barry and Cailtin were on my side, although not in the same physical space, gave me some extra confidence.

It was seven o'clock and that meant she was about to show up any second and suddenly I heard her voice calling for Barry. I adjusted my clothes and made sure for the thousandth time that I had the box with the engagement ring in my coat pocket.

- Eddie what are you doing here ... Wow! This is beautiful, did you do all this?

- I had a little help ... It's all for you my love.

- Eddie didn't need ...

- Yes, I did, but I'm going straight to the point that I can no longer get on my nerves and if it isn't now, I don't know if I will have the courage. When I first met you, I never thought that you would end up being the most important person in my life but the truth is that if I had the opportunity to relive the past, I would not do anything different because it took me to the best thing I have in life, you! I love you like I never loved anyone and that's why I don't see myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else. Iris West, will you agree to marry me? - I asked taking the box out of my pocket and opening it showing the ring.

- Of course I accept, that's all I want most in life, Eddie.- replied Iris and kissed me.

Honestly, this day couldn't get any better, it was finally official, me and the woman of my life are getting married.

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