Chapter 25

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I was with Caitlin in the training room when we heard Iris calling for me and that meant it was time for the proposal. Hearing what Eddie said to Iris touched me a little but Caitlin was more surrendered, I think these moments reminded her of her ex husband.

She accepted! When she kissed him, I didn't feel what I expected to feel, that is, I wasn't totally bothered and that was great news because it proved what I suspected, I was no longer in love with my best friend.

"I'm sorry, Barry!" Exclaimed Caitlin suddenly.

- Excuses but excuses for what? Caitlin, you didn't do anything!

- That's why, here I am thrilled by what was happening and I didn't even remember that you like the same girl as him. You must be devastated.

- Caitlin, now look at me! Does this look like the face of a person who is devastated?

- Well no! But...

- There is no but ... Caitlin I'm genuinely happy for them and it doesn't bother me.

While talking to Caitlin about my feelings, which are now nonexistent for Iris, we noticed that they were gone, so we went to pack up and go home. 

A week later...

A week has passed since the day Eddie proposed to Iris and things are going very well, they are happier every day, which makes me very happy.

Today I didn't have to go to the CCPD so I took advantage and went with Caitlin to STAR Labs. When we got there, Cisco and Harry were back from a slightly strange command and I wonder what they were planning. Good thing it wouldn't be for sure, they have been trying to recreate the smaller version of the particle accelerator prototype for a week to see if I can recover my powers.

- Good morning Snowbarry, I'm glad you arrived because Ramone and I have news to give you.- said Harry, smiling.

- We managed to recreate the prototype. If everything goes as planned, you will have your powers back today.- Cisco said this time.

- Is that great, when we could try it?

"Just after lunch, it needs 24 hours to recharge and it hasn't passed yet," replied Harry.

The truth is that I was happy, but from Cailtin's face I realized that something was bothering her. I wanted to ask you what was going on but unfortunately I couldn't because her computer's alarm went off and that just meant one thing, an attack by a meta-human.

I put on my Flash suit and, with the help of the portal, I arrived at the place where the alert was but I found nothing. Whoever it was, it had run away before I got there. Both Cailtin and Cisco were watching the surveillance cameras nearby to see if any of them had caught him but for now there was still no news.

"I found it!" Exclaimed Cisco and we all went to his side to see who he was and to my surprise and shock at Caitlin, the meta human was none other than Jay.

"What does he want now?" I asked, looking at Caitlin.

"I don't know, but we have to be very attentive and prepared if he comes back here," said Harry, looking for some weapons he had in the weapons room.

I just hope the prototype works because I need my powers right now. I have to protect her wherever she goes. I promised Cailtin that I wasn't going to let Jay hurt her again and that's what I'm going to do!

Lunch time came quickly and honestly none of us wanted to leave here so I went to get food from Jitters, so we can eat in the lab.

- Cisco, promise to take care of her! I don't want her alone anywhere in the lab ... If you have to go anywhere, take her with you, but please protect her.

- Don't worry, neither I nor Harry will let anything bad happen to them. Now go get our food that we are hungry for.

I went to the parking lot and got in Caitlin's car towards Jitters. As we had already ordered eating over the phone, I didn't have to wait long, I just needed to put myself in the order queue that even had only two people in front of me.

My turn came quickly and with the food in a bag, I went back to the laboratory, where everyone was already around the table waiting for me. I put the bag down on the table and started to take things out so we could eat.

Lunch here was fun, but everything is when I have them by my side and it was finally time to try the prototype. We went to the cortex and while Cisco and Harry programmed the machine to have the necessary conditions, Caitlin was in charge of pulling the lever that started the event.

- Cailtin the machine is programmed, when you want you can pull the lever.- shouted Harry.

- Are you sure it's safe? Who will not kill you?

- It's the only way I can get my powers back, Cait.

- Barry I can't lose you ... I couldn't bear to lose another person that I adore!

- Cait is the only way and everything will be fine, I have to take this risk!

After considering it for a while, Caitlin ended up pulling the lever and several rays came at me, hitting me all over my body. Ten minutes later the process was finished, but I felt weak. Caitlin took me with Cisco's help to the infirmary to rest while Harry saw if there was black matter in my system, but unfortunately there was none, which meant it had not worked.

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