Chapter 34

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Two months later...


Today was the most special day in the life of my best friend Iris West. She stopped being single today and became Eddie's wife. Caitlin and I were just finishing up at our house and then we went to the Wests' house and from there we went to the church, where the ceremony would be held.

Unfortunately my father is unable to attend Iris's wedding for work reasons, it seems that my father after returning to the city where my aunt lives, got a job at a company and is now always on trips.

Despite insisting on using my speed, she didn't want to. I still argued that we arrived at the locations much faster than in her car, but unfortunately this was not a battle where I won and ended up going to the West's home in her car.

Fifteen minutes we had arrived and there were only Iris and her father, because Wally was going to go to church, because he had fallen asleep due to a college job, which had to end the day before.

- Wow you look beautiful, Iris.- said Caitlin when we saw the bride.

- Do you think so?

- Of course, you are the most beautiful bride this city has ever seen.- Joe said this time joining us.- But dear, there was a little problem with your bouquet, let's say you won't be able to use it.

- What? But a bride needs her bouquet ... Oh my god, what do I do now? - asked Iris hyperventilating.

- Calm down, I think we have the solution, Barry can go buy a bouquet of flowers from a store that is open. It will not be the same, but at least you will have a bouquet to accompany you on the altar.- I said trying to control the "beast".

- Seriously? Would you do that for me, Barry?

- Of course, I'll be right back.- I said and went to a flower shop in an instant and bought a bouquet with white roses and some flowers that I don't even know the name, but I know they were purple and beautiful, so I brought this one and in a matter of seconds he was back at Joe's.

I gave Iris the bouquet and she loved it, which made me happy because I want my best friend to have the most special day of her life and I want to see her happy.

The photographer came to take some pictures and then went to the groom's house, where he was with his friends and family. Cisco was with Eddie and his job there was to let us know when the fiancé left for the church, so we could also leave the house.

"Are you happy?" I asked when I went to take my picture with Iris.

- Very much, I love him so much, Barry. It is so good that at the end of the morning I can call him my husband. Everything's going to be fine, isn't it?

- Take it easy, everything will be fine and if something happens you have a superhero there to protect you.

A few more pictures with the family and the photographer left our house, towards the house where the groom was, leaving us with an Iris who never stopped quiet, because she was afraid to forget something important.

Forty-five minutes later I get a message from Cisco saying that they were already heading for the church, so that was our cue to leave Joe's house.

It didn't make sense to take the two cars, since Iris wouldn't be leaving with Joe anymore, so Caitlin said we were all going to go in hers. We arrived at the church five minutes after the groom's car and I know it's a tradition for the bride to be very late, but Iris didn't care about that, so Caitlin and I entered the church and while I went to my godfather post , Caitlin warned the band that the bride was going to join.

The music started to play and little by little the bride came in, accompanied by her father who was very proud of his little girl who was already so grown up. I could only look at the groom's happy face and imagine myself in his place when I saw the woman I love walking the altar towards me.

The ceremony was very beautiful and sentimental, because the vows that both wrote, you could see all the love they felt for each other. After the ceremony, we went to the wedding reception, which would be in a small farm in the center of Central City. The space was beautiful, it was neither too big nor too small, it was perfect.

After the entries, it was time for the bride and groom's speech, where they thanked the gifts and the groomsmen and bridesmaids for accepting the invitation and helping to make this day perfect, although I did almost nothing, except for go buy the bouquet at the last minute.

Next were the parents of the bride and groom, and as in the case of Iris, her mother had died a long time ago, Wally was giving the speech with the father. After the speeches, the soup came and after that the first dish. But for me, the most special moment of this day was the first dance between the groom and the bride. Don't ask me why, I just always thought this was the most special moment of a wedding.

- Well, single girls, come to the edge of the stage.- said Iris and I pulled Caitlin there. The business didn't happen at Caitlin, but at one of Eddie's cousins.

The afternoon was being wonderful, but as they say, everything good has to end and in the middle of the night, people started to leave, to rest, even because for many, as is my case and Caitlin, they had a day's work ahead of them.

First, as we came in Caitlin's car, we took Joe and Wally home and then we went to ours. We were so tired, so tired that when we lay in bed, we fell asleep right away.

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