Chapter 11

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After Joe's call to give me the brilliant news, I went to see how Eddie was doing and he didn't look like he was up yet. Iris had stayed with him all night and now she could finally go to rest and change clothes as we took care of him and as soon as he woke up, she would be the first to know.

It took a lot to convince Iris to get out of there, but she realized it was the best for everyone, so she said she was going home, taking a shower, changing clothes, eating something and then going back to her lover's side.

- We have movement alert in the room where Eddie is.- mentioned Cisco and I ran over there to see what it was.

- Eddie, eddie, you can't get out of there yet. You're recovering!

- What happened? How long have I been like this?

- Since yesterday afternoon, the bullet has passed the vest you wore and Caitlin operated on you.

- Hi Eddie, I'm going to give you these pain pills for you to take now.

- Eddie, eddie you're fine ...- said Iris when she saw him awake and went to hug him.

- I am fine love. Caitlin, thanks for everything seriously.

- You do not need to thank. I'll get the kit to do some tests to make sure everything is fine and I'll be right back.

- I'll get him something to eat, - I said and went running to Jitters to get a cake and coffee.

The line was not very long so I was able to move quickly. When I arrived Caitlin had just taken his blood and it was time for him to eat something. I was relieved when Eddie woke up, the truth is that he sacrificed himself for us and that could have gone really badly, but luckily everything was fine.

Although I love being here in the lab, I had to go to the scene of a robbery that Joe was waiting for. I went to my office to get the CSI kit and seconds later I was beside Joe. I told him that everything was fine with Eddie, that he had just woken up and that he was doing analyzes to make sure that everything was fine with him and that we were waiting for answers.

- What did you say to the captain?

- The truth, that he was hit in a police chase and that STAR Labs had the best professionals to deal with him.

It doesnt seem to be have meta issues, so we could treat this case as a normal assault. I took some soil samples from the victim and took some pictures and then we went back to the CCPD. I did some DNA testing and found out that the victim was named Jonathan Gayson and was a lawyer at Grayson.

Of course, a lawyer had a lot of enemies, so Joe's job was not easy, but if anyone managed to find out the mugger it was him. The captain came to me to see if I had news about Eddie and told him the same thing I had said to Joe and he was more relaxed.

I had nothing else to do so I packed up and went home. These last few days have been very intense, but tomorrow would be a better day, my father was finally released and I wanted to be there for him.

I got home, ate something and went to bed. In the morning I woke up with the alarm clock and went to get dressed. It was time to get my dad from prison and finally be able to spend time with him.

- I missed you dad,  so much, - I said while we were hugging. - Let's go home!

I took him to Joe's house and when I got there I heard footsteps, which was not normal because I thought Joe was at the CCPD but maybe today he was going later.

- Surprise, welcome home Mr. Allen.- shouted my friends.

The house was all decorated, with a food and drink table in the corner and a giant sign saying welcome home Henry. I can't believe they did this to my father and to make him feel at home after what he went through in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

- Dad these are my friends Cisco Ramone and Caitlin Snow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Caitlin said, smiling and went to hug my father.

- The pleasure is all mine, thank you for taking care of my boy and for helping to release my name. Iris, you are so grown up, you are a beautiful woman.

- We miss you so much Henry. I'm glad you're home.

"Partner!" Said Joe, coming to hug my father. They had been friends since Iris and I were small. As we were often together, our parents were kind of forced to be too.

- If you'll excuse me, I have to go back to the lab to see how Eddie is. Once again it was a pleasure Mr. Allen.- Caitlin said putting the glass on the table and went to greet my father.

- I accompany you Caitlin, I have to go to the newspaper.- said Iris and after going to greet my father, they left together, leaving only me, Joe, Cisco and my father.

- And where is your youngest son?

- College. We only see him at the weekend when he comes home. Well, as much as I liked it, I have to go back to the CCPD, the bandits don't take time off and I still have a lot of paperwork to sign. Cisco come?

- Yes, I better go help Caitlin. It was a pleasure Henry.

- So son, tell me news. How are things going with Iris?

- We're just friends, nothing more. She is dating Eddie, a colleague of mine at CCPD and they are very happy together.

- Hmm and Caitlin, your friend? Is it just that? Is there nothing else?

- No of course not. I like her a lot, but just as friends. In fact you know I really like Iris and it is not easy to forget a person from one day to the next, besides Caitlin has already suffered too much. Her husband passed away two days ago.

- Poor girl and how long have they been married?

- An afternoon. He died on his wedding day, in the fight with Wells. He sacrificed himself to save me and save the city.

- Oh Barry, I'm very sorry but you can't blame yourself for his death. You can't even blame yourself that Iris doesn't like you the same way. I always told you that things happen for a reason and if the woman in your life is not Iris, well she is still out there looking for you. You may not know who she is yet, but you will find her. For the moment, focus on your professional life and with your friends, they seem to be very good friends.

- And they are! They are the best team I could ask for.

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