Chapter 20

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I learned from my father that Barry was going to start living for a few weeks with Caitlin because of what happened to her because of Zoom. I thought it was a noble attitude but I suspected that there would be some extra reasons for this sudden change.

My father, for some time now, had the theory that my best friend Barry Allen liked her and that seemed to me to be more and more true. Which was not bad because since I met him I have never seen him have a successful relationship.

I know that he confessed to me why that was, that is, that he liked me, but I know that Caitlin is different and is the right person for him just as Eddie is the right person for me.

The day after Caitlin had returned, I was with Eddie having lunch at my dad's when they both showed up for Barry to come and get their stuff. Caitlin was with Eddie and I took the opportunity to ask Barry how things were going with him and Caitlin.

- So you're going to move in with her?

- Yes, just for a few weeks, I want to make sure she is okay. If he returns and kidnaps her again and I'm not there to help ...

- I realize it was a difficult period for everyone, but you don't need to move. She has a cell phone, if she was in danger, she would call you. In addition, Cisco said that every day he would have a look at his house, at night.- said my father smiling.

- When are you going to admit that you are moving to her house because you like her and want to spend more time with her? It's no shame, Barry.- exclaimed Iris.

- Oh they are finished, I think it's time to go, - said Barry leaving our bank.

- You were lucky this time ...- I said softly.

"A question, do they date?" Asked Eddie, sitting on the couch.

- No, not yet, but it is only a matter of time. 


The truth is that being with Caitlin in this apartment makes me forget a little that I no longer have my powers, that is, the Flash hero has to take time off indefinitely. Tomorrow we would return to our routine and I don't know if I was prepared for that.

Caitlin did not know about my situation yet, because I know that as soon as I tell her, she will worry and today is supposed to be a day of relaxation for her.

- Barry, Cisco asked if we wanted to go out to dinner with him and Harry.

- Of course!

The rest of the time until it was time for us to go to the Jitters for dinner with the guys, we spent watching television. We saw some episodes of a very good series called Brooklyn 99. It was seven o'clock, so I went to my room to change clothes and then I met Cailtin in the living room to go in her car. When we arrived at Jitters they still hadn't arrived so we went to get a table for the four of us. 

- Sorry for the delay but the doctor had to forget about his little bag in the lab.- said Cisco sitting next to me, while Wells sat next to Caitlin.

We ordered our food and while we were waiting, we were talking. I was hoping that none of them touched on the subject of my powers that no longer existed and thankfully that this subject has not yet come to the table.

One of the things I love about this cafe is that the service is fast. After we order the food, we don't have to wait long before it appears on our table.

"Well, I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," said Cailtin, getting up. This was the perfect time to make sure that none of them told Caitlin about my powers.

- Very well, since she went to the bathroom, I can talk to you in an instant. Please do not mention the situation of losing my powers. Caitlin doesn't know yet and just needs to know tomorrow.

Both agreed to keep the matter a secret at least for today. Caitlin came back from the bathroom and we continued with our dinner. After the meal, dessert came and then coffee.

- Well it was a great dinner, but we better go and pay, because tomorrow we have to wake up early to go to work.- said Harry and we all went to pay for dinner and each went to his house.

We arrived home and each of us went to our rooms because the next day, the work routine continued. I woke up when my alarm went off, changed my clothes and went to the kitchen where Cailtin was already preparing our breakfast.

- Good morning, breakfast is almost ready.

We ate what Caitlin prepared and then went to the laboratory. There was just Harry there, it seems that Cisco had gone to buy coffee coming here, which was great because I looked like I hadn't slept in weeks.

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