Chapter 19

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- When are you going to admit that you are moving to your house because you like it and want to spend more time with it? It's no shame, Barry.- exclaimed Iris.

Maybe that was it, but it also had a foundation of truth that I wanted to protect her. But Iris is absolutely right, the biggest reason I move to Caitlin's apartment is because I want to spend more time with her, so after what happened this past few days, the need to have her next to me has increased.

- Well, you look much better, so I'm not going to do any more bandage. The one you have now will take you some time. Instead of every other day, it becomes week by week. We set a day of the week and I come to do the bandage, okay, Eddie?

- For me you can stay on Wednesdays ... mid week ...- Eddie said and Caitli agreed.

- Well folks, as much as I love your company, we have purchases in the car to unload, - I said, giving Caitlin my hand to pull her out of that house, full of people with frightening smiles.

On the way home, while Caitlin drove, I called my dad. I told him that if he wanted to see me, that he should go to Caitlin's house.

"Put the call on loudspeaker," said Caitlin, and so I did.

- Mr. Allen, come to my house for dinner today.

- Oh dear, I don't want to disturb you ... If you don't mind, I'll stop by to be with you a little and then I'll go to Joe's house.

- Don't even think about it, you stay for dinner and don't talk about it anymore. Who cooks for two, cooks for three.

- If it is not uncomfortable, then I accept.- said my father by the call.

- So I'll see you at eight?

- Combined. Well I have to disconnect that Cisco is calling me.

- Any emergency? I can go there to help if necessary.

- No son, today is a calm day, he is just working on his inventions and wants an opinion from an older person.

- Okay then, come on dad and if you need anything call me.

We got home and went to put my things in the guest room and then I went to help Cailtin shop on the sites.

- Thank you for inviting my father to dinner, he was very happy and so was I.

- No problem, it's an honor to have your father here.

- You don't mind even if I come to live here for a few weeks? I don't want to intrude on your privacy.

- Of course not, I like your company. I know it's a small apartment, but sometimes I still feel a little alone. At least now I have your company.

We went to the couch, turned on the television and had to watch a series called The 100, until it was time to make dinner. For dinner we decided to make a lasagna, so if we wanted to have it ready by the time my dad arrived it was better to start making it now.

- I know it's not a big deal, but I have a mint and chocolate ice cream and a vanilla ice cream for dessert.

- It's my dad's favorite, vanilla.

It was eight o'clock when the doorbell rang and my father arrived. I went to open the door while Caitlin saw how the lasagna was doing and we all sat on the sofa.

"It smells really good," said my father, sitting down.

Five minutes later the food was ready and the three of us went to the table. It is not to brag, for helping to cook but this was the most delicious lasagna I have ever eaten in my life and my father agreed with me.

After the wonderful dinner, dessert came. I had a glass with two scoops of ice cream: one vanilla and one of mint and chocolate, my father had a glass of ice cream with four balls of vanilla and Caitlin had a glass with two balls of mint and chocolate and one of vanilla .

I helped Caitlin wash, clean and fix all the dirty dishes and forty-five minutes, where we were talking to my father, he left. I still had no sleep and neither did Caitlin, so she sat on the couch and took the remote to change channels.

"What if we saw a musical?" I asked and Cailtin agreed.

I went to my room to get the computer and I connected it to the television, because the screen was bigger and put the musical Singin' in the rain. This was my mom's favorite musical so when I was sad, she used to put this musical on and we watched it until the end, singing all the songs.

- You know this musical brings back good memories, - I said smiling and I looked at Caitlin, who was looking at me intently .- This musical always managed to put a smile on my face.

- I understand, I sometimes saw the Wizard of OZ ... I was always Dorothy and my father played the rest of the characters, always with different voices.

- It looks fun.- he said smiling when he saw her remember the times when she was younger.

- Yeah, I always had a lot of fun with my father, but then he passed away and the fun kind of passed away with him ... My mother chased away her hurts by working and I took second place in her life. She often told me that I reminded her of my father, because we were very similar ... Well, it's late, so I'm going to sleep that tomorrow we have to wake up early to work.

- And Iwill be at the CCPD all day.

I went to my room, put on my pajamas and lay down on my new temporary bed and quickly fell asleep.

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