Chapter 27

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- Maybe there was black matter in your system after the energy explosion yesterday, but it needed time to manifest. I think the fear of losing Snow again made you activate your powers.

The theory was good but at this point I just wanted to know two things, one was Caitlin's security and the second was that I finally had my powers back. We all went home because it had been a very intense afternoon and I just remembered what Jay had told me.

"She is your weak point! I know that and you know it too!" The more I thought about that statement, the more I was convinced that Jay was right. Caitlin was my weak point and there was nothing I didn't do to protect her.

It was also true that she is just in this situation because of me. Jay has problems with me and she is just among us because I involved her in this world of superheroes.

I had made a decision, I had to get away from it! I didn't want to be by her side if it just got her in trouble. Of course, I will continue to live here, because I want to protect her but I will try to get as far away from her as possible.

Three days later...


Three days had passed since I made the decision to walk away from Caitlin and it was not going well. It's okay that Jay hadn't shown signs of life again, but I was missing her ... Living with her was no longer the same thing, as we barely spoke.

Today I had agreed to go to lunch with Iris at Jitters, so I used my speed to get there faster. When I got there, she was already sitting at a table. We ordered our food and while we waited, Iris talked about her wedding preparations.

- Can you tell me what's going on inside that head? I've noticed that you're kind of in another world for a few days.

- It's Caitlin.- I replied and told her everything that had happened, since Jay's return to my powers and the decision I had made regarding my relationship with Caitlin.

- Can you only be kidding? Bartholomew Henry Allen, I can't believe you made that stupid decision.

- It was to protect her.

- Even so ... You have already made many bad and stupid decisions but let me tell you that this is the worst of them all. So are you going to walk away from the girl you love just because you don't want to hurt her?

- Yes, that's basically it! - I replied and she hit me on the back of the head. - Hey, what was that for?

- To see if you gain judgment in that tough head. Do you realize that you have been miserable for three days just because of fears? Barry she chose to fight at your side, if she wanted to get away and you, she already did! But no, she continued on your side, why is it?

There she was right! The truth is, I was miserable without her company. I missed everything about that girl, even the smallest things, like a simple smile at the beginning of the day.


I don't understand what is going on with Barry, did I do anything to him? He's been avoiding me for three days and I honestly don't know why.

It was already the end of the day, when I left STAR Labs and when I got home, Barry still hadn't arrived. It had to be today, I had to know what was on that boy's mind and I wanted to know what I did to make him avoid me.

- I'm glad you arrived! We need to talk! - I exclaimed and he sat beside me. - I miss you!

- Me too, - he said, smiling.

- So what's up with you? Why did you walk away from me? And don't answer that it's nothing, because that one doesn't work.

- I do not want you to suffer even more than you already have. Since I appeared in your life, you are exposed to more dangers and I don't want you to get hurt because of me. And now Jay is after you because he knows you are my weak point!

- Barry I chose to be part of this team and choose to be on your side, let me live with that choice. And as for Jay, it's not your fault that he's obsessed with you. What you have to do at this moment, is to fight to save yourself and everyone who lives in this city and not get away from me.

- Sorry, Cait! In my mind, getting away from you was the right decision, but in practice it is much more complicated. I really missed you! Do you think you can forgive me?

- Of course I can! The intention was good, despite being very stupid. I know you just want to protect me, but don't go away again! I want to continue to belong to your team, to your life and to trust me for everything. Don't be afraid to put me in danger, because I was the one who chose this life when I started working at STAR Labs, in the study of meta-humans.

After this beautiful conversation, he embraced me but when I moved away from the embrace, he ended up getting even closer to me and kissed me. At first I was surprised by the kiss, eventually taking longer to respond but when I did, it was the best feeling in the world. This kiss was soft and rough at the same time, I felt a number of things I never felt before, not even with Ronnie, who was supposed to be the man of my life.

Ronnie? When the kiss broke, I started thinking about Ronnie and what he would say if he were here. The truth is that he died not too long ago, would it be wise to pursue anything with Barry anytime soon?

I liked Barry, I like him and I can't deny it, but I can't help thinking about Ronnie. The best thing to do was to pretend that none of this happened and go on with my life, it is still too early to go on with my life lovingly and honestly, I don't even know that I am prepared for it.

I hope that Barry does not leave me anymore due to the kiss we just gave. Even now "we made up", I don't want him to walk away from me again.

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