Chapter 33

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I was in the newspaper when I received a message from my love telling me the most sizzling and predictable novelty at the same time, of the century. So isn't it that my dearest friend Barry Allen has a new girlfriend and doesn't tell me anything? On top of that, being neither more nor less than Caitlin Snow, the girl I said he liked but he always denied me.

I was glad my friend finally found someone who likes him as much as he does. In all his life he only liked one person who broke his heart even though she didn't know, that is, myself. But with Caitlin he has a real chance of being happy.

Everything was finally coming together, Barry with his girlfriend, my brother who got a girlfriend at college, my dad who's been too happy these past few days and my relationship with Eddie that gets better every day. Besides, my work here at the newspaper is going beautifully and I love being here, it's like my second home.

Eddie always told me that he felt that the CCPD was his second home, where he felt he was fulfilling his life purpose and I had never felt like that until I started working here.

I decided to stop by STAR Labs today when I left here, so I could finally confront my best friend and ask him why the hell I was the last to know about his supposed new relationship.

- Iris what are you doing here?

- I came to visit my best friend, or can I not? I was coming to invite you for a coffee, you know Eddie works late today and I didn't feel like being home alone.

- Of course you can, in fact we were packing up to go home.

"Why don't you come to our house for dinner?" Asked Caitlin, smiling, as she packed up her things.

- I do not want to bother!

- Do not disturb anything, Cisco is also coming, we could make a night of friends.- Caitlin insisted and I ended up accepting.

I know that I rarely spend time with Caitlin and Barry's friends who work in this lab, but I confess that everyone is a nice person. I got in my car and headed towards Cailtin's house, which was about fifteen minutes away from STAR Labs.

When we got there, Caitlin and Barry started making our dinner while Cisco and I sat on the couch watching TV and talking. I texted Eddie to tell him that I was going to have dinner with Barry and Caitlin and he told me that by eleven-thirty at night he should be home.

While Barry and Caitlin finished dinner, I offered to set the table and Cisco came to help me. Five minutes later we were all having dinner with a wonderful spaghetti with prawns. Dinner was fun and contrary to what I thought, I even had a lot in common with Cisco and Caitlin so I managed to participate in the conversation.

- Let Cisco and I set the table. You are going to go to the couch and talk a little, "said Caitlin.

- Seriously?

"Stop grumbling and help me," Caitlin said to Cisco and he went there while me and Barry sat on the couch.

- I can tell you're happy.

- I am, - said Barry smiling, looking at Caitlin. - Sorry I didn't tell you before, but there were some problems in the city ...

- Hey, I know, you're my best friend, I know that if you didn't tell me, you were busy with something. I'm just glad that you finally have an opportunity to be happy.

- Me too, I feel that she is the one and I want to do everything to make this relationship go well, but for that we need to take things calmly, she has suffered too much in a short time.

- Yeah, I know, it shouldn't be easy to lose a person we love not once but twice and once on their wedding day. It takes a lot of courage to embark on a new relationship but it also shows how much she loves you.

- I saw that we have ice cream in the freezer, anyone want to? There is vanilla and strawberry, because the chocolate, someone has already taken it. - Caitlin informed looking at Cisco.

- I have no fault, the ice cream was looking at me and called me. I clearly heard him say: Come on Cisco, I've been waiting for you! It is bad manners not to indulge this dear ice cream.

Barry and I got off the couch and joined Cailtin and Cisco at the table to have some ice cream and it was precisely eleven-quarters when I left their house. Apparently Cisco would stay there sleeping, it was a kind of tradition, where once a month, Cailtin and Cisco had a pajama party.

Whether you believe it or not, I arrived home at the same time as Eddie, because I was parking when his car entered our garage. He asked me how the dinner had been and I replied that it even went very well, but we were both too tired to continue this conversation so we went home and went to sleep, because tomorrow was a new day for me, seen that Eddie for working overtime today, tomorrow was off.


The dinner with Iris had gone very well and it was a very well spent evening. After Iris left our house, we were just the two of us and Cisco, so we went to see a movie as we always did when we had a "slumber party" and this time it was a horror movie, chosen by Cisco.

After the movie ended, me and Barry went to my room to rest while Cisco went to the room where Barry was sleeping before, because as he now slept with me, we had a free bed and Cisco excused himself from sleeping on the couch that it is not as comfortable as it looks.

While Barry went to the bathroom to do his routine, I put on my pajamas and then when he was finished, we changed positions and I went to the bathroom and he was putting on his pajamas.

I don't remember falling asleep but I know I woke up with a crash from the room. I looked at the clock and it was already half past seven, I tried to be extremely careful because Barry was still sleeping, so I went slowly to the living room to see what was going on.

- Sorry, did I wake you up? It was unintentionally, I wasn't sleepy and came to watch some television.

- It doesn't matter, I take advantage and keep you company, but you have to promise me that after you help make breakfast.

"Okay!" Said Cisco and we watched a little television and then made our breakfast.

We were halfway through breakfast when Barry woke up and came to us already dressed. He gave us the good days and sat next to Cisco waiting for the bacon and scrambled eggs to be ready to eat.

After eating, I went to change clothes to go with Cisco to the lab, and when we got there, Harry was there waiting for us with two cups of coffee.

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