Chapter 13

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I had all morning to do paperwork and at lunch I went to lunch with my colleagues Caitlin and Cisco to Jitters, since it is our favorite coffee and then I was a little more for CCPD. As soon as I finished my shift, I used my speed to go to STAR Labs, where Cisco had yet another alarm for a meta humans attack.

This time the meta we were dealing with used fire as a weapon. He had already robbed two banks and stolen millions of euros and had to be arrested.

- Barry is robbing the Golden Bank. The description confirms our suspicions.

I went to the bank and managed to capture the metahuman with the help of the weapon that Cisco had been working on for some time, which was neither more nor less an ice weapon. I fired at him a few times and the third or fourth time I fired, I finally hit him and quickly took him to our prison at STAR Labs and alerted Joe to what had happened. He warned me that people were a little scared but well, fortunately.

There hadn't been much monetary damage at that bank, which is a very good thing. Another success story for Team Flash. While at STAR Labs, I went to train a little in the monitoring room.

I was training for about forty-five minutes and when I returned to the main room, where we had the meetings, I saw that Cisco was no longer there.

- Where did he go?

- Our dear friend Cisco Ramone has a date tonight.

- A date? Cisco? Very well! I'm happy for him.

- Now, im going to Eddie, do you want to come with me? 

- Yes.

We went to the room where Eddie was being treated and when we got there he was reading. When he noticed our presence, he smiled, greeted us and put down his book.

- I'm finally going to discharge you. Now I need you to stay one more week in the nursing home and then the rest of the month in secretarial work only. I already wrote a letter to deliver to your captain, which he asked for and I sent him an email explaining what you can and cannot do inside.

- Okay, doctor.

- Since I'm not really a doctor, I can't prescribe anything to you, but here are some pain pills.

- Does that mean I can finally go home?

- Not yet friend, Iris said she would come by late afternoon to pick you up. For now you can get out of bed and come with us to the room where you will sit on a chair and watch us work.

"It's better than nothing," said Eddie, standing up.

- Oh and first of all, I brought you some clothes from our closet here in the laboratory to change them, - I said, handing him the clothes.

Caitlin and I went back to the main room while Eddie changed clothes to join us waiting for Iris to arrive to pick him up. After he came to our bank, we were just looking at the surveillance cameras and storing the weapons and my suit where they belong.

- I arrived and brought some clothes if you wanted to change, but I see that you have already done it - said Iris arriving at our bank with a small backpack.

- I already talked to him, but I'll tell you anyway. He can go home but he has to stay at home for another week and the rest of the month he can go to work but only work as a secretary, no going to the field. I have already spoken with the CCPD captain explaining the situation and here is a letter for him to deliver when he goes to work. I'm not a doctor so I can't give you prescriptions, but here are some pills for him to take twice a day, preferably at the end of breakfast and at the end of dinner, for pain. One more thing, he has to change the dressing every two days because it is still very fresh and still hasn't healed ... For that, I go to your house and do it there so do not hesitate to come here on purpose and don't it costs nothing. 

- Okay doctor and thanks again Caitlin.- said Eddie smiling and came to hug me.

- You do not need to thank.

- Yes, I do, you saved my life and you will be my nurse for a while.

- Now go away, you must already be homesick.

- I do not know how to thank you for what you did for him, you are incredible Caitlin. Thank you very much, "said Iris to Caitlin and went to hug her.

- You're welcome, now they're going and I'll see you in two days Eddie.

- Goodbye ... Goodbye Flash.

- Goodbye and rest Eddie.

"Well, I think we deserve to go home, what do you say?" Asked Caitlin.

- I think it's a brilliant idea but I have a better proposal, what do you say we go to dinner anywhere?

- I actually ate something already. I accept, so wait for me, I will close everything and we will have dinner.

- I help you.

I helped her close everything and turn off all the lights and after we closed the main door, we went to Jitters for dinner.

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