Chapter 16

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After Jay's death, at the hands of Zoom, Caitlin was a little shaken because she liked him, but tried to hide her feelings from us, which was not going very well. For her one more person she liked, had died at the hands of a speedster. After a meta-human appeared, called Trajectory who wanted more Velocity-9, that is, V9, we learned that Zoom was sick and that in fact Jay appeared not to have died.

"What if it's a V9 side effect?" Asked Cisco.

- But Jay took the V9 and it didn't turn blue.

- How fast was he running?

- Not as quickly as Eliza, - said Iris, who joined us after meeting Jay a few weeks ago.

- What if it is the V9 that makes the ligtning blue? This explains why Zoom is so much faster than me.

- If that's true, it means he's sick ...

- Yes, he could be dying, - continued Harry. - That's why Zoom wants your speed, he's dying and he needs a cure.

- Like Jay ...- I said looking at Cailtin.

- No, it could be ... Not again!- said Caitlin.- It can't be, he died right in front of us. We saw Zoom killing him right in front of us.

- We have already seen a speedster being in two locations at the same time.

"I think it's a good time to find out," said Harry.

- I think it is a good time to tell you that I have to be in the vibe of Zoom and whenever I do, I am on the verge of that.- said Cisco pointing to the hat. I went to break the glass where the hat was and gave it to Cisco who a few minutes later looked at us all with the face of someone who discovered he had won the lottery.

"What did you see?" Asked Joe.

- Jay is Zoom.

History was repeating itself, the only difference being that he was a different person. We had to defeat him wherever he went, but this time he was at an even greater disadvantage than with Reverse Flash, because Zoom was much faster and more powerful than me.

Days later, after me and Harry created the tachyon enhancer based on Eobard's information . I was able to run four times faster than was normal and I was still able to run faster than Zoom himself, which was great because I had a better chance of defeating him.

We managed to find a way to imprison him long enough to defeat him, but things did not go as planned and he, in a moment of distraction, managed to grab me by the neck and the air started to run out. In fact, if it weren't for Caitlin to appeal to the humanity that still remained in him, I don't know that he would have gone for the better.

- Jay, stop! Please, if anything you told me was true or something we shared was true, please drop it. Please, I know that a part of you really cared about me ... If you have any humanity in there, let it go.

Her speech seemed to convince him and he left me, but before he left the STAR Labs, he took Caitlin with him. This was, without a doubt, to add to the collection of the worst days of my life, it was only one afternoon that I managed to lose my speed and Caitlin. I lost the two things that made me happy and without my speed how could I save Caitlin from the clutches of Zoom, a powerful speedster? I was nobody without my speed and because of that, the woman I love is in trouble.

Wait, did I just say that Caitlin was the woman I love? It was true that a few months ago I had noticed that my feelings for her had changed but then saying that I loved her was still a giant step. That same afternoon, Cisco began to see all the surveillance cameras that were in this city to see if there were any clues about where he might have taken her, but so far it was not going very well.

With each passing minute my concern increased and everyone could see that I was much more stressed than normal, because this time it is not a normal abduction, but Caitlin's abduction and I could not be here doing nothing.

- Is there really nothing you can do?

- Barry you need to rest, you just discovered that you are a human again, he took your speed away from you, you have to rest.

- I rest when she appears, until then I help you with whatever is necessary.

- I could use an extra pair of eyes on the cameras.

- I'm going to the CCPD, it may be that some of the resources we have there, can help us at this moment.

It was time to see the various surveillance cameras but nothing seemed to help us find out where he had taken her. To say that I was despairing was not an exaggeration.

- Well, good afternoon, folks. - My father said putting his bags on the floor, but as happy as he is because he was here, he was still worried about her. - Well, something must be happening so that not even my son comes to me. greet after so long that I was away. Can someone explain to me?

- Zoom kidnapped Caitlin.- I replied desperately. - And there isnt anything i can do to help her.

- Oh, I see, son, do you think we can go over there to the hall and talk a little? Come on, it will do you good.- said my father. I accompanied my father into the hall and we sat on the stairs.

- I need to get back to the operating room. We need to find Caitlin.

- Son, you have the best people to help you find her, it's just a matter of time.

- Time is what she doesn't have. She was kidnapped because of me, she saved me ... We have to bring her back and quick dad ... I lost the two things I loved most in life that same afternoon.

- Wait a minute ... You just admitted ...

- Yes and it is the first time I admit it out loud. I can't save her without my speed, I'm useless without my powers.

- Barry, understand that the powers are useful and help a lot but do not make a person a superhero. Actions do it ... With or without powers, you will be able to save her because you have the best people to help you.

- I know ... I'm really glad you came back.

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