Chapter 35

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One year later....


I still remember it as if it were yesterday the day I asked Caitlin to marry me. Well, really, that day was last week, but since then it has always been etched in my mind.

It wasn't a big order like Eddie's, there were no lights in every corner of the space, there was no special food prepared, nor a thought speech, but I had my love to confess to her and that was enough for me.

I was in the middle of a mission with a meta-human and after hearing Caitlin's voice trying to help me capture him, I knew that the time had come for us to move to the next level of our relationship, that was marriage.

In fact, I had been thinking about proposing to her for some time, but I had never found the right time or space, but now I realized that my life is too short to shatter, especially mine, that I fight every day to protect this city.

I don't want to spend another minute of my life where I can't call Caitlin my wife. I was in a fight with a metahuman, and after a lot of struggle and a little luck on my side, I managed to defeat him and take him to the meta-humans prison in STAR Labs and after putting him in prison, I took Caitlin to the cortex , I knelt down and asked her to marry me.

- I know that it is not an order with pomp and circumstance and not even time to buy a ring, but I realized that my life is not the same without you, Caitlin. I need you to be by my side every day of my life and that is why here and now I ask you, Caitlin Snow do you agree to marry me?

- Of course I accept, Barry.- she replied smiling and kissed me with all the feeling I had inside.

I knew that although it was not a request with much preparation, I had to buy her a ring and for that I asked for help from the person who knew it would be the right choice for this task, my best friend.

I called her and told her what had just happened and after she screamed in my ear for ten minutes, we agreed to meet at Jitters and then go to engagement ring stores.

"I'm glad you came to help me," I said to Iris as soon as she reached the Jitters and sat next to me.

- I'm so happy for you, Barry. I can't believe you finally had the courage to ask her to marry you. Eddie gave me a suggestion from the store where he bought my ring and said it had several beautiful models there, we can go and see.

I went to pay for my coffee and we went to that store and there I really found the perfect ring for Caitlin. The ring was very simple but totally her style, so this would be my choice. I bought the ring and it still gave me time to go to the CCPD, to tell Joe the news, that is, if Eddie hasn't done it yet.

- I'm so happy for you, son.- said Joe hugging me.

- I thought Eddie had told you.

- It was very tempting, but I knew that this news had to be you to tell and not me. But I want you to know that we are all really happy for you both.

I spent some time at the CCPD until six, and then I received a message from Caitlin saying that I had just arrived home, so I went to my fiancee and gave her the ring.

"Barry, it's beautiful," said Caitlin, shedding a tear and hugging me again.

None of us was in the mood to make food, so I went to Jitters in an instant to get something to eat and when I got back the table was already set.

While we ate, we were seeing some issues related to the wedding and the only thing we decided that the wedding would be for the beginning of next year, so it gave us time to prepare everything.

It had been one of those very tiring days, so after dinner we went to sleep, because tomorrow we both had to go to work. In the morning I woke up due to the noise coming from the bathroom and when I looked to the side and didn't see her lying down, I went to see what was going on with her.

- It's all right? Do you need something?

- I'm just a little sick. Don't worry.- she said, watering her mouth and we went to the kitchen.

Today I just had to go to the CCPD in the afternoon, so I could take advantage and go with Caitlin to the laboratory. While she went to change clothes, I started to prepare breakfast. Ten minutes later, we were arriving at the laboratory.

I thought it was just something that she had eaten last night that hadn't done her any good, but she was getting more and more unwell and was starting to get very worried.

At lunch she barely ate anything, but even when I insisted she go home, she didn't listen to me. I had to go to the CCPD, so I asked Cisco that if something happened he would let me know.

Thankfully, today was one of those afternoons where there were no very serious crimes because my head was not at my job, because I was still worried about Caitlin. From time to time I still asked Cisco how she was doing and he answered the same thing, which I was in a bad mood.

In the middle of the afternoon, Cisco called to say that Caitlin had gone home because it was worse, so I went to the boss's office and explained the situation to him and he let me out of work early.

I arrived home but Caitlin was not there, which worried me, but when I called her, she told me that she was stuck in traffic and that in no time she would get home. I had nothing left but to be seated waiting for him.

- So love how are you? - I asked as soon as she opened the door.

- More or less, I'm still a little unwell but at least I already know why.- she replied sitting on the sofa and I sat next to her waiting for her to tell me what was going on with her.

- It is severe?

- Barry we can't get married next year.

- No? But why? Have you been thinking better and decided that you no longer want to marry me? That's it, isn't it?

- Can you let me answer you? Calm down man. We can't get married for the beginning of next year because when we get married, I want to fit the dress.

- But why the hell wouldn't you fit? I don't understand anything.- I said confused and seconds later I realized what she was trying to say to me.- Wait a minute ... Are you ....?

- Yes, Barry you are going to be a father!

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