Chapter 15

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Eight months later ....

Two weeks ago I met Zoom, a speedster who had powers similar to mine, but he didn't seem to like me very much. With Zoom, there were also many meta-humans that I had never seen before.

I was training in the training room for fifty minutes and then I went to the edge of Cisco and Caitlin. We were talking when the Cisco computer signaled that someone was in the lab's cortex. For those who do not know the cortex is a kind of giant room where Cisco experiments with his creations. It is between the operating room and the corridor for the meta-humans prison, which was where the particle accelerator was.

The three of us went running there and saw that it had been a breach that had opened up right in the middle of that room and from there came out a man who was known to us all.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, a little upset and surprised because I thought he was dead.

- Ah I have a feeling that maybe you don't like me very much but I can explain. My name is Harrison Wells, but everyone calls me Harry and I come from Earth-2. I'm here to help you fight Zoom. I can see by your faces who already know him.

- Yes, Zoom has been sending Earth-2 meta-humans here.

- Zoom has infected my earth and now wants to do the same with yours. That's why I came to help you fight it. He is obsessed with speed. He just has a purpose and it is to kill the Flash.

Caitlin insisted on doing some tests but as Harry had said, it did not report anything wrong. He had the perseverance that we could trust him, but of course he was always on the back foot. The truth is that in order to defeat a speedster like Zoom we needed all possible help.

When Joe met Harry, he thought Wells hadn't actually died and almost shot him, but thankfully I was in the same room, at the same time as him, because I was able to prevent that from happening. I took him out into the hall and explained everything that was going on and told him that this was Wells but from an alternative Earth.

The days passed and Harry's help was being invaluable, both in the subject of Zoom, but also in the daily tasks that our team has to deal with.

- Barry Allen.- said a man who entered our meeting room.

- Who are you? And how do you know my name?

- I know your name. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramone, Joe West and Harrison Wells.

- Enough, explain everything you want, but keep your distance, - said Joe as he pointed the gun at the mysterious man.

- Your Earth is in danger. A few days ago you met a dead man at the nuclear plant and he belonged to my Earth. If he managed to use the portal to come here, I believe that others will too.

- So ... Jay ... How do you know all this?

- Where I come from, I was a speedster just like you. They called me The Flash! Before I came here, I was fighting a man called Zoom.

- Zoom? I've heard that name before. He's here to kill me, who is he?

- He's a speedster just like you and me. But he is fast, maybe even more than the speedsters I know, but he is evil. We were fighting in my city and I was not fast enough to defeat him and he would kill me if it weren't for the portal here. Now I'm here without my speed and I can't get home.

- Are you saying that ...- Caitlin said but Jay interrupted her.

- I lost my super speed.

"How?" I asked, confused and curious at the same time.

- I'm not sure.

"How long have you been here?" Asked Cisco.

- About five, six months.

- If you've been here for six months, why did you just come to us now?

- I was lost, I had to know more about this earth and that's when I discovered you. I wanted to know more about each one of you before looking for you. I know this sounds like the biggest nonsense in the world, but if there is anything I can do to convince you ....

- Yes, we will do some tests to confirm if it is true who you say you are and then we see what we do.

After the tests Caitlin did, it was official: Jay was exactly who he said he was and thankfully we had another ally with us. Jay even seemed to be a good guy so we decided that he could be here in the lab and help us. But one thing about him I didn't like, and that was neither more nor less than his approach to Caitlin. Every day, when I came to the lab, they were doing something together and I didn't like that at all.

Cisco said I was jealous because I liked her, but I knew it was nothing like that. There was just something about him and his actions that made me suspicious, I just didn't know what it was yet.

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