Chapter 17

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We went back to the operating room and we were looking in the cameras, but nothing came to help us. I told the staff to go home, as they needed to rest so we could continue the search in the morning. I waited for everyone to leave, including my father, closed the front door and went back to the operating room.

We had activated the surveillance system so that when Caitlin or Jay's face showed up somewhere, it would give a signal and we would investigate immediately. I hadn't gone home because I couldn't sleep, so to avoid sleeping, I preferred to stay here.


After Jay kidnapped me, I woke up in an all-white room. The first thing I did was try to open the door, but as expected, it was locked. As there were no windows anywhere, I didn't know if it was still daytime or if it was nighttime. There was no way to contact or tell my friends to come and get me.

- I see you're awake at last. Come and eat something.- said Jay opening the door and I saw another room but this time it was more like a normal room in a house.

- Why did you bring me here? What do you want from me?

- Caitlin, I like you, that's why I took you. I don't want to see you get hurt, when Flash and the rest of the team gets killed, so I took you! 

- Die? 

He didn't answer me but my level of concern was increasing significantly. Having been kidnapped was bad enough, but now knowing that my friends and the boy I love are going to die, that was terrible.

Did I just admit in my head that I like Barry? I mean, I always knew that I felt something for him, now admitting that I loved him was a big step. Whoever I wanted to deceive, everyone already knew that I liked him, by the way after Ronnie, Barry is the most important person in my life.

I always thought that after what happened to Ronnie, I wasn't going to be able to like anyone else, but then Barry showed up and changed my life completely. At first it was just a beautiful friendship but over time, at least on my part, the feelings evolved.

The minutes were transformed into hours and hours into days. By my count, I was locked in this little white room for two days, but today it would be different. Suddenly Jay unlocked the door and said I could go.

- I don't understand, you kidnapped me, locked me up here for three days and now you're letting me go without consequences?

- The Flash is dead, I have no reason to keep you here. He sacrificed his life to save your friends ...

- Barry is ... I can't believe it, you're lying to me.

- I suspected you were going to say that, so I brought proof.

After saying this, Jay showed me a newspaper that on page 2, had an article written by Iris saying that the city had just lost its great superhero The Flash after a fight against a meta-human.

It can't be, I just lost my best friend and most importantly the man I loved and I couldn't be there to say goodbye to him. Jay dropped me off at a pharmacy door that was two blocks from STAR Labs so getting there wasn't going to be a problem.

The tears continued to fall without being able to contain them. I entered STAR Labs and the first person who noticed my presence was Cisco who came to hug me and took me to the control room.

I got there and a feeling of comfort ran through my body, I was finally home and in the company of my friends, although it was a difficult time for all of us, since Barry is dead. While Cisco went to fetch me a glass of water, Barry arrived and we were both very surprised to see each other.

"Barry?" I asked and ran to hug him. When I got close to him I just threw myself into his arms, thankfully he managed to catch me.- You are okay ...

- Of course I'm fine Cait, what's up? How are you? How did you get here? Did he hurt you? - Barry asked, searching me for any injuries.

- He released me, at first I thought it was a kind of trap, but no ... He told me you were dead Barry ...- I said starting to cry again.

- Hey, hey, look at me ... I'm fine, we're all fine and now you are too.

- Barry and if he finds out you're not really dead, he can come back here and hurt you!

- That will not happen, because we will find a solution as a team ... Caitlin you had a hard time, you have to rest.

He accompanied me to my house, I opened the door, sat on the couch and turned on the television. I know I needed to rest but the truth is that I had no sleep at all

- Barry if you have to go to the CCPD, you can go, I'll be fine ...

- I'm not going anywhere. I will stay with you whether you need it or not and I will only leave after confirming that you are really well alone.

- Okay, I already saw that I can do nothing to change your opinion ... You are still going to be fired for faults Barry Allen.

Seeing him smile was like music to my heart. I was so happy that he didn't abandon me today, but I didn't want to abuse his kindness because he had no obligation to stay with me.

We watched TV until dark and it was about seven-thirty when the doorbell rang. I went to open the door and saw Cisco with two plastic bags in his hands.

- I brought food, juices, popcorn and some gummies ... We can have a pajama party.- said Cisco putting the bag on the table and removing the things.

- It seems like a brilliant idea. I set the table, Cailtin, sit down and Cisco and I prepare everything.

- Are you sure you don't want help? I can help...

- You will sit down and just get up when we call you to dinner. - said Cisco and there I went to sit on the couch again.

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