Chapter 32

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We ordered our food and drinks and now we had to wait for them to come and bring us. I was having a nice time with all my friends gathered at a table, except for Iris, who was at a lunch with co-workers at the newspaper.

We haven't had a lunch like this all together for a long time and I honestly missed it. Five minutes later our food and drinks came to the table and we started to eat.

It was fantastic how the topics of conversation at this table were always in favor of Cisco, as we were talking about the new prototypes he was working on.

Our lunch hour was getting smaller and smaller and that meant that I had to go back to the CCPD, but after four-thirty in the afternoon I could take the opportunity to be with Caitlin. We went to pay and after saying goodbye to the staff at STAR Labs, me, Joe and Eddie went to CCPD.

"When did you think to tell us?" Asked Eddie, smiling.

- Tell? But tell what? I don't understand ....

- Don't pretend, how long have you been hiding this relationship? I thought we were friends, Allen.

- Okay, okay, I'll tell you. We are in a relationship, yes, but only since yesterday afternoon. I was going to tell you this morning, but then I was called for that case.

- It was about time ... I never saw two people taking so long to be together.- said Eddie laughing.

- Our situation was not at all easy ... Still, we are together but we went through a lot yesterday.- I said and I told them over what happened the day before and they realized why I was in a bad mood.

- I understand her, she suffered too much - said Eddie. - It is normal that she was afraid to navigate a new relationship.

"How are you feeling Barry?" Asked Joe.

- Very well, I have never felt so happy in my life. There are many feelings at the same time that it gets to be scary.

- Oh friend, you are lost .... But I'm glad you are and Caitlin is a good girl. What do you think Joe, approve of your sister-in-law?

- Of course, I like Caitlin a lot. She have a good heart and I know you will be very happy together.

"Are you talking about the hot girl who was here the other day?" Rick asked. I hadn't even realized that we had already arrived at the CCPD.

"You have nothing better to do than listen to others' conversations?"

- Calm Allen, what do you care if you're talking about her or not? To my knowledge she is just a friend of yours and uncompromising, at least that's what I heard around.

- So I think you should know better before you open your mouth. The girl is in a relationship and is very happy, "said Eddie this time.

I know that Rick is not even a bad person, in fact he is a great coworker and loves what he does. But his big problem is that he loves to charm girls. But let him not even think of getting close to Caitlin ...

"Allen, West how are we with the case I gave you this morning?" Asked the captain, causing Rick to return to his secretary.

- Unfortunately this one is complicated. There were no fingerprints at the scene of the crime or enough evidence to determine who is to blame, "replied Joe.

- But I managed to identify the victims, - I said, looking for the folder with the victims' files.

- It's not much, but at least it's something ... Keep me informed.

After talking to the captain, I went to my office until it was time to leave. Within seconds I was at the entrance to the STAR Labs laboratory.

- I'm glad you arrived ... Now that you're here can you tell me why you didn't tell me you were dating? I thought I was your best friend and you betray me this way? It is good that there is a great explanation.- said Cisco crossing his arms and Caitlin just laughed at his reaction.

- We didn't say why it didn't happen, but we were going to tell you Cisco, but the case came up and the news went to a secondary plan.- I replied.

- This time passes, but next time there will be consequences ... That said, I hope you know that I want to be the godfather of the first child and the best man of marriage.

- Hey, hey, take it easy. Even now we started dating, we are not going to talk about marriage or children. It's too early for that, "Caitlin said this time.

"Allen, we have activity in downtown Central City," said Harry, joining us. I went to put on my suit and when I got there, he was there.

- Farooq.

- Look who he is ... The defender of the oppressed ... It's an honor to have you here Flash.

- Why did you kill those two people this morning? They were innocent, they did not deserve to die.

- True but unfortunately they got in my way and that is not advisable, you know? Like you, now. You're on my way, Flash.

- Nobody else needs to be hurt, give yourself up and everything will be easier for both of us.

- Is that the argument you usually use with everyone? Flash, it's a little dull isn't it?

- Cisco how can I defeat him?

- He likes energy, doesn't he? Because maybe he just needs to absorb a huge amount of energy ...- said Harry in my ear.

- And is that 100% sure it works?

- No, but it's our best chance if we want to stop it.

Our fight began and I took Farooq to the place where his powers first appeared. He seemed shaken by the place I chose for our fight, perhaps because it reminds him of the two friends he killed that night, which made me realize that their deaths would have been accidental. Minutes later I managed to defeat him, ending up being killed due to overloading his powers.

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