Chapter 5

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When I realized I had already selected her number and now I was waiting for her to answer me. It rang, it rang and even when I was going to hang up the call, I heard your voice.

- Hi Cait, I know it's very late, but do you want to come to dinner with me and Iris and her boyfriend? I understand if you don't want to!

"Of course I'm going, at what time and where?" She answered the phone.

- Jitters, eight o'clock. Okay, see you there then. Kisses!

I hung up the phone and was very happy to know that I was going to have a friendly face during dinner. Time was ticking by, so I went to my closet, picked out an outfit and changed to go to Jitters. When I got there it was still five minutes before the scheduled time, so I went to the counter and ordered a coffee to pass the time.

- Punctual as always.-  someone said behind me and I immediately recognized the person's voice.

- I'm glad you accepted my invitation.

- I know it must be complicated to see the person you love dating a friend and colleague of yours and I'm here to help you get over at least dinner. In fact, it is always good to leave the house a little!

- So you already know ...

- Cisco told me, very technically I heard you talking about it the other day. I didn't want to intrude but the lab walls are not as thick as they look, "said Caitlin, laughing. It's good to see the change at Caitlin, I like to see her smile.

- Sorry for the delay but Eddie had some business to discuss at the CCPD before he could come here. Shall we sit down? "said Iris when she came hand in hand with Eddie.

- Eddie this is Caitlin, Caitlin this is my boyfriend Eddie.

We sat down, looked at the list of dishes for dinner and ordered. This was my favorite coffee ever, the staff were very friendly and I have good memories of this place, so I always come for lunch or coffee here.

- So you two know each other how?

- I was monitoring the state of Barry when he was in a coma and now he does some research with us there in the laboratory in his spare time.- replied Caitlin smiling.

- Ah very well, you must be enjoying that, Barry, I know you love working in laboratories.- exclaimed Eddie.

- Yes, people are very friendly and very professional. It is a good change from the CCPD laboratory, less people asking for things all the time.

The rest of the dinner wasn't even bad at all and I was very grateful that Caitlin accepted the invitation. Seeing them happy and caressing each other was not easy. I accompanied Caitlin to her car and said goodbye to her with a kiss on the cheek and then returned to Iris's edge.

Since we lived in the same house, there was no need for Eddie to take it, so we went together. She always started new conversations, like news in the newspaper where she works, but I just thought about how I could overcome the feelings I felt for her, now that I had no chance whatsoever. We had arrived home and was opening the door when she put her hand on my arm.

- Barry before we went in I wanted to ask you a favor.

"Sure, whatever you need," I said and we sat down on the stairs at the entrance.

- I wanted to ask you not to tell my father about my relationship with Eddie. He is very protective and, on top of that, they are co-workers, I don't want to create bad feelings among them.

- No problem. It remains our secret!

I promised that I wouldn't say anything and that's what I'm going to do. Although I like her very much, I know she is happy with him. We entered the house and each of us went to his room.

The next day, as I didn't have to go to the CCPD in the morning, I went to the lab, but before I went to Jitters, to buy coffees for the rest of the staff. The morning was very calm, with no goal-human activities so I went to the CCPD earlier to get a little work done.

- I brought you something to eat, let's have lunch.- said Iris arriving with a bag of Italian food.

We had lunch and then I was called to a crime scene, leaving Iris to tidy up the trash we made. And so it was for the rest of my day, spent in the CCPD lab doing analyzes to try to find out who the pawn shop robber was, who killed the employee.

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