Chapter 18

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Three days without news of her, we searched all over the city and there was no trace of where they could be. The surveillance cameras came to nothing and neither did the CCPD's resources. I was starting to despair, I needed to get some air, so I went to the park that was close to the laboratory and was only five minutes away.

I went back inside and to my surprise when I entered the room where we have the meetings, Caitlin was sitting on a chair with a glass of water in her hand. She seemed even more surprised to see me than I was to see her, but a few seconds later she was already in my arms, wrapping me in a hug.

I didn't really know how she got here, but I also didn't want to know, what mattered at the moment was that I had her in my arms and didn't think to leave her anytime soon.

She told me that Jay had told her that I was dead and that's why he released her. It was noticed that she was very shaken by the news of my "death" and at this moment I just wanted to console her, but I had to control myself.

After we talked for a while and she hugged everyone who was there, I accompanied her to her home because she needed to rest after the days she had. He sat on the couch and turned on the television and then I sat next to him. She told me that if I had to go to the CCPD, it would be because she would be all alone at home but not even think that I would leave her alone after what we went through, that is, after what she went through.

- I'm not going anywhere. I will stay with you whether you need it or not and I will only leave after confirming that you are really well alone.

- Okay, I already saw that I can do nothing to change your opinion ... You are still going to be fired for faults Barry Allen.

On second thought this could happen, but I don't think so and even if they did I didn't want to know ... being with her is the most important thing and that's what I'm going to do.

We were watching television until nightfall and at seven-thirty Cisco showed up at home with the idea of ​​having a pijama party. Of course, I quickly agreed and even found it a fun idea and a good time to spend a little bit of time together, since lately, we rarely have.

While Cisco was preparing food, that is, taking the plastic dishes out of the bags, I set the table. Five minutes later we called Caitlin over to eat and the three of us sat down at the table. I must say that it was one of the most pleasant dinners I have had in a long time, there were no problems to solve or work talks, we were just three good friends talking about random things.

After dinner, while I was setting things up on the table to keep everything clean, Cisco prepared the movie session. He had chosen a romantic film called A Star is Born. That tells the story of Jackson Maine, a singer at the height of fame. One day, after leaving a performance, he stops at a bar for a drink and then meets Ally, an insecure singer. Jackson is enchanted by this woman and her talent, deciding to welcome her under his wing. At the same time that Ally rises to stardom, Jackson is experiencing a personal and professional crisis due to his problems with alcohol.

I'm not really a fan of this type of films, I mean I don't hate it but they are not my favorites, but they seemed to be enjoying it. When the movie ended, Caitlin smiled because she thought the movie was beautiful despite the ending, but Cisco, he was in tears, which made me want to laugh a lot.

I was trying hard not to laugh at him but I couldn't. We saw two more films that Cisco brought, one being a children's film and when he went to see the time it was almost two. Both Cisco and Cailtin were already practically asleep sitting. I picked up Caitlin carefully and took it to her room.

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