Chapter 14

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Contrary to what is customary, there were not even that many people having dinner. I ordered a grilled steak with french fries and rice and Caitlin ordered a tuna and boiled egg salad. We just ate and I went with her to her car and ran to Joe's house, because in the morning I had to wake up early to take my dad to the airport.

I arrived home and they were all in bed except for my father, who was just preparing everything for tomorrow morning. I greeted him and went to my room. In the morning I woke up to the smell of freshly made pancakes and it made me want to get out of bed. I got dressed and went to the kitchen where Joe was already dressed and sitting at the table.

- I'll miss the breakfasts, - said Joe, looking at the pancakes about to come out of the stove.

- This gentleman only thinks about food. - I said, sitting down beside me smiling.

My father put the pancakes on the table and then sat down for us to eat together. It was good to have my father at the table with me, I really missed this ... a family breakfast.

- Well, I'm going to get my things and I'm going down to the airport.

I was helping Joe clean up and wash the dishes that we got dirty this morning when the doorbell rang. I thought it was Iris, because she knew my dad was going today but when I went to open it I ran into Caitlin and Cisco.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.

"Do you really think we weren't coming to say goodbye to your father?" Asked Cisco.

We were sitting on the couch until my dad came down and when he saw so many people, he was surprised.

- Good morning people. Did you come to pick up my son?

- No, we came to say goodbye to you. We weren't going to let you go without a goodbye and a hug." said Caitlin.

- Well, I think it's time to say goodbye but it won't be too much, I'll be back in a month .- My father said and went to give Joe a hug.

"Enjoy the time with the family." Caitlin said and went to hug my father.

- Come here Cisco.- said my father while hugging Caitlin and it was a hug for three.

After saying goodbye, we left the house towards the airport. I used my super speed to get there faster and so we didn't have to worry about traffic. When we got there, it was forty-five minutes before the plane took off, so I still had a few more minutes to be with my father.

Time passed and the speaker lady was already announcing the departure of my father's flight. We said goodbye and went to STAR Labs where Cisco and Caitlin were around the surveillance cameras to see if there were signs of metas attacking Central City, but there wasnt, and that is a good thing.

As everything was calm, at lunch, the three of us went out to lunch and after that they went back to the laboratory and I went to the CCPD. When I got there, I was immediately summoned to the crime scene, which in this case was a robbery at a jeweler, but the criminal was not very smart because he was caught the same afternoon, after robbing a jeweler right next to the other.

At night I went back to Joe's house and went to sleep. Today was a normal day without much action. In the morning I woke up, went to do my morning hygiene and went down to have breakfast. Today I had the day off from the CCPD, which was not normal, but it seems that a series of interns were going and today they would be advised by the inspectors and since I was not able to advise any, I had the day off. Of course, I told my captain that if anything was needed he should call me that I was going to help.

I went through Jitters and bought coffees for myself and my two friends and when I had them in my possession, I went to STAR Labs. Cisco had not yet arrived, which was not very normal, because he used to be punctual, but Caitlin was already there.

- Brought gifts, good morning Caitlin ... Where did Cisco get in?

- That's what I really needed, coffee. How did you guess?

- I know you! But Cisco ....

- Looks like he had a late date last night and you're a bit hungover. I told him to come only in the afternoon.

- You did well.

- Look, I was going to Iris' house now, don't you want to accompany me?

- It's a beautiful idea.

I put Cisco's coffee in a thermal mug and put it in the cupboard for him when he comes, if he wants to drink and I waited for Caitlin to get everything he needed. She insisted that we go by car and after some disagreement, there I gave my arm to cheer. Twenty minutes and we were parking by their house.

- If we came with my speed, it would have taken us only two or three minutes, so it would take us twenty.

"I don't want to know ... Can we get in?" Asked Caitlin after Iris saw us open the door.

- Good morning Eddie, so how are you feeling?

- In some pain but happy to be home.

- The pain is normal, you still haven't fully recovered.

- Barry, what are you doing here?

- I came to visit my friend and colleague, can't I?

- Of course you can, in fact I was missing you, but you could have brought those cookies from Jitters that I love. I no longer eat a few days ...

- For the next friend.- I replied smiling.

- Shall we do the dressing?

While Caitlin bandaged Eddie, Iris and I went to the kitchen. We've been talking about random things!

- Well done today, I'll be back in two days to see how you are and if necessary, to change again.

- Thank you Caitlin, Barry when you come, next time, bring the cakes.

- Very good friend.

We left their house and went to the laboratory. It is good to see my friends happy and I think that my feelings for Iris are already less and less strong, maybe I am overcoming her for good and that makes me very happy.

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