Chapter 37

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Eight months later ....


- Seriously Barry, thankfully it is almost time for these children to be born ... I do not know if I can take this much longer ... I almost don't even go through the doors.- I said after we left the house.

It had been eight months and every day that passed, I looked like I gained another fifty kilos. According to the doctor who is monitoring my pregnancy, I am in the last days, that is, at any moment my waters can break.

Despite Barry's reluctance, I continued to go to the laboratory every day, if only to spend the whole day looking at the city's surveillance cameras.

- Hey don't be exaggerated, Cait.- Barry said putting his hands on my belly.

- Good morning Snowbarry.- said Harry after we arrived at the laboratory control room.

- Good morning.- I replied smiling and sat down in my chair.

"So how are you feeling today, Caitlin?" Asked Cisco.

- Weary! I woke up a little while ago and I'm already exhausted. Seriously, I'm grateful that my time is running out ... I want these adorable little monsters to get out of me, in an instant!

- Well I have to go to the CCPD, but if something happens, let me know soon.- said Barry giving me a kiss on the lips, then kissed my belly and left the lab, leaving me with Cisco and Harry.

- Cait, when I came here, I passed by Jitters and I brought you some cakes to eat when you are hungry, - said Cisco, showing the box he had on the side of his desk.

- Oh, you're a love Cisco. Thank you!

- You don't need to thank, you have my nephews in there, you need to feed yourself.

"And do you already know what they're going to have?" Asked Harry, taking a chair and sitting between my secretary and Cisco's secretary.

- We just know that they are twins ... We want it to be a surprise.

- I can't believe that in a while we will have mini Barry's or mini Cailtin's,  running around.- said Cisco.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, putting my hand on my belly.

- Cait are you okay? Do you need me to call Barry? "Cisco asked, startled.

- No need ... It's just a contraction. The doctor said it was normal for them to happen, since I am at the end of nine months.

- Wow, you scared me for a minute.- Cisco said putting his hand on his chest.

The morning was going well, of course there were contractions but everything was calm, in fact everything has been minimally calm in the last two months. The meta-human attacks have slowed down a bit, which is strange, but of course I am grateful for that. At lunchtime, I went with Cisco and Harry to lunch at Jitters, where we met Barry, Iris, Eddie and Joe.

"Well, Caitlin, let me tell you that you look more beautiful every day," Eddie said after ordering our food and drinks.

- And how is this pregnancy? Is everything alright?

- Yes, I'm always tired and I can't make efforts, but other than that it's been calm.

- Well but she scared us a little while ago.

- Why? What happened? Are you okay? - Barry asked worriedly.

- Calm down, it was just a few contractions. But its alright!

- I told you it was best if you stayed home.

- For what? At home I would have contractions anyway ... But it's worth having them and being in the laboratory.

Lunch was great and so was the company, but we all had to get back to work. I said goodbye to Iris, Eddie, Joe and Barry and went with Cisco and Harry to the lab. The early afternoon was going well, except for my contractions that were getting closer and closer to each other, but suddenly my computer's alarm gave a signal.

- Barry alerts of a meta-human in downtown Central City.- Cisco said to the cell phone.

The meta-human that Barry was fighting was able to turn into metal, that is, the apprehension of the meta was not going to be easy for Barry. Both Cisco and Harry were helping Barry with things he could do to slow down the meta, but none of this was working.

- Barry, the best thing you have to do is hit him with the ice gun to immobilize him and then ... Ouch! Ahhh!

- Caitlin, what's going on? Caitlin answers me.

"Is everything all right?" Asked Cisco, looking at me.

- My waters broke.

- Ah the waters ... The waters?! - exclaimed Cisco aloud after realizing what was happening.- You have to go to the hospital now.

- I'll go now ... Barry hear me ...

- Cait, you have to go to the hospital .... I will be able to defeat him, but you have to go now.

- Wait, after using the gun, you have a few seconds to put the handcuffs on ... there ... and then you can bring him here.

- Cisco, take her to the hospital, please. I will come to you as soon as I defeat this meta. Cait, I love you.

"Me too," I said, taking the receiver from his ear.

We left the lab and drove to the hospital in my car. As soon as I got there, the nurses put me in a wheelchair and took me to a room.

- Hello Caitlin, I'm Vivian and I'm going to take care of you and your babys. This must be your husband, right? - she asked looking at Cisco.

- No, I'm her best friend. Barry is almost here.

- Very well, as I understand from your chart, your waters have already burst, but we need the contractions to be closer to each other so that we can start to apply force. Rest assured that I will see you in a little while, okay?

- Yes and thank you doctor.

- Cisco, do you think Barry will make it in time?

- Of course he will ... He will capture the meta-human in an instant and then come here, don't worry. Now you need to breathe and be calm. Do you want me to get you something from the machine? You haven't eaten all afternoon.

- No, I just need you to stay here with me.

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