Chapter 22

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Seriously but this paperwork never ends? It seems that no matter how much I sign, when I look at the pile, it seems that something else is always added for me to sign.

- Barry brought what you asked for ... Ah hello Caitlin, I didn't know you were here.- Joe said with a bag in his hands.

- I finished work earlier and since I'm hitchhiking home, I came to keep him company. Do you think people here will mind?

- Do you think so? Of course not!

- Any news about the bank robbery?

- Still nothing, we are looking at the testimonies of everyone involved and investigating where the mud may have come from, but it has still come to nothing.

- What kind of mud was it?

- Normal soil but there were traces of mixed red soil.

- Can I use your computer? A few years ago, there was an explosion in a warehouse area near the Central City dock and they have been abandoned ever since. In three of them, they worked with red soil, it was a kind of scientific experiment ... The police closed the space, but that may be where the soil they found in the bank may come from.

- You're a genius, Caitlin,  I'm going to investigate those stores now. By the way do you guys want to come with me?

- Of course you don't even ask, I'll just get my kit and I'll be right back.

We were going to Joe's car and on the way to the parking lot, most of the people were looking at Caitlin. I mean, I know it's not customary to see a girl at the CCPD who is not a detective or a CSI, but you always have to look at her?

- Allen did not tell me that you had a friend here .... On top of that a very beautiful friend. Hello, I'm Rick.- He said looking at Caitlin and held out his hand.

"Yeah, I'm not interested," said Caitlin, continuing to walk.

- As you see it is beautiful but it is not for you.- Joe said this time. - I have to inform the captain that we are going to the warehouses and make sure it is okay to take Caitlin.

We knocked on our captain's door and explained the situation and he gave Caitlin permission to accompany us. We went to the car towards the warehouses and Caitlin was right, because in one of them we found the money that was stolen from the bank and the mask of the person who used it. I looked for more fingerprints on the site and luckily I found some, so we went back to the CCPD to be able to determine who these fingerprints belonged to.

Seconds later the computer beeped and the prints belonged to a man named Dominic Winters. He was already in our database for assault. Joe took two more detectives and went to stop him.

- You were a precious help, Cait.

Joe managed to arrest the culprit and came back here to take him to the saddle, but unfortunately he had been grazed in the arm and that was where Caitlin came in again to save the situation.

"Sit here," Caitlin said to Joe, pulling up the chair where she'd been sitting earlier. "Barry, I need alcohol, compresses, tape and scissors.

I went to get what she asked for and was assisting her if she needed it. First she took the alcohol and started to disinfect the wound because there could still be some powder left from the bullet that was fired. Then she took the pads and put them around the arm where the wound was and used the tape to keep the pads from moving.

- There you go. When you get home, see if there are any remains of blood to see in the compresses and if you have to change it, or call me and I will stop by your house.

- Thank you Caitlin, once again you are a life saver. - Joe said getting up from his chair and went to his secretary.

It was finally time for us to leave, as my shift for today was over. We went to the parking lot where Caitlin's car was and headed for our home. After a long day at work, the best thing to do was to be home without worries. But it looked like it wasn't going to be possible because Caitlin's cell phone beeped. We went to the car towards the lab and both Cisco and Harry were on their way there.

- What's going on, Caitlin?

- Attack on a factory on the Central City dock. I'm not sure what is going on, but mention that the person has ice powers, since one of the warehouses is all frozen from top to bottom.

- How can I defeat him? Caitlin, I don't have my powers.

- No, but you have your suit and an incredible fire engine that Cisco invented a long time ago. We haven't been able to experience it on a large scale yet, but I think it works.

- We can try, after all it is our only hope of defeating him.

- Before you go, there is one thing you should know, this man is called Albert and he was Dominic's cellmate some time ago, before becoming a meta-human.

- So that means they could be working together in the robbery this afternoon but as we caught the accomplice, he now wants to take revenge.

- Use the portal to get there and good luck Flash.- said Harry this time.

I went to the portal and in a matter of seconds I was at the door of the warehouse where the meta-human activity was taking place. Fortunately there were not many people in the place, so the difficulty of getting everyone out of there was less than if I had, for example, in the city center where dozens of people pass through there.

Let's say that the only advantage I had was the element of surprise, because all my movements were slower than normal and I didn't have the skills I had until now for a hand-to-hand confrontation.

Despite this advantage, the meta had many more advantages against me and I knew this was not going to be a fair fight, but fortunately, after a very intense hand-to-hand fight, there I managed to use the weapon that Cisco built to slow him down and so put on handcuffs that minimize metahuman powers for a few hours and take you to our prison at STAR Labs.

- Let's go home as you deserve, - said Cailtin and we went back to the car towards the house. - You see, I know it's difficult, but today you managed to capture a meta-human without your powers.

- I wouldn't be able to do it without all of you, but yes, I feel happier to know that I still can save the people of this city even though I am Flash.

We went home and after dinner, everyone went to their room. I changed my clothes, went to do my hygiene before going to sleep when I received a message from Harry saying to go to the lab tomorrow morning as soon as possible.

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