Chapter 23

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I was quite intrigued by the message and even more when after answering, Harry told me that it had to be in person and not by a message or even a simple call. I woke up with an alarm clock, cheated on clothes and left the room to eat something. This time it was me who woke up first, so I started making breakfast.

"Did you get Harry's message last night too?" Asked Caitlin, sitting at the table.

- Good morning to you too. - I exclaimed smiling and she smiled too. - And yes, I also received it! You don't happen to know what it is, do you?

- Sorry, good morning, Mr. Allen. And maybe I do, maybe I don't ... But you're going to have to wait until we get to the lab.

We had breakfast and then we went to the lab where Cisco and Harry were waiting for us.

- Barry, I've been thinking about your speed problem. Let's think together, you only had your powers after being hit by lightning on the night of the particle accelerator explosion. What do you say if we recreated the particle accelerator, in a smaller version, to contain the "damage"? I could bring your powers back.

- Seriously this is fantastic. Obviously we have to try! - I said smiling. I was finally going to have an opportunity to have my powers again.

- We are going to work on the prototype and in a few days it should be ready, - said Cisco, going with Harry to the inventions room, leaving only me and Caitlin in the operating room.

- Well, now I have to go to the CCPD, but if you need anything, call me and I'll come here.- I said, giving Caitlin a kiss on the forehead and left the laboratory towards the CCPD where I would be there all day. 

I was super happy with the news that Harry gave me this morning and the hope that my powers will return, is inside me again. When I arrived, I saw that Eddie was back at work and I was very happy for him because I know he loves being here.

- Good morning Eddie, it's good to see you around.

- I already missed being here. Don't get me wrong, I love being home but CCPD is my life. It is what I was born to do and I was dying to return.

- I understand and if it makes you feel better, things without you were not the same.

- I know, I really miss it, but a little something, who was the girl who was here yesterday? People don't stop talking about her, I mean Rick doesn't stop talking about her.

- Oh, Caitlin came here yesterday and was helping us with a case .... It seems that Rick liked her.

- Don't worry, he would never stand a chance with her. Barry, do you think I can ask you something?

- Of course, we are friends.

- As you know, my marriage proposal didn't go the best way ... And if this experience of near death taught me is that I don't want to be without Iris as my wife. Will you help me plan the marriage proposal?

I didn't know what to do ... I accept? I do not accept? This doubt remained in my head, but I decided that it would help. They were my friends and I couldn't help but be happy for them and for being able to help with what Eddie needed, especially because after what he went through, it was the least I could do.

But there was a problem, is that I never planned any of this and I don't even know how to do it, so I decided to ask the person who was sure that she would help me in this case. I called Caitlin and explained the situation and luckily she said she was going to help me. She is really impressive and is always willing to help me with anything I need.

I told Eddie that I had asked Cailtin for help and he didn't care. A few hours later she called me and said that he could place the order in the laboratory, because outside of hours there was never anyone but the security guard, so we could use that space and so Iris wouldn't suspect anything because she would just think that I wanted to talk to her there.

Eddie thought it was a fantastic idea and agreed that at the end of our shift here at CCPD, we would go to the lab and take care of whatever was necessary. The request was going to happen today and it made me a little nervous, although I wasn't sure why.

I tried not to think about the fact that in a few hours my best friend and ex love of my life would be engaged to a friend of mine. I know I already said I was forgetting her and it was completely true, but there is always a part of me, even if small, that will always be in love with her.

At lunchtime, we agreed to have the four of us lunch together, that is, me, Iris, Eddie and Joe. As I was the only one with an office, our lunch was going to be there, so I started to arrange some paperwork so that the food would fit all there and I went to get two chairs so that both Joe and Iris could sit, since Eddie was already there. using the one that is always in my office.

Iris arrived with lunch and we all ate quietly, while the people who had gone to lunch earlier, were returning so that those who had not been, could go to eat something. My shift today ended at five in the afternoon, just like Eddie and so he could give me a ride to the lab.

Despite being happy to be spending time with them, I couldn't help thinking about what Harry had told me this morning and that maybe my powers would return soon and that made me very happy because I miss them so much. I know Caitlin is right when she says that I can continue to save people even without my powers, but being Flash without my powers is not the same thing.

- Barry are you going to tell me what's going on with you? Are you a bit moony? - asked Joe.

- It's no big deal, I just thought of something that Harry said to me this morning.

- And how are things with Caitlin? That is, are you enjoying living with her?

- Yes, I'm really enjoying it.

"Well, I wonder why," said Iris quietly.

"What?" I asked, not realizing what she just said.

- Nothing, I said it's good that you're enjoying staying there.

Things were really going well after I moved in with Caitlin and I had to keep her safe from Jay, because I know he likes her too much and if anything else happened to her, I wouldn't forgive myself for not have helped.

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