Chapter 9

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The day I found out that Ronnie had not died after all and was alive, but had been "turned" into a meta-human, was a confused day but I was happy. Do you know what I mean? The love of my life was alive and I was able to have one more chance to be happy by your side.

It was obvious that Fire Storm was taking over his body and mind but I knew that deep down my fiance was still inside. After we managed to sedate him, we took him to the lab, but I couldn't reach Ronnie, just the person who controlled him, but with some effort we managed to separate the two minds that remained inside my fiancé's body.

Finally I had one more chance with him and I wasn't going to waste it on anything in the world. Today was the most important day of my life, I was finally going to marry the man of my life. But little did I know that the wedding would not last long.

We were outside the STAR Labs lab, Professor Stine was going to make our wedding official and had my closest friends by my side: Barry, Cisco, Joe, Iris and Eddie.

- Ive learned a lot aboout emerging one's life with another this past year. Yet, for all the incredible advancements in science we've all been party to, the mistery that brings two people together thought love, is still the province of magic. Best men, the rings please.

Cisco went to the front pocket of his pants and removed the rings bringing them to our side. Each of us took a wedding ring, which was a ring made of metal that Cisco prepared for us and we put on each other's finger.

"I owe you a real ring," said Ronnie.

- I don't need any. I have everything I need and everyone I need right here. I love you Ronnie!

- I now pronounced you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

I was so happy, I finally had the wedding I always wanted and with the person I always loved, since the day we met at STAR Labs. But our days of happiness lasted very little time, as a new threat loomed over Central City and that was neither more nor less than Reverse Flash.

Barry was trying to defeat that person, but things were not going too well, so Professor Stine suggested that Ronnie help, emerging with him, to activate the Fire Storm powers.

- You can't go. What if you can't escape the inrush?

- Cait, we have to try! - he said, kissed me and went help Barry.

He and Professor Stine emerged in one person and went to help Barry fight the Reverse Flash. But minutes later, only one of them managed to save himself and that was not Ronnie. When I got to Barry's side, I just saw Professor Stine with him and there was no sign of Ronnie.

- I apologize immensely, Cait.- said Barry and I knew immediately what had happened to my husband.

As soon as he told me that, I just did what my heart told me and that was to hug him. I had already lost it once and shortly after we were married, I lost it again. How do you recover from such a thing?

- Barry I need you in the laboratory, it's urgent, - said Iris running inside again. 

- Cisco stay here with Caitlin.- said Barry leaving. 

Minutes later...

- Cisco, do you think you and Caitlin can come to the lab? It's an emergency!

Two minutes later, we entered the infirmary where they were with Eddie, already on the stretcher ready for Caitlin to take a look.

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

- I noticed that he had the police vest under his clothes and when I opened the vest, I saw that the bullet had gone through. The vest was not strong enough to catch the bullet.

"Do you think you can save him yet?" Asked Iris crying.

- We will do everything we can to help you. Cisco hands me the basturi!

I gave him anesthesia, because it would be a risky operation, I opened his chest and with some effort I removed the bullet and cooked. I put on a big dressing and now I was waiting for him to wake up. Luckily Joe came back in time to save him.

"Thanks Caitlin," whispered Iris, sitting on the edge of the bed where Eddie was unaware of the anesthesia.

- You do not need to thank. I think I'm going home, I need to rest ... It was a complicated day.

I went to the car park and drove to my apartment. I opened the door and sat on the couch. Today was really the best and worst day of my life. I finally married my dear Ronnie and then he died. What was I going to do? How can I overcome losing my love again?

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