Chapter 31

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Finally my shift was over and that meant it was time to go "get my bags". As soon as I got to the door, I went to see if her car was at home and as it was, I meant she was at home.

I opened the door and saw her sitting on the sofa and when I saw her face, it really looked like she had been crying all afternoon, which didn't leave me feeling rested, since I was the reason she was this way.

"You came to get your things, didn't you?" She asked, wiping away the tears that kept coming out.

- Not exactly, I came to talk to you first. Cait I will be sincere and I will go straight to the point because we both already know what it is about. I like you and I know you feel the same way about me, but you're afraid to admit it.

- Barry seriously, I don't want to talk about this.

- Listen to me, you recently asked me to trust you and not to walk away from you, today I ask you the same thing. Caitlin, don't move away from me, tell me how you feel. I know you feel something for me, I just want to know why we can't be together?

- It is not that easy. I will not admit that I do not feel anything, because what happened last night seemed to understand the opposite, but ...

- Tell me what you're afraid of? Tell me, please, I need to know what's going on between us.

- Do you really want to know? What is happening is that I cannot and do not want to betray Ronnie. I know he died, but I still feel like we're connected, you know? As good as I feel with you, I always have this negative feeling that does not leave me alone.

- Cait, I understand all this, I really do, but you have to understand that getting away is not the solution. Do you think Ronnie would like to see you like that, unhappy? Or that you followed your life with a boy who adores you?

- I know Barry, but ...

- There isn't but ... Do you think it's wise to be apart when what we most want to do is be together? Caitlin, we're just hurting each other and that's not a positive thing for anyone.

- I know and you're right. I've been miserable since I told you it was best to leave the house. The truth is that I want you to stay, when you moved I felt so happy, so protected. I don't want this feeling to end!

- I'm so glad to hear you talk that way! So what do you say? Do we assume our feelings and try a relationship or do you want us to remain friends and miserable?

- I am willing to try a relationship with you.

"Come here!" I exclaimed, making her hug me. Being like this with her was a dream and I can't believe it came true. I could finally admit what I really felt for her and I'm curious to see what this relationship is all about.

We were a little more embraced and I felt happy, as I haven't felt in a long time. I think that these relationships have everything to work out and in what depends on me I will do nothing to make her feel bad in our new relationship.

I know we have to take it easy because none of us is used to being in a relationship and she recently lost her new husband, which makes things a bit more complicated.

- How will it be tomorrow?

- So tomorrow I have to go to the CCPD until four in the afternoon, but then I'll stop by the lab to come together.

- That's not it, silly! Are we going to tell people or do you want to keep this a secret?

- My love, this is no secret to anyone, everyone already knew that we liked each other. Why don't we make official what everyone already knows?

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