Chapter 4

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Right now we were dealing with a meta-human called Kyle Nimbus. I'll tell you a little bit about this villain's story. Kyle Nimbus worked as a hitman for the Darbinyan crime family until they testified against him in court. He was arrested by Detective Joe West and sentenced to death.

The night Kyle was to be executed, the STAR Labs particle accelerator explosion hit the gas chamber he was in, fusing his molecular structure with the toxic gas, hydrogen cyanide. Thought dead, he escaped from the morgue of Iron Heights Prison.

Kyle began his rampage of revenge with the Darbinyans. Posing as an employee of Amarasia Oasis, where the family was dining, Kyle slaughtered the entire crime family with his poisonous gas as revenge for their testimony against him.

After the judge's death, I went, together with Joe, to the laboratory to see how we could face this meta-human. Cisco suggested that we remodel the particle accelerator as a prison for metas, but Caitlin fully disagreed, saying it was dangerous.

I noticed that she was annoyed when Wells agreed with the idea and asked her to go with and help them down there to remodel it. When I saw the way she looked at Dr. Wells, I realized that I had to do something, as I knew she was not yet ready to face what had happened to her fiance that night and so I asked Wells if she could help me in identifying poison gas .

Caitlin thanked me in a whisper and then I took her to the CCPD. When we got there, a lot of people started "interrogating me" to give them the results of the analysis of other cases that were being investigated at the same time as this one and so we went quickly to my office.

- Can I ask you a question? Ronnie, what was he like? You rarely talk about him, I was curious.

- We met while working on the particle accelerator. We were very different, I think you already noticed that I can be a little guarded. He knew how to make me smile, he used to say that we were like fire and ice.

She was telling me how she had met him when the DNA machine beeped and we had our results.

"There is no correspondence," I said to Caitlin.

"I don't understand one thing, how does a gas attack leave someone else's DNA inside the victim's body?" Asked Caitlin looking at the monitor and that's when an idea formed in my head.

- And if the meta we are looking for does not control the gas, but turns into gas.

While we were trying to figure out what was going on, the police telecom communicated that there was a gas attack at the Central City mall. I looked at Caitlin and she quickly realized that I had to go there.

- Barry you can't go, we don't know enough who we're dealing with. Barry, look at me, it's not safe for you to go there.

"Caitlin, I have to go," I said, but I didn't even wait for his answer.

That's when I showed up at the mall. I confronted him to find out why he had just murdered the judge but he just answered that she deserved to have died. I tried to throw a punch but it turned to gas.

Due to our struggle, I inhaled some of the toxic gas and could not breathe so I ran to the laboratory. Caitlin and Cisco laid me down on the stretcher. Caitlin had to extract the gas from my body, but due to my accelerated metabolism, the anesthesia had no effect.

Cisco passed her the syringe and she stuck it right in the middle of my chest. Houres later, we found out that the last target of Kyle's revenge was Joe, because it was the policeman who arrested him. When I arrived at the prison, because he had gone to visit my father, I ejected a little of the antiduct that Caitlin had given me and then I went to try to find the goal.

How did I beat him. Well, i was able to suffocate him by using his super speed to keep him in gas form, thereby depriving him of oxygen, until he fell unconscious. Once he awoke, Kyle discovered that he was a prisoner of the particle accelerator-turned-makeshift meta-human prison under STAR Labs.

Another meta that we managed to imprison and managed to save the lives of dozens of people, all due to the help of my team. I couldn't do anything I did without the help of Cisco, Wells and most importantly Caitlin.

I think that starting today, after going down with her and talking about what happened to Ronnie that day, Caitlin will not be so afraid to go down to our new meta-human prison and it makes me happy to know that I was the one who helped her overcome some of the fear she felt.

After leaving the lab, I got a message from Iris asking if I wanted to go to dinner with her and Eddie at Jitters. Of course, I personally didn't want to, but I had to act normally so she wouldn't suspect anything. I sent a message saying that I was going, but I asked if I could take someone with me, I didn't feel like putting up with the happy couple alone.

She said yes and now she had to think about who would take it with me. I still thought about taking Cisco, but he could find out about my secret and I didn't want Eddie and Iris to know, and then I thought about Caitlin, but I don't know if she would accept it, after all we don't know each other that well.

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