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Third Person POV

Jimin once again replayed the Dinner Party video he had recorded with his Hyung's and the two maknaes a few days before, it again started as Taehyung spoke "I really gain strength thanks to all the members but there was a member who sent me a long message out of nowhere" 

Jimin frowned at this as Namjoon and Hoseok asked "Who was it?" meanwhile his Hyung laughed and Seokjin scolded him "Why are you laughing?" It was then when Taehyung revealed "Suga Hyung" 

Jimin had played along and oohed with the other members as the conversation continued, "Really?" both he and Hoseok had asked yet in different tones that were left unnoticed by the others "Wow amazing~ I couldn't even imagine that" said Hoseok 

"Why? Why not" Yoongi asked "Do you want to know why? It's because even I haven't received 5 messages from you, not even one line" complained SeokJin as Namjoon choked on his drink with laughter which the others joined.

 "That's why it's even more unexpected"  "This is embarrassing" mumbled Yoongi although Taehyung continued "I'll skip the message itself but the last part was the most..."  "Memorable?" asked Namjoon.

"Yes, it was the first time I'm hearing it from him" said Taehyung leading to Yoongi suddenly shouting "HaJiMa!" dramatically to which only laughter was responded and a "You have to" from Namjoon "I'm so curious~" Jimin had said very honestly.

 "He said he loves me" revealed Taehyung shyly as he nervously clutched his shirts top button and played around with it, there were immediately huge ohhh's. 

They all then agreed none of them had heard Yoongi say I love you to either of them ever before "The longest message I've received from him was 'Hyung, do you want to eat?'" the others laughed at this while Yoongi revealed he had sent that message to one other person.

"The other one was me" revealed Jungkook proudly as another set of oooh's were heard and Namjin had their own moment "Namjoon-ah send me a message saying you love me~" said SeokJin "Hyung-nim~ I love you" replied Namjoon as others laughed at their silliness. Jimin then spoke

Suga Hyung ❣ I want to receive that message too. After this, please send me a message saying you love me too❣❞

"Hey are you really going to beg?" asked Namjoon "Yes!" he replied with certainty "Me too" Namjoon revealed as they both made the boys laugh once again while they insisted on Yoongi to send them a message at least ten characters long, even if it was copy-paste.

 "Ah~ I can't do this ah~" muttered Yoongi "He's so cute~" Jimin had said frankly "Okay next~  Q. What is something I want to hear when I'm down to cheer me up?" read Yoongi "I love you" said Taehyung immediately making them awe at him as Jimin spoke

 "I think I'll gain strength if Suga Hyung says he loves me~"  "Jimin-ah" said Yoongi "Yes?" "I love you~" Jimin immediately clutched his heart and moved back as his heart flipped in excitement "It feels so good~"  "It gives you the chills~" said Hoseok "Right~" said Jimin as he added.

"It's because it's THAT Hyung who's saying it" to make his reaction less obvious. They all then continued stating how jealous they were as Taehyung gloated over the massage being more than twenty lines long "You guys... Don't be so jealous~" said Yoongi.

With that Jimin paused the video, he had already seen it on repeat enough times to memorize each and every detail. Yes, his Hyung has said 'I love you' to Jimin and he had loved it yet upon rewatching the video loads of times the same thought occurred to him each time.

"He didn't send me the message" he mumbled to himself. It had been great to hear it in person but he also needed the message, it was different. 

Something he could read at any time by opening the chat, it just hit differently knowing the 'I love you' from his crush lay in their texts for him to swoon over anytime he felt like cheering himself up. 

Yet he hadn't received the message which had led to the continuous replaying of the video for the past three and a half days and a lot of frowning "He must've forgotten" Jimin told himself. "But what if he just doesn't want to send it? What if he only said that because I kept on being annoying at the recording..." Jimin couldn't help but overthink.

 "What if he hates me now? No no h-he wouldn't hate me r-right?" but whatever he told himself did nothing but panic him more leading to a panic attack through which Jimin shook and sobbed quietly, trying to control his volume so the others wouldn't know. 

Soon he sweats and started to feel weak and dizzy, suddenly losing control over his breathing as he clutched his chest at the sudden pain and fear. 

The attack, although it did not last longer than four minutes did not forget to leave it's after-effects as Jimin continued crying, unable to stop despite the sudden feeling of being worn out and drained. As usual, after every panic attack, he was unable to sleep thus ended up spending the night crying his heart out, 


w.c 884

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