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Third Person POV

There was a lot of chaos, as it was every year since the world tours had started. Only, there was more this year, a lot more.

Somehow the media and army had heard about the boy band leaving today and the airport was crowded enough to slow down so many people who were late to their flights, which in turn had most passengers missing and ended up getting cancelled.

It seemed every army and reporter in the country was at the airport to get a statement about the scandal.

Everyone, especially the boys had panicked upon seeing that huge of a crowd out of control and trying anything and everything to get to them.

The staff somehow had managed to get themselves and the boys on the plane without falling to any serious injuries.

Sasaengs had made their way onto the plane and were gotten rid of. In short, the chaos had multiplied, national security was everywhere.

It took another two hours of delaying the flight to get everything under control before the plane took off and allowed everyone 12 hours and 30 minutes of rest before it'd finally land in LA, where their first four concerts would take place.

Most of the hours were spent talking about random things or discussing stuff about locations of the concerts which included of US, UK, Canda, France, Germany, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Saudia and the Netherlands.

By the time the plane had finally landed, the boys had been extremely exhausted, therefore spent the rest of the day sleeping in at their hotel rooms, getting enough rest for their big concert the next day.

"Hyung~ Wake up we're leaving for the stadium" Yoong whined when the younger woke him up "I hate how we have to get there so many hours before and rehearse on the empty stage too, but we have to be there Hyung, wake up!" Jimin insisted.

Yoongi grunted and finally forced himself to open his eyes "Fine, I'll wash up and change" So here's how things on concert day went, many hours before the concert was to start, the boys went to the stadium and rehearsed on the empty stage to get used it.

After a while of rehearsal, they'd return backstage where the stylists would be waiting.

After that, the hours left until the concert were spent with the stadium gates being opened to fans while the boys getting dressed up, getting their makeup and having their hair styled.

And then there was the awaited moment, the concert itself. It was around the end of the last song that Jimin and Yoongi were reminded of what Bang PD had suggested, teasing army.

Once the song ended, the elder walked towards the younger, who in turn grabbed Yoongi's collar, while Yoongi the youngers jacket before pulling Jimin closer, both their lips almost touching.

This caused army to scream widely in anticipation, the couple almost kissed before they pulled back, turned to army, shot them a wink and left the stage.

The concert ended painfully, with no answers. Everything only became more confusing regarding whether the rumours were the truth or the boys were taking advantage and teasing army.

"That was evil" mumbled Jimin, feeling somewhat bad for their fans "It's okay Miniee, the article's going to release tonight anyways. Army won't be angry" Yoongi ensured him. 

Eventually, everyone parted in front of their hotel rooms, once they were alone Yoongi pulled Jimin to himself and kissed him.

"Hyun-ngh" Both gasped for breath upon Yoongi pulling back "What was that for?" asked Jimin "Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend?"

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