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Third Person POV

The next morning at six Yoongi was the first to get up, the first among everyone else actually. It was not without a reason, however, as he got up immediately and washed up hurriedly before changing into ripped jeans, a black hoodie, a cap, sunglasses and a mask.

He wasn't going to take a shower as drying his hair would certainly wake up Jimin. Yoongi needed to be gone and back before anyone woke up, so a shower could wait until the afternoon, habitual of each morning or not.

Yoongi quietly made his way outside the dorm and walked to the nearest police station with CCTV footage in a USB / Hard Drive. 

He asked to meet the police chief but was obviously questioned for his own identity for which he had to lower his hood slightly to one of the officers who thankfully gasped in recognition and hurried him to the chief's office.

There, he laid information on why he was there and showed the chief the CCTV.

"I would like the court to issue a restraining order. The moment he was released he came looking for his son whom he went to jail for beating up and threatened him. With our authority, I think it's enough to get a restraining order"

"Our company itself, of course, will be taking action with adding more protection to its artist but I and the CEO decided it's better the company's legal team doesn't officially get to it as that would lead to the possibility of people somehow finding out officially if the information is leaked"

"Therefore I'm here unofficially from the company, I've been through a lot of shit myself so I know my law study" assured Yoongi to the silent police chief.

Once that was done, Yoongi texted Bang PD and headed back to the dorms. Since after Mr. Park was sent to jail before, Jimin had gone to high school, and the family had changed neighbourhoods and houses therefore it would be hard for Mr. Park to find his ex-wife.

Just in case though Bang PD, upon Yoongi's suggestion had not hesitated to send more than enough security back to Busan as protection for his artist's family. 

No one else meanwhile knew that Yoongi was doing this, they didn't need to either. Jimin would think he's troubling everyone and probably overthink it, the other members would be pretending they didn't know anything anyway. 

Yoongi also knew better than to tell them what was happening when half of them couldn't even keep secrets, he'd just say Bang PD took care of it. Yoongi thankfully reached back to the dorms with no one awake yet, he entered his shared room with Jimin to find him still asleep.

Yoongi then put away his sunglasses, cap and mask and slid off his black hoodie under which he wore clothes from last night. He yawned and mumbled.

"I'm fucking tired, six in the morning? Never fucking again" before slipping back into the bed next to Jimin. The next time he woke up was six in the afternoon, basically, he was being forced to wake up, therefore he sat up suddenly already ready to scream at whoever was trying to wake him up.

"WHO THE FUCK- Jiminiee, morning" muttered Yoongi as he stretched, unable to bring himself to shout at the younger. "M-morning Hyung. It's afternoon actually, Jin Hyung said you missed breakfast so you should at least eat lunch"

"Taehyung was supposed to wake you up but he said he was afraid of doing so and asked me to instead? Waking you up isn't that scary though, I wonder why he said he'd remember me if I end up dead?" 

Waking me up doesn't seem scary because it's you doing it Park Jimin "He was probably joking" lied Yoongi, Jimin nodded in agreement and both headed out to the kitchen.

Once they all begun to eat lunch SeokJin was the first to speak "Jimin-ah do you feel better? You're eating a lot and not overworking, right? I don't want you fainting again"  "R-right, I'm sorry for the trouble Hyung, it won't happen again" said Jimin.

"I'm not scolding you because it was troublesome Jimin. Everyone was very worried, we care for you after all. From now on you're going to bed on time, eating three meals a day and relaxing for a while understood?" asked SeokJin.

Jimin surprisingly nodded immediately. Anything to cover up why he had actually fainted, once they were all done eating, everyone went to their rooms. 

"Hyung, do you want to go to the arcade with me and Tae Hyung?" asked Jungkook, poking his head inside Jimin's and Yoongi's room.

Jimin had been half laying on the bed on his back with his legs touching the floor while he scrolled on his phone, Yoongi meanwhile was seated on the window seat writing something related to probably his mixtape. "No... I think I'll stay behind and rest for today" lied Jimin.

"Okay then, if you want to join us midway we'll be at the usual arcade, bye Hyung!" "Bye" "You don't have to avoid going outside Jiminee, I promised I'd keep the man away from you and I don't intend on breaking the promise" said Yoongi softly, turning to face Jimin once sure Jungkook was gone.

"I know Hyung... I trust you too but I'm just afraid he'll manage to somehow find me outside the dorm and hurt me" mumbled Jimin. 

Yoongi got up and lay down the same way next to Jimin "Then we'll just go where ever either of us wants to go together rather than alone, how does that sound?" offered Yoongi.

Jimin shifted to his right shoulder to face Yoongi before moving closer and hugging him which took the elder by surprise "Thank you Hyung" Yoongi hugged the younger back and hummed as a response. Both of them stayed like that for hours until Jimin spoke "I'm hungry~" 

Park Jimin, willingly asked for food rather than starving himself, this was now an update Yoongi couldn't not be happy about "Let's go eat then"

w.c 1006

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