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Third Person POV

"Go out together, have fun, hold hands, eat and kiss. Date you know?" explained Yoongi, Jimin frowned "Hyung! I know what date is! I didn't mean it- you know what nevermind!" he pouted turning away.

"I was kidding Jiminiee don't sulk on me" ignored. Yoongi moved closer to the younger and turned him to face him, "Hyung's sorry for teasing you, don't be mad baby~" coed Yoongi at the youngers cute angry face.

"Say that again" mumbled Jimin "I'm sorry" "The other part" whispered Jimin as he hid his face in the elder's chest.

Yoongi smiled at that "Baby? I'll say that a lot more often" he promised before he slowly moved his hands forward and started to tickle the younger, soon enough Jimin was stuck under Yoongi laughing his lungs out and crying, his hair was all messy and he was breathless.

Yoongi as he realized the position they were in, hit himself mentally and coughed before getting of the younger and kissing his forehead.

"We'll start the date early. Dress up, I'll go make us breakfast" If anything was clear it was that Yoongi was not only going to tease Jimin and baby him a lot but spoil him just as much.

Once again he went all out of the way with cooking for his baby and filled the table with Waffles, Salad, Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes, Fried Rice, Juice and Coffee. 

Jimin unsurprisingly gasped as he scanned the table upon entering the kitchen "That's so much food Hyung!"

"I said I'd cook for you more often" shrugged Yoongi "Oh my god, this tastes so good" Jimin practically moaned making Yoongi laugh at his silliness. "Eat up, I'll go change and join you

By the time Yoongi came back half the food was wiped off the table, Yoongi smiled but then pouted.

 "I wanted some waffles too" "'M sorry Hyung~ They were too good" apologized Jimin, Yoongi shrugged "It's okay, I bet your lips still taste like them anyways"

"You should probably test that theory Hyung" smirked Jimin rather than blushing, it didn't take longer than a second for Yoongi's lips to crash onto the younger's in a passionate kiss as he pulled the younger closer from his waist.

Jimin responded with circling his arms around Yoongi's neck. He did not bother fight for control, after all, Yoongi's tongue technology wasn't to be underestimated.

After a full two minutes, the make-out session was interrupted by the lack of oxygen and the need to breathe air.

"Taste's better than any food I've ever eaten before," said Yoongi, the statement was met with a full eye smile by Jimin leading to a gummy one from Yoongi as they lovingly stared at each other.

Once the food was gone and dishes washed both boys got ready to head out. The usual, mask, cap, sunglasses and Yoongi's hoodies.

They headed at first to the ice rink nearby which by absolute and pure coincidence was just empty with no one but Jimin to make fun of Yoongi at his failed attempts of ice skating. 

It was nevertheless fun for Jimin to watch Yoongi trip over and over again in a ridiculous way and swear at the ice while violently thumping on it making Jimin laugh hard.

Next Yoongi took them to surprisingly, an opera. Jimin did not know how or whether Yoongi knew that but Jimin had always wanted to go to an opera one day.

After the beautiful show was over the boys headed out to movies "Wow, the whole screen room is empty. Which seats are ours Hyung?"

"All of them. They refused to let me rent it for the day so I just bought all the seats, you should've seen their faces" confessed Yoongi.

Jimin gasped "Hyung! What the actual fuck!? How much money have you spent on today?"

"Nothing I can't spend for you. You don't need to know anyways, I already reserved everything and paid for it and I'm going to continue to do that"

"But-" "Look the movie is starting" Basically the next few hours were spent munching on a lot of cinema food, talking and watching the movie. 

Next Jimin was dragged to a five-class Italian restaurant where he confirmed a reservation under his name, they were then led to a deserted and open but hidden balcony with a table in the middle.

It was covered with white sheets and filled with flowers, scented candles red wine and already ordered pasta, Fettuccine Alfredo and guess what? Carbonara.

"This all looks so pretty~" mumbled Jimin immediately getting loads of photos before digging in.

Yoongi meanwhile just stared at the other and chuckled while he wiped some sauce off the youngers face "Slow down"

Apparently the date still had more in store as both boys walked hand in hand to the ice cream shop and stood in line. 

They had just ordered when Yoongi suddenly heard Jimin squeak and grab his sleeve and pull on it, Yoongi turned around to see a man in his late forties groping Jimin's ass. 

Yoongi had never reacted to anything in his life so fast ever before, next second the man was on the floor with a busted lip, bruised face and a black eye as he screamed in pain while clutching his left arm which was probably broken.

Yoongi grabbed his collar and pulled him forward to whisper in his ear "Touch him again and next time you won't have an arm to hold"

Then both boys grabbed their ice creams and headed to the park nearby as they sat on swings "You okay?" asked Yoongi knowing the younger had been startled and uncomfortable. "Y-yeah, you didn't have to beat him that bad though Hyung"

"He touched your ass Jimin, that's not okay. I'm the only one who's supposed to even look at it" answered Yoongi.

Jimin blushed and continued to eat his ice cream as they both sat there next to each other on their swings which swung as they stared at the stars in comfortable silence.

"Jiminee" "Yes Hyung?" "Did you have fun today?" "Actually, a lot of fun Hyung!"

"Then will you be my boyfriend?"

w.c 1009

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