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Third Person POV

"This is going to be crappy advice coming from a therapist but it's also the only thing I can recommend, which is practice"

"You need to get used to having strangers around you Yoongi, having contact with them physically. It's the best chance you have, take it slow, and start with handshakes with new people you meet"

" It'll only be a small gesture when you introduce yourself, I know the idea sounds shitty and I wish I could give you a better solution but I can promise that it will work"

"You've made all the progress you could over the year and now you just need to push a little bit more, it'll be better with Jimin at your side. You've already done it with him, you let him in and know you. It was the first step, it's all about trust"

"You can start small, trust your members a bit more. Everything will play out the way it did with Jimin here, just less romantically"

"You don't need to tell them about your past but you need to open up more to them. You know you can trust them with your life, they're your brothers"

"It goes for you as well Jimin-ssi. I know you've had a similar past as Yoongi, you have trust issues with yourself as Yoongi does with others"

"You've managed to trust yourself, now you need to do the same with people around you. I can ensure you both the members will be a great help, they're the closest thing to you both and will be a great start"

Both boys nodded and after a few more minutes of conversation, decided to head back to the dorms.

"That was shitty, I mean not Dr. Kang. Just being told all that to our faces when we've been ignoring it. How did you go through this for three years Hyung?" Yoongi sighed.

"I don't know, the therapy itself is traumatic" Yoongi had lied, he did remember each and every second of those three years.

He couldn't just forget how much he had hated those years, the therapy itself had been a scar for him.

"Hyung, what do you think she meant by trusting the members more than we already do?" asked Jimin "I guess it's about time we confess to them that we're dating" mumbled Yoongi.

"WHAT- wait, seriously? Really?" Panic was the only emotion Jimin could feel right now.

"Yes, eventually. It doesn't have to be immediate, could be today or tomorrow or next week. It's going to be hard for us both but we need to tell them one day. The boys are an important part of our life after all"

"Do you think they'll be...okay with it? In the worst-case scenario, do you think they'll hate us? Think of it as disgusting and be ho-" Jimin stopped abruptly as he glanced at the elder who seemed to have stopped listening to anything.

Yoongi was biting his lip harshly, causing it to bleed. He wiped the blood from the back of his hand and finally spoke.

"I don't know Jimin. This is both our pasts, our insecurities"

"Everything depends on how others will take the news, I don't know if I can handle any of them looking at us differently afterward, it'd hurt more than it has in the past. I don't know how it'll end up, but I doubt it'll be too bad" he confessed.

No, Yoongi wasn't going to reassure the younger, he wasn't in any position to tell him everything would be fine and they'd all live happily ever after.

Because the truth was, both boys had the same past and experience, same insecurities of betrayal, and being judged and abandoned.

Neither assured the other everything was going to work out because maybe it wasn't, hoping it would have no point.

Hope was just an emotion hiding the reality of what could happen and would eventually happen, whether good or bad. "It should be fine, I trust the others" said Jimin.

"No you don't, neither do I. If we trusted them like we think we do, we wouldn't be doubting them or hiding this from them in the first place. This is exactly what Dr. Kang meant, we don't completely trust them" mumbled Yoongi.

The rest of the drive home was in silence as both boys clawed in their heads upon their own different concerns and thoughts.

On entering the dorm they were treated by the rest in the lounge "How'd it go?" asked Taehyung.

 "We talked to her, she was happy and said thanks. And then she had a seizure and went into a coma, she won't be waking up" said Jimin bitterly.

Yoongi sighed "I'm going to go sleep, keep your voices and the TV volume low" he said before leaving to the room, Jimin followed.

"Am I the only one who sensed that weird atmosphere?" "No, they're acting cut off from each other again. Something must have happened" said Namjoon.

SeokJin sighed "Give it time, they'll be fine. They just saw a barely ten-year-old basically die in front of them and they couldn't do anything about it"

Neither Jimin nor Yoongi spoke to each other as they lay down on the bed.

Of course, it wasn't a fight or anything, they just needed their own space and time to think individually.

Nothing stopped them from eventually turning off the lamps and going to sleep while cuddling, or at least they tried despite their thoughts keeping them up most of the night.

The next morning eventually brought back the topic, making the couple have a small conversation on agreeing on telling the rest today.

They were all currently sitting in the lounge staring at the TV, no one was paying attention though.

They all could see Jimin and Yoongi exchanging worried looks and occasionally mumbling to each other and whispering at the other end of the sofa.

The tense atmosphere around them was a plus as Hoseok finally grabbed the remote, turned off the TV, and turned to the duo.

"Okay, enough. What is up with you both, Yoongi Hyung and Jimin" Both boys flinched in surprise at the sudden confrontation.

"Well we kind of have something to tell everyone" muttered Jimin, his voice was only high enough to barely be heard, "We're listening" said Namjoon.

Jimin nudged Yoongi "I- fine! The thing is...uh" Yoongi hesitated, he wanted to pretend this hadn't happened and go to sleep.

The boys were quick to notice the clear worry and fear on the faces of the two "You both are scaring me" spoke Taehyung.

"You can tell us anything Yoongi, we won't judge either of you" said SeokJin softly, the others nodded in agreement. Yoongi took a deep breath "Okay, okay... it's just kind of hard. Okay, fuck it, I'll just say it"

"Me and Jimin are dating"

w.c 1124

HYUNG - YOONMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now