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Third Person POV

"Oh yeah... It's been almost ten years since then. He could've been out for months if he was a model prisoner or he could still have a few months left" mumbled Jimin in realization.

 "How are you so calm? What if he comes after you?" asked Taehyung in worry "I don't know Tae, but we are Bangtan. No one can harm us right?" said Jimin hesitantly. 

"Yeah that's true, it'll probably be fine. Shouldn't you tell Bang PD just in case though? To alert the security?" asked Taehyung "No it's fine" if  Jimin did that it would cause a lot of necessary trouble and worry.

The security could tighten and the members would be troubled as well as Bang Pd. Army would also notice and everyone would be worried, tensed and troubled. All because of Jimin, so no he could not let that happen.

"Jimin! Taehyung! We're going to to practice! Come to the dance studio!" shouted Hoseok "Coming Hyung!" shouted Jimin and added "Let's go" before getting up.

Once all the boys were present, the music for 'Idol' was turned on and the group dance revised, Jimin was not specifically impressed by the practice but it would do with just a smaller push in the recording.

 Eventually everyone settled into the Mercedes Benz and headed to the MV shoot which took several tries due to small mistakes made by the members or the equipment or setting, but eventually the MV was finalized. "Perfect! It'll release once editing is done!"

While the others seemed to be celebrating this Jimin, who was watching himself in the video seemed to think otherwise. He seemed... fat, this would not do. He needed to lose weight, faster and without making the others notice.

So that was how the next few weeks went by, the MV along with other songs had positive results and the views were skyrocketing.

To everyone Jimin seemed to be doing a lot better, he ate three meals a day and left behind no leftovers. This was however only outside his bathroom, every bite Jimin took made him feel more and more disgusted in himself so it was the same after every meal.

He would go to the bathroom and make himself throw up every time he ate something, then he'd stare as his pathetic form in the mirror before grabbing something that would bring him comfort, a blade.

He would further be up on early hours again and exercise in the gym heavily, the others seemed to think he was doing good now so they weren't suspicious enough to check if he still got up early in the mornings. 

The torture and cutting increased more and more and Jimin was proud in hiding it well enough to be not noticed. Eventually a concert itself was approaching so Jimin knew if he overworked and starved himself he would end up fainting and causing a lot of trouble.

So he cut down the exercise to just throwing up and a protein shake a day. He'd just get back to losing weight again when the coast was clear of any situations he could cause trouble to arise.

The closer the concert got, the more tense all the members became, it had been a while for all of them to have performed on stage so they wanted their performance to be amazing.

Yoongi, this time did not fail to notice Jimin fidgeting nervously, however he was unable to calm down the younger as they were all grabbed for hurried makeup and before they knew it rushed onto the rising stage. 

The moment they were on top, the screams from ARMY were louder and more clear than ever, Namjoon addressed them all for a hurried moment before the awaited moment began. 

It was going perfect, or okay enough for Jimin until it came to the end and they all moved forward to the yet unused part of the stage for the last song. 

Of all things Jimin could have done, from messing up the choreography, missing a step, cracking his voice, failing a high note to forgetting a line or fainting. Of all these things he had to fucking slip, he slipped like a idiot and earned ooh's from the ARMY. 

Although he immediately put up a fake smile and skipped up and continued like it was nothing all of the members knew already it was not going to end there.

They were soon proved right as they got home only for Jimin to rush to his room and slam the door shut which was followed by the harsh sound of a lock being turned. 

"He's going to beat himself up to no end for this" mumbled a worried Jungkook "Yoongi? Try talking to him. You can understand him the best and I think you're probably the only one who he'll let inside right now" said SeokJin.

Yoongi nodded and knocked on Jimin's door only to receive a "GO AWAY!"  "Jiminee? let me come in"  "H-hyung?" "Yeah, it's me. Let Hyung come in okay?" There was silence for a while until the door was unlocked and slowly and slightly opened. 

Enough for Yoongi to squeeze in before it was shut, but not locked again. Yoongi made his way to the younger who sat on the floor by the bed, hugging his knees while his back was supported by the wall.

Yoongi sat next to him "I m-messed up everything H-hyung. I practiced s-so much s-so that I w-would not. But I r-ruined it a-all, everyone will h-hate me now won't t-they?" sobbed Jimin. Yoongi sighed and pulled his Dongsaeng closer to him, speaking as he rubbed his back in comfort.

"You did not mess up Minee, it was the stage that was slippery so it was not your fault. Your preparation was flawless and you rocked the singing and dancing, really. It was perfect, you were perfect. We'll never hate you either, you mean a lot more to us then a dumb concert Jimin"

"You're our family, if there is anything you need to apologize for then it's overworking. You should apologize to yourself too because those thoughts are wrong, totally wrong. You are perfect Park Jimin and you don't get to think otherwise"  

"I-it wasn't my f-fault..." repeated Jimin in a whisper "Yup, I asked the staff later and they said the stage was wet since they cleaned it right before the concert started. Even Jin Hyung slipped slightly as well plus Namjoon even missed three steps"

"R-really? A-are you sure n-no one hates m-me?" asked Jimin "The other members and ARMY love you Jiminee, especially me okay?" insisted Yoongi, Jimin nodded before continuing to cry in the arms of the older until he fell asleep.

Meanwhile the others outside had been just listening to muffled and unclear words until there was silence and they decided to knock and enter only to find Jimin asleep in Yoongi's arms who was still rubbing his back.

Everyone let out revealed sighs "Is he okay?" asked Taehyung "He'll be fine since I told him how Namjoon sucked the worst anyways" said Yoongi while picking up the asleep Jimin and putting him in bed under the quiltings as he added.

"Hyung how about pork chops for dinner?" while ignoring Namjoon pout and finding that Jimin was clutching his arm tightly.

"That sounds good, it doesn't look like Jimin is going to let you go any sooner so you should rest here along with him until I make dinner. You guys should sleep too" chuckled SeokJin while eyeing Hoseok who was practically already asleep while standing, everyone slowly left the room.

"I'll help you with dinner" Yoongi heard Namjoon offer and SeokJin answer "You are not destroying my kitchen any sooner Joon" before the door was closed and Yoongi was left alone with a asleep Jimin. 

Yoongi took of his shoes and somehow managed to do so with his jacket as well as he got into the bed with the younger, soon both of them were once again into the old position.

Yoongi spooning Jimin with both their legs tangled with each others, fast asleep comfortably as the covers lay forgotten and pushed aside.

w.c 1353

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