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Third Person POV

SeokJin immediately spoke "Everyone, keep your voices down, the windows and doors are locked right?"

"Yeah, we made sure they were before we went out, seeing most of us went straight to sleep they still should be" said Namjoon. Around ten minutes later there was deafening silence outside "I'll go out and-" 

"No!" Jimin immediately interrupted Yoongi and added "It's dangerous Hyung, it could be anything, you could get hurt"

"Jimin is right Yoongi, something could go very wrong" 

We can't sit around and wait for someone to break in do something to all of us, nor can we contact any police or worry people unless we're sure something is going on" argued Yoongi.

"He's right about that Jin Hyung, we need to be sure" said Namjoon, SeokJin hesitated and then spoke.

"Okay, but I want you here back in five minutes. All you're going to do is get a glimpse and get your ass back here without getting a scratch, okay?" he said.

Yoongi nodded "I'll be careful Jiminee, I'll run if I have to" Jimin frowned, still not liking the idea but nodded. 

Thus, Yoongi went out and slowly approached the main gates, he gulped as they came in view. About fifteen guards were out cold and about ten were still fighting two men.

Jimin's father and another man who was probably his acquaintance. Before he knew it he was spotted and gotten a glimpse at, heck he was being approached by Mr. Park.

But if he risked trying to run back inside, he'd be risking having Mr. Park follow him into the dorm.

Yoongi could still distract the man and assure the safety of the other members and most importantly Jimin's, so he shouted "CALL THE POLICE, INFORM PD-NIM" and then he was attacked.

Needless to say, Yoongi knew some shit. He'd gone through enough to know how to fight, more than the basic self-protection.

Either it was out of pure luck or talent that he managed to beat Mr. Park out cold, Yoongi didn't know but he hadn't managed it without getting hurt himself.

Not much, but a few bruises on his face, bloodied knuckles and a busted lip.

However, right at the moment the other man had managed to knock out ten whole leftover guards and was walking towards Yoongi who spoke "Who the fuck are you"

"Park's friend, of course, I'm guessing you're the one that faggot of his is whoring around with" Yoongi went with an attack rather than defence, straight-up angry. 

Punches were thrown and dodged, neither of them giving up or losing until sirens were heard and ambulances along with police cars came in sight, the dorm door also burst open and the other boys were rushing out

That all was enough for the friend of Mr. Park to panic and try to get away, Yoongi, however, was to prevent that by tripping the latter. 

He was however unable to do so without being pushed back and unluckily hitting his head at the edge of the wall and blacking out before hearing the boys scream his name.

He woke up to a white ceiling, white walls, white furniture, white bed, white machines. Obviously, the sickening sight of a hospital room. 

He groaned in slight pain as he sat up and spotted the boys outside the room through the glass window in the door talking to a man in a suit, probably someone from Bighit's legal team.

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