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Third Person POV

Min Holly was the one to lick them awake the next morning. Upon Yoongi's suggestion, while he had gone to the dinner, Jimin had gone to the Min household and taken Holly from Junki's room.

 "What if they look for him?"

"They never really liked Holly so I don't think they'll give a damn. They probably considered my baby a waste of food and money. I'll just post a selfie for Jungki Hyung go see if he's meant to" shrugged Yoongi as he cooed at his puppy.

"Room service?" asked Jimin, Yoongi nodded "Its more safer for us that way" "I'll order black bean noodles, we can head back after eating"

"Yeah, I'll text Jin Huyng before he dies of worry and take a bath" said Yoongi. Thus, after breakfast both boys headed back to Seoul, immediately being attacked on how everything went by the other boys as they came home.

Yoongi shook them all off by saying he was tired and Jimin followed suit.

"Oh my god, I'm tired. I hate driving, it makes me hungry" Yoongi whined after half an hour of silence, Jimin giggled "How does that make you hungry?"

"When I use too much energy I get tired, which gets me hungry and then sleepy" explained Yoongi making Jimin laugh "I'll see if there's anything to eat" 

He then went to SeokJin and Namjoon's room and knocked before opening the door.

He was met with the sight of Namjoon reading a book with glasses on as SeokJin lay using his lap as a pillow, possibly asleep.

Namjoon motioned for the younger to remain quiet and mouthed a what, Jimin shook his head and mouthed back nevermind before going to the kitchen and making them Ramen.

He grabbed the pots, chopsticks and Kimchi before silently heading back to his room. If SeokJin was to know someone took food to their room he would defiantly throw a fit so Jimin was glad he was asleep.

"We're going to be busy soon aren't we?" sighed Jimin, Yoongi nodded "With the world tour coming we have a lot of concerts after some fan meets in Korea"

"I love army, I do. I love travelling as well but I hate how hectic things always get. I don't want to mess up too bad and disappoint them" "You won't, none of us will hopefully

Then to change the topic Yoongi added "Let's watch a movie in the lounge" "Can we go to Genius Lab instead? I want to cuddle"

And so they did that until being interrupted by a knock on the door for which Yoongi had to get up before flopping back on the couch with this time, a bit distance from Jimin.

"What are you guys doing?" asked Jungkook poking his head in follows by Taehyung. "Watching movies"

"Why here?" "I was hoping one of you dumb asses wouldn't interrupt but I should've known how nosy everyone here is" sighed Yoongi making the youngest two pout and Jimin giggle.

"Can we join?" "No" "Hyung, that's mean!" scolded Jimin.

Yoongi then groaned "Fine, just keep your mouths shut" Taehyung and Jungkook nodded excitedly before joining them on the couch immediately cuddling which looked ridiculously natural for them.

Once again the boys were interrupted an hour later by the bell, "It's Hoseok" said Yoongi, proved right as Jungkook opened the door

"Wah~ how did you know Yoongi Hyung?" "Jin Hyung's old ass is too lazy to climb all the way up here so he just texts, Namjoon knows the code and Hobi and Jimin use the bell while you two idiots knock" shrugged Yoongi while Hoseok joined them.

Once again, Taehyung pouted "Was Yoongi Hyung always this mean and salty?" Everyone nodded in confirmation before hearing their phones ring.

They exchanged looks, knowing it was one of the group chats and brought their hands forward.

Hoseok was the one to lose the round of rock, paper, scissors and groan as he got up to check the message.

"It's just Jin Hyung asking us where we are and if we're hungry. Lunch?" Everyone nodded so Hoseok texted back. The next interruption was the code being entered and Namjoon walking in.

"Yoongi Hyung, whoa- why is everyone here?" Namjoon stumbled back in surprise "We were watching movies and everyone ended up here one by one" explained Jimin.

"Why were you looking for me Joon?" "Oh yeah, Bang PD asked about our mixtapes. Mine is almost done so I wanted to ask about yours" "I finished everything, I'll drop it at bighit with you and Hobi"

"You finished the whole thing?" asked Hoseok in surprise, Yoongi nodded.

"Jin Hyung says to come down" announced Jimin. Thus the movie was abandoned and they all went to eat lunch after which Namjoon asked Yoongi a favour regarding his mixtape and they both went upstairs.

The others continued the movie marathon but with Jimin no longer paying attention which SeokJin noticed and questioned "I'm just tired, I'm going to go sleep" said Jimin honestly before heading towards his and Yoongi's room. With nothing better to do,

He fell asleep.

w.c 854

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