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Third Person POV

"Hyung, that's not funny" "Well I wasn't kidding," said Yoongi pulling the younger towards him and kissing him.

Jimin immediately gave in and soon enough they were heaving a heated make-out session with Jimin on top of Yoongi until the older flipped them to bring the younger under him. 

There was eventually some control that was lost as Yoongi moved to kiss Jimin's face, then his lips again, his jaw and eventually his neck where he harshly sucked and bit to leave a hickey.

Jimin's loud moan was enough to get him hard but also enough to get him back to his senses. "We should stop" breathed Yoongi, Jimin nodded with pink cheeks in agreement and they decided to sleep off the sexually frustrated atmosphere. 

Jimin was the one to wake up Yoongi the next day saying how the doctor wanted to ask questions and run some tests.

Just when he got up and the doctor entered, the other boys also arrived in the room. "Mr. Min, how are you doing? Any headaches? Vomiting? Energy draining?"

"Headaches, but they are short and occasional" grumbled Yoongi, the doctor nodded and shut the charts he had been looking at 

"We looked up your medical history and got some information about your past records from Daegu City Hospital. Your past visit-"

"Is none of your business" said Yoongi coldly in a harsh tone. The doctor winced at the sudden serious tone and nodded.

"I understand seeing how the records are protected that it was unpleasant-" "Can we focus on the fucking present rather than the past here for god's sake!?" Yoongi finally exploded.

"U-understood, I'll be back in the afternoon. Here's a prescription for the headaches. You'll be discharged tomorrow if there aren't any other symptoms" the doctor hurriedly wrote down something, handed it to Hoseok, and stumbled out the room.

"Past record?" asked Namjoon, SeokJin added to it "What was unpleasant?" "Nothing" said Yoongi in a decisive tone ensuring them all they wouldn't be finding out whatever it was.

"Well... we brought some breakfast and a change of clothes for Jimin Hyung" said Jungkook, breaking the silence.

Once Jimin had changed they all begun to eat and occasionally chat until interrupted by a knock on the door as another doctor, this time female entered.

But at this moment they all were surprised to see Yoongi recognize the doctor, shoot her a full ass smile, get up, and hug her.

"Dr. Kang!" "It's nice to see you again as well Yoon" she chuckled and patted the boys back "How come you're in Seoul?" Yoongi asked in surprise, moving back from the hug.

"I moved here about a year ago, got assigned here. There weren't any interesting patients as savage and cool as you there anymore anyways" she shrugged, Yoongi smiled as she continued "Besides when I came here for those three years I liked the place"

"How come you know I was here?" "Besides that huge ass crowd outside the hospital screaming your name and holding get well soon posters?"

"Your current doctor told me, asked me about your past records since I was your doctor. He's a nosy one, I didn't tell him of course, after all, it's private and classified information to stay between the patient and their doctor. Just like it has since the past 11 years" ensured Dr. Kang.

The boys at this point were confused as heck other than Jimin who had his guesses.

"Ah, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Kang Sulgi, a Trauma Surgeon, and a private psychiatrist"

One by one her eyes trailed on each member, stopping at Jimin which only Yoongi noticed "You have a-" "Yeah" "But they don't-" "Yeah" the others just looked at them confused as fuck. 

"I'm proud of you Yoon, you've made it a long way. Look at you now, you're the famous rapper I told you you'd become"

"It's all thanks to your help doc" smiled Yoongi "I doubt you're here because of the old reasons?"

"Mhm, it's a different one. Long story but we got attacked and I got in the fight"

"Be careful now, you're a celebrity. I should go tend to my patients now, you still have my number right? Call me when you're free, we need to check up on your condition" 

Yoongi nodded in acknowledgment and the doctor left the room "Who was that?"

"A doctor from Daegu who treated me a few times before I ran away from there, she even came to Seoul several times to meet me during the training years. She's a mother to me" said Yoongi, knowing that was all the information they'd be getting the rest nodded and asked no more. 

The day was mostly spent playing cards and board games and talking until once again, the doctor visited and the visiting hours were over and the other boys went home.

Jimin and Yoongi were back to the usual cuddling. "She's the one who treated you?" asked Jimin, Yoongi nodded.

"I ended up a lot at the ICU because of my dad and she was my doctor mostly every time, she wanted to help me and stuff but I didn't want my dad imprisoned so I just ended up being treated by her several times, even mentally eventually"

"She saved my life once too when my dad overdid it, that was the week I stayed at his house. When I began to train for Bighit she was the first one to know of it and when I told her about getting therapy she came all the way over to Seoul and treated me for three years"

"All the documents are private from the Daegu hospital because I asked her to tell no one how I ended up there occasionally so only my doctor meaning her and the hospital's chairman should be able to access them" explained Yoongi.

"I'm glad she helped you" said Jimin "So am I" Yoongi smiled Yoongi "Hyung, we should sleep now. It's late"

"But I'm not sleepy" pouted Yoongi moving closer to Jimin who sighed "It's not healthy to skip sleep when you're injured Hyung"

"Still~" whined Yoongi. There was silence until Jimin suddenly began singing, Yoongi couldn't help but concentrate on his smooth and angelic voice and fall into a deep slumber.

 Once Jimin was sure the older was asleep, he kissed Yoongi's cheek, mumbled 'I love you', and went to sleep himself. 

Yoongi was basically hit awake the next morning "Ow! I'm awake" "You have a call" Jimin didn't look very cheerful as he handed Yoongi his phone.

The older confused took it and mumbled a small hello, only to be replied by someone he hadn't wanted to hear from again,


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HYUNG - YOONMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now