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Third Person POV

Jimin woke up to Yoongi running his hand through the younger hair, waiting for him to wake up as he stared at him with a smile.

Seeing Jimin awake, Yoongi let his hand caress the younger's cheek "Morning Hyung" Jimin mumbled with a smile just a bright as the elders.

 "Morning love" The elder knelt down and softly kissed him before speaking again.

"How do you feel baby?" Loved, Jimin felt absolutely loved and cared for, he was overflowing with joy "Happy" he confessed with another smile.

Yoongi kissed him again, this time properly instead of a peck "Good"

They were interrupted by a knock that Yoongi got up to answer. Both boys being shirtless, covered up.

Jimin pulling his blanket nearer and Yoongi slipping on a shirt before opening the door.

"Morning Hyung" "Morning Yoongi, we're all heading downstairs for breakfast in ten minutes, you both coming?"

Yoongi stole a glance at Jimin and smiled before turning back to his Hyung and shaking his head "I think we'll stay inside today and go with room service if that's alright

A mixture of suspicion and understanding ran through SeokJin eyes, maybe it was because he, Hoseok and Namjoon had the room next door?

No, the hotel was expensive as heck so the walls were probably soundproof.

So maybe it was just the aura or something, Yoongi shrugged it off as SeokJin nodded.

"Okay, we all should either be at the pool or in our hotel rooms if you need us, just text" Upon receiving a nod from Yoongi, the elder left and Yoongi closed the door before going back to get in bed with his boyfriend.

Jimin moved closer to the elder and climbed onto his lap, in the response to which Yoongi lightly pecked his neck.

"Baby, do you want to eat breakfast right now or later? We can order room service" he asked as he silently watched the younger grab his hand to play with his fingers.

"Later, I want to stay like this for a while" Yoongi nodded and rested his head on the youngers shouldering while smiling as he saw Jimin compare the size of both of their hands, the youngers small one with the elder's large one. 

"I don't like how small my hands are" Jimin pouted, Yoongi grabbed the younger's hand before kissing it.

"I love them, they're absolutely adorable and the most cutest thing I've ever seen. Everything about my mochi is adorable and you do not get to think otherwise, understand?"

Jimin nodded and giggled slightly at the new nickname, he then reached forward for the menu on the bedside table and decided to flip through it.

He then frowned, probably because of not being able to recognize most of the English characters.

Therefore, Yoongi took it from his hands and translated it from him before they both decided what to eat and ordered.

Needless to say, Jimin was very very hungry, famished after last night.

The receptionist asked them to wait for a solid forty minutes because they ordered food to be consumed by the whole band.

Just as said, it took shorty forty-five minutes for the full ass trolly to arrive in front of their door and be rolled into their room.

Yoongi paid for the stuff and tipped the staff, absolutely pleased to watch Jimin consume more than half of each dish.

"Hyung~ eath wid mew" demanded Jimin with a mouth full of peanut butter and jelly toast, Yoongi chuckled and joined the younger on the bed while grabbing a plate for himself and getting some food.

"I'm so glad everything is going nicely, we've only done two concerts but with army accepting everything and all I feel like we've accomplished so many things, enough for this year"

Jimin spoke cheerfully as they made their way through the leftover food, Yoongi put their plates away before getting in the bed to cuddle with Jimin.

"That's because we have Minnie, we've accomplished and gotten through so much this year. And I'm really proud of you and myself for it all" Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin's hair. 

The younger hummed "I guess we have, I'm proud of us too. The both of us, Taehyung and Jungkook, Namjoon Hyung and Jin Hyung, Hobi Hyung and his girlfriend, and all of us as a band. Everything that's happened makes me so happy"

"And your happiness is mine baby, it's all that matters to me. I love you and I'm going to make sure to keep you happy for the rest of your life, that's a promise"

"I love you too Hyung, I promise as well to make you happy, we're both going be happy together. Forever!" said Jimin as he kissed the elder who immediately kissed back before pulling away with a smile.


w.c 790

The End                                                                                     

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