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Third Person POV

Yoongi stood up abruptly along with Jimin as he was pulled up due to their joined hands. "Jimin, grab the bag. We are leaving" he said. Jimin obeyed Yoongi and reached for the bag "Sit down right now" said Yoongi's father.

"No, we're leaving and not coming back again. Plus I'm definitely not marrying that bitch-" Yoongi was interrupted with a slap and laughed "You're going back to the old ways now? It's too bad hitting won't work on me anymore" he spit, before dragging Jimin out to the garage.

Junki followed them "Yoongi-" "SHUT UP" Yoongi shouted at him and continued "It was obviously you wasn't it? Appa probably wanted you to marry that bitch for his business to strengthen and you tried to make me end up marrying her"

"You've all been looking for excuses to ruin my life and career from the start, after all, I don't know why I ever thought you all would accept me. Don't call me or come near me ever again, I don't have a family from today onwards"

With that Yoongi stormed inside the car and shut the door followed by Jimin. Jimin was afraid to say anything as Yoongi drove in silence. "Hyung I don't think you should drive right now, especially for five hours" said Jimin quietly, Yoongi nodded.

 "Hotel?" "Let's go to Busan. I know you don't want to go back to Seoul and tell the guys why we came back at the crack of dawn. We can stay at my house and leave tomorrow afternoon, I'm sure my mom won't mind" Yoongi then once again nodded and headed to the other direction.

Jimin's family unlike Yoongi's strongly supported Jimin from the start. They'd supported his decisions of going to dance school and becoming a bighit trainee.

His dad might have not been too up to it and tried his way due to which Jimin's mom had divorced him and won custody over the kids. Jimin, of course, felt it was his fault but his mom had revealed his father was not mentally healthy for all of them.

All the boys when gone to Busan previously, had met Jimin's mother and stayed at his house thus were all close to Mrs. Park. Yoongi especially would be lying if he said he didn't feel attached to her.

She knew of his past and had been the first one to assure him he always had a family there if he needed, although she had kept it a secret, Yoongi knew she had once even gone all the way to Daegu to talk to his parents. 

Who afterwards along with some other consideration accepted Yoongi, or so they'd pretended. Needless to say, she was just as nosy as Jimin, a quality which Yoongi appreciated in both son and the mother.

The duo parked outside the Park driveway at ten pm and got out of the car before ringing the doorbell. Mrs. Park opened the door and gasped almost crying at seeing her son finally in front of her, she immediately grabbed into a hug as she literally burst into tears.

"Eomma~ don't cry" "How can I not cry after seeing my son after ages?" she reasoned, pulling back and looking carefully at Jimin before releasing him. 

She then grabbed Yoongi into a hug "It's so nice to see you here Yoongi, I'm glad you came" she said rubbing the boy's back who suddenly started crying, it just felt so good. Feeling motherly love from someone, even if it wasn't his own mother at least she cared for Yoongi unlike how his mother should've been doing all these years.

The warm feeling was enough to make Yoongi's emotions release all over the place, Jimin's mother pulled back in concern "Why are you crying? Yoongs" she asked immediately while facing him, Yoongi personally loved that nickname. 

Well, basically all the motherly love she showed towards him as if he was her own son. "I'm just g-glad I came h-here and you're h-happy to see m-me and that y-you like me even i-if my own m-mother doesn't" 

Yoongi hiccuped while crying. Jimin's mother immediately realized what was wrong before pulling Yoongi into a hug again "Of course I'm happy you came, I love you like my own son Yoongs. You're always welcome here, I might even be more fond of you then my own sons" she assured him "Eomma!" complained Jimin whining as Yoongi chuckled at the mother and sons behaviour.

Once Yoongi was calmed down, Mrs. Park sent him off for a bath while she and Jimin cooked dinner and he explained the full situation.

 "His father said to quit the crap of the band and get home so he could marry some girl for his business. Then Hyung said we were leaving and he wouldn't marry that bitch and his dad hit him. Yoongi told him his old ways of beating it out wouldn't work and he pulled me out, Junki followed us"

" Apparently, he was the one who pushed Hyung's parents to get the idea in the first place since they were trying to ruin his life and career anyways. He shouted at him to not contact him again and that he didn't have a family anymore... Then I suggested we come here" finished Jimin, not caring about using honorifications, for he had lost all respect for Yoongi's brother.

 "Aigo, why can't they appreciate such a beautiful son. I'd be nothing but proud and supportive of him, people are so greedy. I'm glad you both came here" sighed Jimin's mom kissing her son's forehead as she stirred shrimps in the pan.

 "Me too, I needed to come here and I really hope Hyung will be fine" confessed Jimin "Definitely, he's a strong kid. Besides he'll have me, you and all the other boys too. Speaking of which, how's everyone doing?" asked Jimin's mom. Right on queue Jimin's phone rang with "Jinnee Hyung's" call which he put on the loudspeaker.


"J-Jin Hyung, didn't Hyung tell you where we were going? We're err... kind of in Busan?" confessed Jimin. "MWO!? Wae? Seriously? What do you mean!?" 

"It's kind of a long story but Hyung had do go to Daegu for something and he thought I needed a break and change of scenery so he took me with him and then we decided to sleep over in Busan since it was nearer then Seoul which would take four hours more. And we could see my mom and stuff" rambled Jimin in the fear of getting scolded.

"I- oh my god just never mind. Let me get my hands on Yoongi, he is so dead" mumbled SeokJin making Mrs. Park chuckle at his worried mental breakdown 

"Wait is that-" "Me? Yes. It's nice to hear your voice again Jin, although I'd prefer a lower tone I'm glad you care about my sons" "Of course I do Eomoni, they both just disappeared from the face of earth suddenly. I'm not going to spare Yoongi"

"As a mother, I understand your worry about these two troublesome kids but leave Yoongs alone about this okay? He's had a lot to deal with lately" explained Mrs. Park. There was silence until SeokJin spoke,

"Jimin-ah something else that you didn't mention happened in Daegu didn't it?"

w.c 1255

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