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Third Person POV

The next day was not any easier of course, basically, it'd never arrived for Jimin. As expected he hadn't succeeded to get a wink of sleep through the night hours thus ended up leaving the bed at 2 AM,  four hours earlier then he needed to. 

Today the boys were supposed to practice the choreography for the main MV which was with the rest of the album 'Love Yourself: Answer' supposed to release in two months, 24th of August to be exact. The main MV 'IDOL' was to be recorded twice, once had already been done along with the rap legend Nicki Minaj and even released while the one which would only consist of the members was to be recorded in a week. 

It hadn't specifically been held off but a great gap had come between recording the two same MV's due to the recording of the other fifteen songs in the album some of which were also still not recorded yet, thus things were hectic. 

The boys were now to spend the mid of June until the start of July while practicing the MV in case they'd forgotten something or had to redo the choreography and make it more perfect, through this the leftover songs were also being recorded. 

Jimin of course, wanted everything to be perfect, no specifically he wanted HIS part to be perfect. He couldn't mess up again and again and ruin the hard work of the other members, to say he had been just disappointed in his performance in the last recording was nothing but an understatement. 

He had not obviously insisted on another recording try as he did not want to annoy the other members because of his insecurity, thus he had to be perfect and flawless and needed to practice for that, just like for every album release for the past five and a half years.

He headed quietly to the dorm's practice room, tiptoeing carefully so that the floorboards wouldn't creak and wake up the other members. He succeeded in doing so with ease due to experience and shut the door carefully before fishing out his phone and plugging it into the speakers, for the room was soundproof, unlike the others except for the studios upstairs. 

Jimin spent hours practicing without a break, he couldn't afford to waste time drinking water or calming down because after all every second was precious and the staff expected nothing but perfection from him. 

He finally stopped and breathed as his alarm rang at Five-Thirty-Five AM, he swiped it to turn it off and unplugged his phone, grabbing his bottled water and towel as he left the room while dabbing the cloth to clean off his sweat. He wouldn't have time to bathe so he would take it out of from the time they had to eat breakfast, he did after all really need to lose the weight he'd gained in the past few months.

Surprisingly, as Jimin headed to his room - which meant crossing from in front of the kitchen - he saw all the members awake "Jimin-ah, there you are, I just sent Jungkook to your room but you weren't there, come and eat your breakfast" said SeokJin.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry Jin Hyung, I already grabbed some snacks and I need to take a bath as well" Jimin replied "Nonsense why would you; in the early morning have to take-" Jin stopped abruptly as he turned around to face Jimin.

"Park Jimin get inside this kitchen right now" he said with a sudden change in his tone causing Jimin to gulp and obey him as he had no other choice, even the other members now looked up knowing something was going to happen. 

SeokJin studied Jimin "Jimin-ah, I think we need to talk about this again" he said calmly "I d-don't think so Hyung" Jimin stuttered slightly "When did you sleep last night" "At 8" he lied "Jimin" "I didn't" Jimin mumbled looking down."When did you get up from the bed and start practicing?" "Two AM, but only because I couldn't sleep-"

"Why? If you'd slept then you'd have started at two-thirty? three?" asked SeokJin, Jimin's throat was suddenly dry as SeokJin continued "If you've been practicing for four hours already before our upcoming 12 hours how long did you take a break for?"

"I didn't notice the time pass-" "When did you last, properly eat a full meal?" asked SeokJin "Hyung-" "Jimin when did you last eat anything" he repeated "When we recorded for the Winter Fest" Jimin mumbled silently head still down, unable to look at anyone. He hated this, whenever SeokJin did this. 

He'd never before done this in front of the other members and he hated that they all now knew. SeokJin several times, had told Jimin no one would ever judge him and he knew that yet it didn't help with the fear of looking up and seeing frowns and disgust on the member's faces or worse, concern. He hated attention, he didn't want anyone to worry about him. 

He'd automatically started the diet already, the insecurity and hate comments were always there and a slight worry was that his weight and disappointing looks had to do something with people not liking him back.

"Jimin-ah, how long have you slept since the three other days between Winter Fest and today?" "T-three hours each day" "Did you practice longer without breaks on those days as well?" "Y-yes" he said even more quietly wanting to shrink into nothingness. 

"Jiminee?" this tone was the worst, the empathizing tone, the final straw as Jimin's lips quivered, and his tears released. SeokJin continued nevertheless with the others still silent "Did you have a panic attack last night?" "Y-yes" he confessed.

"Do we still not need to talk about this?" "N-no" replied Jimin still as stubborn as ever despite the obvious tears that were streaming down his face as once again his breath hitched, he did what he thought was the best at the moment. 

Park Jimin turned around and ran out of the kitchen to his room in front and shut the door with a loud bang which was followed by the harsh sound of the door locking.

w.c 1037

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