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Third Person POV

"Hyung... don't cry. It'll be fine, you'll have loads of time to get inspired. In fact, fuck that you don't need to do this, you don't have to write that song. You shouldn't pressure yourself Hyung, no one will say anything or be disappointed, we all know how hard you work"

"You are already good enough, perfect and beyond our fan's and ours expectations. Everyone needs a break once in a while Hyung" said Jimin trying to calm down his Hyung.

Yoongi hiccuped "I-I'm sorry Jimin~ah I just can't- I'm frustrated, I need to write t-this song and let o-out all the emotions. B-but everything is just s-stuck and I feel so d-disappointed and s-sick of myself" sobbed Yoongi.

"That's wrong of you Hyung, you're not a disappointment to anyone and you shouldn't think of yourself as one either. I know you can do it eventually despite how long it takes. I'll believe in you even if you don't believe in yourself, I'm here for you"

"You've helped me come a long way, you've helped me heal and move on, you're anything but a disappointment Hyung. You aren't going to beat yourself for this because we both know you're stronger than this"

"Even if you aren't I'm going to be strong enough for you, all you need is a small break and some rest. I can promise you everything will come to you eventually so please don't do this to yourself" said Jimin.

"I-I'll try" mumbled Yoongi with a sob, Jimin smiled "We can do this together Hyung, like I said I'm not leaving you alone, I'm not going anywhere. You're going to be strong and I'm going to help you"

"Thanks, J-Jiminee" whispered Yoongi before just staying silent against the younger's chest who comfortingly ran his hand on his Hyung's back until the elder fell asleep. Once Jimin was sure he was, he wiped the tears and kissed Yoongi's cheek before falling asleep himself.

The next day Jimin was the first to wake up as usual, since Yoongi mostly slept through breakfast and woke up at lunch. Jimin joined the rest at the table in silence "Why is everyone so quiet?" he asked, finally breaking the silence nervously.

Was it something about his dad? Did the rest know anything? Or worse had he showed up again, infront of the others? "What happened last night Jimin~ah?" asked Namjoon. Oh, last night.

"What do you mean Namjoon Hyung?"asked Jimin innocently "You know what he means Jimin, we all saw the glass all over Yoongi's studio. The door was open" said SeokJin.

Jimin sighed, "Nothing happened Jin Hyung, Hyung wouldn't come to bed and I had to drag him out of his his studio"

"I bumped into the glass and it broke, Hyung tried cleaning it up but cut his hand so we decided to leave it to clean tomorrow and just treat his finger" lied Jimin, basically it was half true.

"You sure?" asked Hoseok "Of course Hobi Hyung" "I'm glad... I thought it might have happened again" sighed Namjoon. The three maknaes looked at the elder three in confusion.

"A few years ago back when we got time off in Busan after our fan meet and stayed with Jimin's mom for a few days, you guys remember how I, Yoongi and Hoseok had to leave a day earlier to take care of our rap song?" asked Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung nodded. 

Hoseok continued "We worked all day in our studios until it was time for dinner. Namjoon went to call Yoongi Hyung and get him out of Genius Lab, it took a while"

"The door was open. I heard and saw Yoongi Hyung smash a damn glass and scream. There were pages everywhere around the studio and he..." Namjoon trailed off, Hoseok spoke again.

"I heard Namjoon screaming at Yoongi Hyung so I went up, he was bleeding really bad, he didn't look anything like himself. It was like some sort of attack or something" 

"He just lost control and flipped. He kept in trying to push us away, he only calmed down when Namjoon threatened to call Bang PD. He was back to normal after that, he apologized and just went to sleep saying he wasn't hungry and stuff."

 "The next day Yoongi Hyung acted like it never happened, but it all did and I was worried so I called and told Jin Hyung. We decided to not tell you three in case you'd be scared and just quietly watch over Yoongi Hyung" finished Namjoon

Jimin's eyes were wide open and his appetite lost, if he hadn't gone over to Yoongi's studio at all or a bit later what would have had happened? Would his Hyung have...injured himself?

"Y-Yoongi Hyung did that?" asked Jungkook "He must've been really stressed" whispered Taehyung, Jimin remained quiet but the worry was obvious on everyone's faces.

"I'm going to go back to bed" mumbled Jimin leaving the table before he would start crying. He released all tears and sobs once he was inside the room, Yoongi was eventually woken by them. 

"Jimin~ah. Why are you crying?" he asked, startled to be suddenly woken up with the sound of Jimin crying.

"Namjoon H-Hyung asked me w-what happened last n-night, I lied saying I b-bumped into the glass while g-getting you to bed. He told me w-what happened a few y-years ago Hyung. What would you h-have done if I hadn't g-gotten you to bed l-last night?" sobbed Jimin.

Yoongi sighed, Jimin knew... "I'm sorry Jiminee, I just lost control. I don't know either as to what was wrong with me... but I'm fine right? You stopped me and Namjoon and Hoseok helped me the last time. I'll try not to over work again, it won't happen so don't cry. Hyung's sorry"

Jimin quietly got up and hugged Yoongi before continuing to cry as Yoongi rubbed his back and mumbled words occasionally "It's fine now" "Won't happen again" 

SeokJin wasn't dumb, he could see through his Dongsaeng's lies. He however only sighed and stood up straight from the door he had been leaning on while listening to Jimin and Yoongi, then he went back to the rest in the lounge.

w.c 1026

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