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Third Person POV

Yoongi visibly flinched hard at the sudden question he hadn't seen coming, everyone noticed they had hit a sore spot.

"Hyung, you don't have to answer th-"

"It's fine Jimin-ah. It was in high school, he was my first and only crush before Jimin. His name was Kang Minjae" the boys recognizing the name, exchanged confused looks.

Heck, they had seen Yoongi cry and have a panic attack just yesterday because of an ill memory of this Minjae, whatever he'd done had obviously hurt Yoongi a lot.

Knowing he had caught them off guard and made them uncomfortable, Yoongi stood up "I'm going to go use the bathroom, you guys continue" and he left.

"Confessing didn't end up well?" wondered Taehyung aloud.

"No, far from that. Hyung had it worse then I did, I'm going to go talk to him" Jimin followed to where the elder had gone.

"I shouldn't have asked that question" sighed Hoseok "It's not your fault Hobi, you didn't see it coming. Yoongi won't be upset with you" assured SeokJin.

"If Yoongi Hyung had it worse than Jimin it must have been extremely bad" said Taehyung.

"We've all known and observed Yoongi for the past 5 years. Everything bad he's gone through like yesterday, all the issues with people, he has them because of whatever this guy did" sighed SeokJin.

Jimin meanwhile, sat next to the elder on their bed "Hyung, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Miniee. I just wanted to avoid more questions about it, plus the uncomfortable awkward environment" confessed Yoongi as he signed for Jimin to hug him, who did that and spoke "You didn't have to tell them"

"I know. But I think I'm fine letting them know. As long as they don't ask how and what exactly happened. I'm okay with them knowing this much, just not the rest"

"I don't want to say it and I don't want them to hear it either, I'm fine with how much they know" Yoongi said honestly, half to himself and half to the other who kissed his cheek.

"It's an improvement, and I'm sure the guys will understand"

"Mhm" Yoongi kissed Jimin softly until the younger eventually pulled away "Do you want to go back or sleep?"

"Let's go back" Thus they both made their way back to the lounge and sat where they had before.

"Sorry for asking that question Yoongi Hyung" "It's fine Hobi. I answered it because I wanted to, you guys deserve to know at least that much"

"Let's continue playing" suggested Jimin, therefore they did.

The questions went from sexual ones to random ones and back like. "Who drank my banana milk" "Who broke my favourite toaster"

"Jimin how are you still a virgin?"

"I-I don't know! After my first confession went wrong I didn't try to confess to anyone else"

"For a few years, I hated that I was gay and I was ashamed of it so nothing happened after I got over that I didn't have confidence or trust in anyone so my crushes ended as crushes and I rejected all the confessions to avoid the future breakups until I felt sure of dating someone"

"I wasn't into one night stands and I had zero relationships so probably that's why"

Jimin had whispered so quietly that they all had to lean in to hear even a word of what he was saying.

Then they moved on to playing never have I ever, and held up five fingers, the order they lost or won in would be the order that'd decide whether they ended up with the bad chores or the good ones.

The rules were to drop a finger if they'd done what the statement said, the first to run out of fingers would be the first to lose.

"Never have I ever not kissed someone" Everyone but Taehyung dropped a finger. "Never have I ever, not had sex even once"

Those who had never done so included once again Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook. "Never have I ever, not crushed on a band member on first sight" SeokJin dropped a finger.

"What? I was always too confident in my own beauty, I never had any time to spare on someone else's" "Of course you didn't" sighed Hoseok.

"Never have I ever, not had a wet dream about my recent crush or boyfriend before ever having sex with them"

Being the ones who had done so, Jungkook, Namjoon, SeokJin, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi dropped a finger while Taehyung looked at them with disgust.

"Never have I ever, not talked about something sexual with a member" Hoseok scoffed at them all in betrayal as he lowered a finger.

"Never have I ever lied about having kinks" Hoseok, Jungkook and SeokJin. "Never have I ever broken something in the dorm"

"This is an ambush" claimed Namjoon while he, Jungkook and Taehyung lowered a finger.

"Never have I ever drank or liked alcohol" Jungkook had never had any. Jimin and Yoongi hated it, Namjoon avoided it thus they all didn't like it.

"Never have I ever had a one night stand" SeokJin and Namjoon of course.

"Never have I server rejected less than five people, army doesn't count" Taehyung and Namjoon.

"Never have I ever shoplifted on purpose or by mistake" SeokJin and Taehyung having lost together went for another round to decide who'd earn the better chore, Taehyung did.

"Never have I ever swore at a stranger" Yoongi dropped one.

"Never have I ever been on a date" "Seriously?" Both Yoongi and Jimin dropped a finger.

"Never have I ever thought badly of a member" Yoongi obviously was the one to lose.

"Okay, Hoseok gets the worst one, cleaning the bathrooms. Jungkook cleans the kitchen, corridor and lounge, Namjoon gets the laundry and dry cleaning"

"I already cook for you brats and go grocery shopping so I'm excused. Taehyung gets ironing and folding those huge piles, Yoongi gets to sort them according to what belongs to who and get them to their owners. Jimin gets to relax and chill" said SeokJin.

"I'll help Hyung. There are a lot of clothes after all" Jimin decided.

"Good for you Yoongi, Namjoon can't help me in the kitchen or he'll burn it down, if we go grocery shopping he'll mistake rat droppings for ingredients and manage to somehow poison us" sighed the eldest.

"I and Tae Hyung have enough to do own our own" figured Jungkook as Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"And I have no one but the bathrooms" added Hoseok with a grunt making them all laugh before they eventually stood up and got to work.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning and playing games before they ended up crawling to bed, tired as fuck.

w.c 1099

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