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Third Person POV

"Hobi? Go and wake up the Maknae's and Joon you wake up Yoongi and Jimin" said SeokJin as he put up the dishes from the shelves to the eating island. 

Both boys that were addressed nodded and headed to the assigned rooms. Since Jungkook's room was nearer then Taehyung's, Hoseok headed there as both of the boys were probably together cuddling while asleep. 

This was basically common information now, Taehyung and Jungkook simply loved cuddling and since they were already one of the closest members to each other.

So it was no surprise for anyone to open the door and find them both hugging each other, they were just two naturally touchy boys who just somehow ended up in each other's beds, being the cuddle monsters they were. 

For Namjoon however, it was a slightly different reaction when he walked into Jimin's room to find him spooned into Yoongi.

He wasn't really the dumbfounded kind of surprised, after all, Yoongi and Jimin were both pretty close to each other nowadays, both physically and emotionally.

 Yoongi was helping the younger go through something the others could not do better then Yoongi as he himself had experienced.

Jimin was also naturally a touchy person and really clingy anyways once he was comfortable enough with someone, that someone who only used to be his mother and Taehyung until a few weeks ago. Namjoon woke up Jimin instead of Yoongi for two reasons.

 One, Jimin was a light sleeper who'd wake up with a single calling of his name unlike Yoongi, a heavy sleeper who would sleep through World War Three. And two if he was somehow woken up he would start World War Three.

Namjoon knew better than becoming a reason for his own death. "Jimin, wake up Yoongi and come out for dinner" said Namjoon once the youngest in the room was awake, he left the room upon hearing a yawned 'okay' as an answer.

"Hyung, wake up. Dinner is ready, Hyung~~" said Jimin in attempts of waking up the older as he also tried to get out of his clutch, Yoongi however only groaned and pulled back Jimin into the bed back into a strong comfortable hug, causing the younger to blush terribly as he Yoongi grunted.

"Five minutes" "O-okay" stuttered Jimin staying silent for the next five minutes while trying to calm himself down "Hyung~ It's been five minutes already, let's get up" he insisted. 

Yoongi yawned with eyes still closed and pointed to his cheek "If you kiss me then I'll let you go and wake up" joked Yoongi, only that Jimin gulped and actually moved forward.

He pressed his lips on the older's pale cheek, before pecking it which took the older by surprise, causing his hold on Jimin to loosen enough for him to run away into the bathroom completely flustered at his own daring. 

Yoongi's eyes shot open along with his mouth that hung open as well in surprise. It was not that he didn't want Jimin to do it or he didn't like it, in fact, he loved it and wanted more.

It was just Yoongi had not expected the younger to actually do it, Yoongi stood up and smiled as he traced his cheek from where the younger had pressed his plump and soft lips on before he left the room. 

Jimin meanwhile was done calming himself in the bathroom and headed to the kitchen only to be given no mercy for the only available seat was beside Yoongi and he took it.

Then suddenly "PORK CUTLET" he squeaked in excitement, although Jungkook was the Maknae no one could disagree Jimin acted like the youngest, he probably was the only person who had the charms to get to all the members. 

I mean who can resist those plump lips and that cute eye smile thought Yoongi as he grabbed the container Jimin's short arms were trying to reach "Shorty" he said.

"Hyung! You're like a centimetre taller than me!" reasoned Jimin making them all laugh "Still shortest" argued Yoongi with a shrug, Jimin only pouted as he drank some juice.

"So Jimin, how does cuddling with Yoongi Hyung feel like?" asked Namjoon. Jimin choked on the juice, Yoongi chuckled trying to appear cool while rubbing the youngers back, SeokJin smacked Namjoon in the back of his head.

"W-what?" asked Jimin "I asked if you liked-" SMACK "Nothing Jimin, I noticed you look thinner so eat as much as you can get yourself too" said SeokJin while glaring at Namjoon who was pouting and rubbing his head.

"By the way, manager-nim said to go back to roommates" he said suddenly in realization it had happened. "I knew it was too much to hope he would forget" sighed Jungkook. 

When the boys had changed dorms they had ended up choosing separate rooms just because there had been around nine of them and no reason not to stay in different ones. 

The manager however thought otherwise for the sake of 'bonding' and 'fanservice' yet all of them had been tired after everything and the complaints had caused the manager to agree to move again once they had enough time and gap in the schedule. 

It'd been a long while since that and Bangtan had been too busy or forgotten of it, until today. "What's the plan Hyung?" asked Taehyung.

"Plan? Oh you mean recording or that pull the straws way? We aren't doing that so we can choose our own roommates and room for once" said Namjoon "Really?" asked Jimin "We can do it the old way too though" said SeokJin earning five "NO!" screams making him chuckle.

"Then let's decide who wants to room with who first before we think about rooms. We can have three pairs and one person alone" said Hoseok.

"I'll room with Namjoon since no one else wants or can handle his destructive ass anyways" shrugged SeokJin ignoring Namjoon's frown "Me with Kook!" said Taehyung immediately as Jungkook nodded.

"Then Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok. One of you can choose to have the smallest room to yourself since it's fair being alone" said Namjoon "I'll be the solo one, I'm already in the smallest room so I'll stay there so I don't have to move"

The others nodded in agreement. "For selecting rooms let's just move into our roommate's room so we don't end up choosing a different room altogether, it's easier for one person to move then both" said Yoongi.

"Okay then, Jimin can move into Yoongi's room, Taehyung into Jungkook's, Namjoon into mine and that way the fourth room to the right is already Hoseok's so the rooms in the front will be the only one's occupied leaving the last three empty plus the ones upstairs are the library, gaming and Genius Lab" concluded SeokJin. Then Jimin realized something,

He was going to be Min Yoongi's roommate, for possible ages.





w.c 1166

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