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Third Person POV

The first thought that occurred to Yoongi was that he wanted to go back to the hotel, or better go back to Seoul.

He sighed as he made his way to the table where his parents and brother sat alongside another family including Mr. Kim, his wife and their only daughter Kim Hana who surprisingly stood up to welcome him kindly as he introduced himself.

She was certainly more dignified and seemed to be handling herself way better then Yoongi had remembered her to at the age of ten, as a total spoiled brat.

Through the dinner Yoongi was proved right as Hana failed to show a single negative trait, this would of course not make rejection any easier for Yoongi towards her.

Nevertheless, when the dinner was almost finished and the plates were taken away with the intention for dessert to be served, Yoongi decided to speak up.

"I have something to say to everyone" all attention was on him immediately as he continued "I do not wish to go through with this engagement or the marriage" he finally announced.

Mr. Min faked a "Yoongi!" in an angry voice as Mrs. Kim interrupted "Let him speak" "Why is it that you don't want to?" Mr. Kim asked.

"My carrier isn't one where I'm allowed to date someone, forget to be married. If I even have a female friend, my job and everything I have worked for the past ten years will go to waste and I'm not ready for that" he explained.

"You could remain engaged to Hana" argued Mr. Kim, Yoongi shook his head.

"I and my bandmates plan to last as long as possible. It could be another three years until our carrier ends after which there will be another two of military enlistments. Also, I'm not sure even after that I'll be interested in the marriage any sooner"

"Being an idols fiance will harm your daughter as well, fans can be very possessive and dangerous if they find out about even this very meeting. Most importantly, when I wish to marry I would like it to be a person of my own choice and someone whom I'll love" finished Yoongi.

"You learn to love someone through marriage, for all you know you could fall in love with Hana eventually" frowned Mr. Kim. "That won't happen" Yoongi said with certainty. 

"How are you so sure about that?" asked Mr. Kim. "Because I already love someone else" Yoongi confessed, this was met with honest gasps.

Hana smiled "As much as I would love to marry Yoongi, I don't plan on agreeing to this marriage either. I want to look for a person I love and marry him, I don't want to ruin someone else's love life either" "Min Yoongi!" "Kim Hana!" 

Both of their fathers shouted attracting attention from the other customers as their wives tried to quieten them down.

Yoongi and Hana both left the restaurant "I'm glad neither of us gave in to a marriage unwillingly. You should go to your lover now, he or she must be waiting for you. It was nice seeing you again Yoongi-ssi" she said.

"He is, I hope you find the right person soon Hana-ssi, it was nice to meet you again as well" with that they parted ways.

It was about ten pm when Yoongi entered the hotel room only to be jumped by his boyfriend in a bone-crushing hug. "How did it go?" asked Jimin as Yoongi took off his tie and jacket before flopping down on the bed on his back. 

The elder explained the entire event that had taken place.

"It was actually nice to see her again. She changed in a good way, surprisingly. I even enjoyed talking to her, it was pleasant and made the dinner less horrifying and more comfortable. I'm glad I didn't end up hurting her and she agreed with me" said Yoongi.

Jimin couldn't help but to slightly frown at that and be annoyed, he enjoyed the dinner, had a good time thanks to the girl?

Whether it was jealousy or determination to prove he was better, Jimin didn't know what arose in him as he silently got up and hovered above his boyfriend before crashing his lips on the elders. 

Yoongi was fast to respond to the kiss despite the confusion, Jimin moved back only to suck on the elder's neck slowly and teasingly.

Yoongi groaned as he felt the younger grind on him painfully slowly and unzip his trousers as he tugged off both those and Yoongi's boxers off him.


Warning: Mature Content ⚠


"Jimin... what are you... ahhh... doing?!" Yoongi moaned, trying to take Jimin's hands off of him. Jimin didn't stop pumping Yoongi slowly.

In an act of desperation, Yoongi buckled his hips up, trying to get more friction and speed.

"Nope", Jimin removed his hands, lightly ghosting his fingertips on the head of his lover's cock, "I'm in control here." Jimin went for Yoongi's member again, wrapping his hands around it and giving it a few experimental tugs upwards.

Yoongi grunted, his eyes half-lidded as pure pleasure coursed throughout his entire body. "Oh god.. fuck Jimin" Yoongi completely submitted to him, throwing his head back as he moaned in pure ecstasy. 

Jimin took his hand away, earning a whimper from Yoongi, and instead wrapped his mouth around Yoongi's erection.

Yoongi growled, hand gripping at Jimin's hair, guiding him up and down his already fully erected cock.

"Such a good boy, keep going... you're so good for me baby... hmmm" Yoongi silently praised.

 Jimin moaned as he heard Yoongi's sweet praises, his moans sending vibrations up Yoongi's dick. 

Yoongi lost it, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he bucked his hips up. Jimin sped up his actions, now allowing Yoongi completely down his throat.

He dipped his head down in order to take in more of Yoongi and Yoongi gladly thrusted into Jimin's mouth.

"O..h.. shit... im-" Yoongi moaned and came undone in Jimin's mouth. Jimin swallowed everything before seductively biting his lips.


"What.. was that?" Yoongi gasped as he came down from his high. Jimin shrugged "I just doubt she could please you this well Hyung" Yoongi stared at the younger before he slightly smirked and flipped them with the younger under this time. 

"There's nothing to be jealous of Miniee. Every second I spend with you is better than the hours I spend without you, I love you more than anything and I always will" Yoongi promised as he kissed Jimin.

"You still can't be friends with her" Yoongi laughed and nodded "I won't, was it your first time though? Giving a blow job?" Jimin slightly blushed, realizing what he'd just done

"Was it that bad?" Yoongi shook his head "It was really good, I think I should make you jealous more often"

"Or you could just ask for it the next time" smirked Jimin. "Definitely" assured Yoongi as he kissed the younger. He then cleaned up and turned off the light before muttering "I love you" as he smuggled back with Jimin into the bed,

"Hyung? I love you too"

w.c 1180

HYUNG - YOONMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now