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Third Person POV

"Hyung wake up, we're leaving" Yoongi groaned and complied as they both dressed up and went to join the other boys waiting outside "Wait, isn't that Yoongi's hoodie?" asked SeokJin while pointing at Jimin.

"O-oh, it is? I didn't notice since most of our clothes look the same" lied Jimin "Yeah beside it's not that big of a deal" shrugged Yoongi.

 "Am I deaf of Yoongi Hyung just said he didn't mind someone else not just touching, but wearing his clothes?" asked Hoseok. "He did" mumbled Namjoon.

"Better Jiminiee then any of you" Yoongi spoke honestly making the rest gasp and clutch their heart dramatically in shock. "Well Jimin Hyung can get anyone soft and they both are roommates now" figured Jungkook.

Taehyung shivered "I can't imagine being Jimin's roommate, he'd kill me with his very existence" all the boys nodded.

"Guys! I'm right here!" Jimin pouted making them laugh at his adorable behaviour.

Since seven masked guys going around the mall would look too suspicious, the boys, as usual, decided to split into duos or in case of Namjoon, SeokJin and Hoseok, a trio.

Taehyung and Jungkook obviously headed to Gucci while the trio went for Adidas, leaving the couple standing alone. 

"Ice cream?" asked Yoongi, Jimin immediately nodded. Thus they did that, bought ice cream and went around the mall occasionally entering shops and buying things.

That was also how they saw a beautiful set of earrings that they both bought, or it might have been matching couple jewelry.

 After the shopping bags were put away, the boys headed to the booked cinema screen and sat down while Namjoon talked to the manager about the reservation and Hoseok and SeokJin got some drinks and popcorn's for everyone.

"Hyung, since it's dark in there, do you think we could maybe hold hands?" Jimin whispered only loud enough for Yoongi to hear, who smiled and nodded whilst resisting the urge to run his hand through the younger's hair.

The boys were led into the theatre and seated before the two-hour movie was played, during which Yoongi kept his promise and spent most of the hours staring at Jimin and studying his expressions rather than the movie itself.

Once the boring movie was finally over, the boys had dinner and decided to walk home since they were nearby and, it would help digest food, besides the weather was perfect for a walk.

That was only until they were noticed by two fangirls, "Omo, isn't that BTS?" "Fuck" mumbled SeokJin, they all were screwed.

Before the boys could decide what to do one of the girls was already running towards her bias "MIN YOONGI! OPPA, I LOVE YOU!" she had screamed before throwing herself on Yoongi.

"Yah! Dong Sera! Are you out of your damn mind? Get off him, what the heck are you doing!?" her friend screamed, but to no avail. 

Realizing the girl was now hugging him, something in Yoongi just snapped and he pushed her back with full force before making a run for it.

The boys followed him to another street where Yoongi threw off his mask and collapsed. It had been five whole years since he had had a panic attack, but he couldn't help recall everything.

The feeling of being helpless, forced, the feeling of his touch, it felt like everything was happening all over again. 

"Hyung, HYUNG! Look at me, concentrate on my face. You're okay, just breathe" Jimin had been the one to rush and kneel down to face the elder since the rest could only stare in worry, having no idea what was happening.

"M-Minjae" Yoongi gasped as hot tears ran down his face and he tried to get a hold of his breathing "Hyung, it's okay. Concentrate on me, Minjae isn't here, he's the past, you're going to be fine. Breathe with me, slowly, you're okay" Jimin assured him.

Yoongi breathed heavily while clutching the younger tightly as he tried to steady his breath, finally, his panic subsided and the attack stopped.

"I-Im sorry, it r-reminded me of M-Minjae" Yoongi chocked as Jimin hugged him "It's okay Hyung, he's not here and you'll never see him again. You're safe" Yoongi nodded.

"Did I push her too hard?"

"Oh, she's going to be just fine. Even if she gets hurt we don't need to give a fuck about that bitch, she should know better then to intrude in your personal space" Jimin fumed, Yoongi sighed and they both sat on the floor like that for a few minutes "Okay, I'm fine, let's go"

 The other boys were silent through the rest of the walk home.

They were certainly curious but it was obvious Yoongi had bad memories of Minjae and didn't need to be reminded of him again.

Jimin even, was fuming at the thought of the guy and angry at the army, and Jimin was rarely angry, so they all stayed quiet and decided to let it go before they finally got home and headed to bed. 

"I hate it, how he still has an effect on me even after so many years. I can barely bring myself to shake hands with a stranger unless it's the staff or you guys, I don't like this" Yoongi muttered.

"Hyung, it's normal to be afraid after what you went through" "Exactly Jimin, it's become normal for me to freak out every time a stranger touches even my hand"

"It's not your fault Hyung you haven't had an attack for the past five years, it's major progress" Yoongi just nodded with a small sigh "Let's go to sleep"

 With nothing to say to make the elder feel better, Jimin could only nod. Therefore, they turned off the lights and went to bed.

w.c 941

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