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Third Person POV

The next morning was as normal as it could get in the dorm, Jungkook teasing Jimin for his short arms as he held onto the elder to stop him from grabbing Mario Kart.

They both were currently having an argument on which game to play and Jungkook hadn't hesitated to jump onto the elder and pin him down on the floor to stop him from reaching the DVD.

 He had grabbed it first and held it above Jimin who tried to grab it to no avail, while still being stuck under his dongsaeng.

Despite having the DVD away from Jimin, Jungkook smirked and refused to release the elder so he could tease Jimin for his short height, and maybe Jungkook slightly did want to show off his strength. 

At this point the other members had come out of their rooms to see what the commotion was, it didn't seem like anything new as they watched Jimin and Jungkook bicker.

"Jungkoo ger off me!" "No~" The commotion woke up Yoongi, as it usually did. Normally he would just ignore it and go back to sleep, but he could distinctively make out Jimin as one of the voices who was shouting.

Naturally, he got up and went to check what was happening "Hyung! Help me!" whined Jimin in desperation as he saw the elder enter the lounge, completing the whole band's arrival.

Yoongi did not like what he saw in the least, Jungkook sitting on top of his Jimin and pinning him to the ground.

"Jeon Jungkook. Get off him right this instant, before I break your bones" it came out very much more threatening and cold then Yoongi had intended to sound to his Dongsaeng, but it worked well nevertheless.

Jungkook immediately stumbled off Jimin with fear evident in his eyes along with expected surprise as he mumbled "Sorry" 

Yoongi flopped on the couch with a yawn and turned to Jimin.

"Come here~" the younger compiled as he walked to Yoongi and let himself be cuddled while Yoongi shot Jungkook a 'softer' glare than before.

"Don't touch my baby brat" Jimin's heart fluttered as his stomach did a somersault at Yoongi's possessive demand to which Jungkook nodded fast.

"Well, that was cute and hot to watch at the same time but you can't kill Jungkook Yoongi, Taehyung would be very sad" said SeokJin as he studied Taehyung slightly blushing before he looked away from Jungkook, whom he had been staring at previously with concern.

"Yoongi Hyung is already fell asleep again Hyung" pointed Namjoon.

Yoongi indeed had fallen asleep with Jimin cuddled close into him. Hoseok sighed at the sight in loneliness before going back to his room.

SeokJin frowned at being ignored by Yoongi and left to the kitchen to make lunch with a pout.

Being awake and having the deadline reached, Namjoon grabbed a USB from his and SeokJin's room before leaving for Bighit to drop off their now ready mixtape and solo songs.

Taehyung meanwhile, joined Jungkook and grabbed them both headphones so they could play GTA without waking up Yoongi.

In his boyfriend's warm and comfortable grasp, it was hard for Jimin not to fall asleep himself.

The next time they both were woken up was for lunch. Basically, SeokJin demanded for Jungkook to wake them up, who had asked Taehyung, who had woken up Jimin, who woke up Yoongi.

"Are we doing anything today?" asked Jimin, everyone shook their heads since no one had any plan. 

"We can go out on a date" suggested Yoongi, as he studied Jimin's fallen expression and small pout of disappointment before it was replaced with an energized and energetic face.

"Really!?" Jimin squealed as he snapped his head in Yoongi's direction, fast enough to snap it. Yoongi chuckled "Of course, we'll go after you finish eating" he promised. 

"I want to go on a date too" pouted Hoseok "Hobi Hyung? You don't have a girl you like? A crush? Anyone?" asked Jungkook curiously.

"You have a crush, you're blushing" pointed out Yoongi making them all 'Ooohh~' at Hoseok's, now very red cheeks "Who is she?" asked Taehyung excitedly "Do you guys remember our last fanmeet?"

"So it's an army?" asked Namjoon, Hoseok shook his head.

"She isn't a fan but her best friend is an army. She dragged her there, her name is Lee Miyoung. She is very cute and I couldn't fucking look away from her so I kind of wrote down my number on her album along with call me. She finally messaged me a few days ago so right now we're talking buddies" smiled Hoseok 

"You're totally into her Hobi Hyung" said Jimin, everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Seeing she texted you, she probably likes you back. Maybe you'll create another army, just be careful Hoseok" said Namjoon.

"Yeah, don't get hurt Hobi" added SeokJin, Hoseok nodded. They weren't saying it aloud but of course, there were many  ways that things could go wrong. 

The girl could be a gold digger, she could leak Hoseok's number, she could blackmail him.

She could be a sasaeng, she could be an anti who'd get his hopes high and dump him to hurt him.

There were many possibilities, no one spoke of them though, as long as Hoseok was careful. Jimin was the one to drag Yoongi to their room to dress up and go out. 

Once again it was disguise and Yoongi's black hoodies "It's Yoongi's hoodies again" said Namjoon "And?" asked Yoongi/

"Nothing, I'm just thinking aloud. It's kind of cute how you both are the same size but your hoodie still looks huge on Jimin"

"Ugh, couple goals. You are so damn boring Kim Namjoon" argued SeokJin/

"Hyung! You're the one who said-" "Let's leave them to it" whispered Yoongi as he pulled Jimin out to the garage.

They got into Yoongi's rarely used car and drove off for what Yoongi hoped would be a perfect date.

w.c 970

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