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Third Person POV

"Yeah..." confirmed Jimin "His parents did something again" added SeokJin in a matter of fact tone "Yeah, I can't tell you much since you should hear it from Hyung but I don't think he'll talk to his family again any sooner" he informed the eldest.

"Okay... Just make sure he's fine and get back by tomorrow night okay? We need enough rest to shoot the MV the day after tomorrow"  "Okay Hyung, bye" "Bye" "Chim, I'll finish the cooking so go and see if Yoongi needs anything. You both can come out for dinner in 10" said Jimin's mother. 

Thus he nodded and left to his room where he supposed Yoongi to be. Although the house was big with at least six rooms, only three were actually occupied and therefore were the only ones kept clean and in a condition to use.

On the boys' last visit they'd been told that and thus camped out in Jimin's and Jihyun's room. Yoongi obviously knew he wasn't intruding Jimin's privacy as he'd the last time already seen the room and slept in it.

Jimin entered his room to see Yoongi already done with the shower and blow-drying his hair. He wore a white sweatshirt that had a vertical large golden box on it outlined with blue lines and a horizontal one crossing the top of the box.

Jimin knew the sweatshirt well, it was his after all. "Hyung, mom said dinner will be ready in ten minutes" Jimin informed the older "Okay. Oh, you don't mind me using your clothes right? I was done taking a shower by the time I remembered we left the bag in the car" 

"Of course not Hyung" said Jimin wanting to add how Yoongi could use all of his clothes and maybe be even take the ones he wore right now. Jimin shuddered at the unholy thought "Boys! Dinner is ready!" shouted Mrs. Park from the kitchen.

Both boys left the room behind each other as they headed downstairs and helped her set up the table before they all begun to eat "Eomma, where is Jihyun?" asked Jimin.

 "Ah... you won't be able to see him this time. He went to Jeju with his friends yesterday, he'll be back in another day" said his mother. "He left you alone?" frowned Jimin "He wouldn't but I told him I'd be fine.

Really it's only three days and it's not like I'm home a lot anyway, the hospital takes up most of my time"  Mrs. Park was a neurosurgeon, basically, a surgeon specializing in surgeries related to the human brain and it's functioning. 

Once dinner was finished, the boys bid goodnight to Mrs. Park and headed back upstairs to his room. "I'll go change" said Jimin as Yoongi nodded and flopped on the bed. 

Jimin let out a breath as he entered the bathroom and locked the door, once again he was going to be sleeping next to his crush. He quickly changed into a grey sweater t-shirt and left the bathroom, sitting next to Yoongi.

Jimin broke the silence "Hyung, are you okay? After all that's happened? I'm here for you like I promised. You can tell me anything" then Yoongi once again suddenly began sobbing, Jimin immediately moved forward and hugged him.

 "They'll n-never accept m-me will t-they? They d-don't care about m-me. It's all a-about their b-business and J-Junki Hyung. They'll n-never love m-me" sobbed Yoongi as Jimin ran his hand through his hair, he just knew it'd comfort the older somehow. 

"I'm sorry for swearing at them but they're idiots Hyung, for not accepting and loving you. They're missing out on an awesome son, they might be too crazy to notice how perfect you are and how proud they should be but you have me and the others Hyung"

"My mom too, think of us all as the only people you need. We all love you and we'll be there whenever you need us, especially me Hyung. I'll always be there for you and listen to everything you have to say. I'm your family now" promised Jimin knowing his small speech wasn't really assuring.

 Yoongi, however, thought differently as he pulled back and wiped his tears before nodding and whispering out a little 'thanks'. "I'll turn off the lights" he mumbled getting up from the bed and doing so. 

Both got into the bed and unconsciously moved closer to each other in a cuddling position. "Hyung?" "Yeah?" "I love you" "I love you too Minee, goodnight," said Yoongi, Jimin smiled sadly in the dark. He knew the older wouldn't take him seriously but in a brotherly way, it hit on the spot slightly but as long as Yoongi and Jimin's friendship stayed like this, it was okay.

Even being one-sided.

w.c 793

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